Commit 982176d0 authored by gilsoriano's avatar gilsoriano

Review notes.

git-svn-id: 665b4545-5c6b-4c24-801b-41150b02b44b
parent 4d5141ea
-- vme64x_core review
-- Severity:
-- (!) - serious
-- (m) - medium
-- (_) - cosmetic
-- (o) - optimization
-- (?) - question
-- I've gone sequentially reading the files,
-- so probably some of the details written
-- here are already solved within the cores.
Project in repo:
-- (o) Repo could be restructured. There are references (such as some schematics
and reference pdfs quite outdated) that should be replaced/removed. Take
a look to /trunk/documentation/references.
-- (_) Use Vim/Emacs for better alignment.
-- (_) Comment the Doxygen way and remove unnecesary "End of file" comments?
-- (_) Add name to processes.
-- (m) Reference the "AM table" (line 75) to a document. It could be probably
added the HEX CODEs from the VME6$ reference manual as comments.
-- (o) Probably c_FUNC[X]_ADER_[Y] constants can be all replaced by a
function call. Less error prone.
-- (_) t_transferType error could be renamed to something different: TT_Error.
-- (o) I would put a prefix at the begining of every state of the fsm. For instance,
in t_mainFSMstates (line 303 on):
Besides, I would put a reset state, R0_RESET, to ease the task of
resetting the core (probably already done in IDLE).
-- (o) Same as above for t_initState (line 344).
-- (_) Indenting (Vim is '=' key over a visual block) ;-)
-- (_) Hidden characters (return line in DOS systems) in some parts of the
code (line 689 i.e.)
-- (_) Use consistent initialization of output signal, either inside the
component or outside. See FlipFlopD and EdgeDetection.
-- (_) I prefer having all the inputs and outputs in different lines while
declarating a component.
-- (_) Notation: start with lower cases. See FlipFlopD, EdgeDetection,
-- (_) Notation: some input signals have missed the _i prefix.
-- (_) Probably better to put slv's in VHDL'93 hexadecimal style
(c_amcap, c_amcap0,...).
Notation: c_[HIGERCASES]. Add a reference note to where are the values gotten from.
-- (?) If all the operations are controlled by DS lines (and others), is it necessary
to place double or triple buffering in the address and data lines?
In any case, which is the signal that triggers the FSM? In case there are two,
probably it will be good placed a window wait time to overcome the problems
you had while decoding operation to perform.
-- (_) Probably better to move the process to freeze the data received from the
wishbone operation (line 531) inside VME_Wb_master.vhd
-- (_) Added suffixes _i, _o to the ports.
-- (_) Probably mainFSMreset can drive the 'reset' port directly.
"One reset to rule them all".
In case of if then structures with a little of combinatorial, instead of:
if reset = '1' or mainFSMreset = '1' or (stall_i = '0' and s_cyc = '1') then
I prefer:
if (reset = '1')
or (mainFSMreset = '1')
or (stall_i = '0' and s_cyc = '1') then
think, it is easier to read.
-- (_) In processes in which one of the signals to be updated is updated in much
less situations than the rest of signals, I try to put it in a different
process to have all the cases correctly covered.
Maybe s_bar_written and reset_flag in p_CSR_Write can get independency.
-- (_) Change (clk'event and clk = '1') for rising_edge(clk)
-- (o) Remove "use IEEE.numeric_std.unsigned;", redundant.
-- (o) Maybe better to have a common global reset. Processes for s_wberr1, s_rty1.
-- (?) Debug leds should be removed?
-- (?) VME_RST_n_i what for?
-- (_) Hidden characters.
-- (o) As Tom said, it is probably better group FUNC into an array. Then add some
translation functions in one of the packages, it will help to reduce errors
and being a little less verbose in the components.
-- (o) I would put a general reset control process to keep coherence in the reset
of the module.
-- (_) In the process in line 317, it would be better have records that
which are assigned with predefined record constants. It will reduce the
length and possible errors while assigning values to the outputs.
-- (o) In the same process the when others => clause is missing. Probably it
would be better set a deferred output before the case, so it will always
set an output (no latches here??).
-- (o) Coming back to the process in line 243, the previous comment is applicable.
Recommend to preassign before the case to avoid unwanted latches.
-- (o) Reset as Tom pointed out. Keep consistent notation to avoid this kind of
-- (_) The ports can be reduced if reagrouped. Use of translation function to
keep STD_LOGIC_VECTOR boundaries easy to work with.
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