Commit c810475b authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

vme_bus: prevent boundary crossing while prefetching.

parent ffb421dd
......@@ -262,6 +262,10 @@ architecture rtl of vme_bus is
signal s_wb_done : std_logic;
signal s_wb_start : std_logic;
-- Set if the next WB access will cross boundary for BLT/MBLT
-- transfer. It will prevent from doing the next transfer.
signal s_cross_boundary : std_logic;
signal s_wb_dataphase : std_logic;
-- These output signals are connected to the buffers on the board
......@@ -481,7 +485,7 @@ begin
and s_wb_done = '1'
-- Next data read transfer.
-- Improve speed.
-- Improve speed by putting data on the VME bus.
vme_odff_addr_dir <= '1';
vme_odff_data_dir <= '1';
......@@ -887,6 +891,7 @@ begin
s_err <= '0';
s_wb_done <= '0';
s_cross_boundary <= '0';
case s_WBFSMstate is
when IDLE =>
......@@ -895,9 +900,12 @@ begin
assert vme_as_n_i = '0';
if load_addr_reg_phase1 = '1' then
-- VME address phase 1.
addr_reg (31 downto 1) <= vme_idff_addr;
addr_reg (0) <= vme_idff_lword_n;
s_cross_boundary <= '0';
-- Reformat address according to the mode (A16, A24, A32)
-- FIXME: not needed if ADEM are correctly reduced to not compare
-- MSBs of A16 or A24 addresses.
......@@ -920,6 +928,7 @@ begin
end if;
if load_addr_reg_phase2 = '1' then
-- VME address phase 2 (for 2eVME oand 2eSST)
addr_reg(7 downto 0) <= vme_idff_addr (7 downto 1) & vme_idff_lword_n;
end if;
......@@ -929,13 +938,16 @@ begin
end if;
if s_wb_start = '1' then
-- Even if no WB cycle is started, clear s_wb_done.
s_wb_done <= '0';
end if;
if s_wb_start = '1' and s_cross_boundary = '0' then
-- Start WB cycle.
wb_cyc_o <= s_card_sel;
wb_stb_o <= s_card_sel;
wb_we_o <= not vme_idff_write_n;
s_wb_done <= '0';
if vme_idff_write_n = '0' then
-- Get the data to write (in case of write!).
if g_VME32 and s_transferType = MBLT then
......@@ -944,9 +956,10 @@ begin
data_reg (63 downto 32) <= vme_idff_data;
if addr_reg(0) = '0' then
-- 32bit access
-- 32bit access (lword is set)
data_reg (31 downto 0) <= vme_idff_data;
-- 16bit access (lword is not set)
data_reg (15 downto 0) <= vme_idff_data (15 downto 0);
data_reg (31 downto 16) <= vme_idff_data (15 downto 0);
end if;
......@@ -1023,8 +1036,19 @@ begin
if s_transferType /= SINGLE then
-- Next word for any block transfer.
addr_reg (11 downto 2) <=
std_logic_vector (unsigned(addr_reg (11 downto 2)) + 1);
-- VITA 1-1994 RULE 2.12a:
-- BLT must not cross any 256 byte boundary.
-- VITA 1-1994 RULE 2.78
-- MBLT cycles MUST not cross any 2048 byte boundary.
addr_reg (10 downto 2) <=
std_logic_vector (unsigned(addr_reg (10 downto 2)) + 1);
if addr_reg(7 downto 2) = b"1111_11" then
if s_transferType = MBLT and addr_reg (10 downto 8) = "111" then
s_cross_boundary <= '1';
elsif s_transferType = BLT then
s_cross_boundary <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
if (s_card_sel and wb_err_i) = '1' then
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