Commit 557e12cf authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

Remove oudated file.

parent 829ccb6f
vme64x-core project
Matthieu Cattin
1) Directory structure
|-- documentation
| |-- references
| |-- specifications
| `-- user_guides
|-- hdl
| |-- boards -> Board specific stuff
| | |-- svec -> Board's directory, put the .ucf here
| | | |-- ip_cores -> Board specific generated IP cores (e.g. FIFO, RAM, etc...)
| | | |-- rtl -> Board specific RTL HDL sources (top level, specific blocks, etc..)
| | | |-- sim -> Board level simulation (testbenches, simulation scripts, etc...)
| | | |-- syn -> Synthesis directory (ISE project, chipscope files)
| | | `-- wb_gen -> Wishbone generator source files
| | `-- vfc -> Board specific stuff
| | |-- ip_cores -> Board's directory, put the .ucf here
| | |-- rtl -> Board specific RTL HDL sources (top level, specific blocks, etc..)
| | |-- sim -> Board level simulation (testbenches, simulation scripts, etc...)
| | |-- syn -> Synthesis directory (ISE project, chipscope files)
| | `-- wb_gen -> Wishbone generator source files
| `-- vme64x-core -> Core's dircetory
| |-- ip_cores -> Core generated IP cores (e.g. FIFO, RAM, etc...)
| |-- rtl -> Core RTL HDL sources (core top level, core sub-blocks, packages, etc...)
| |-- sim -> Core simulation (testbenches, simulation scripts, etc...)
| `-- wb_gen -> Wishbone generator source files
`-- sw -> Software directory
`-- vfc -> Board specific software
`-- python -> Python programs
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