Commit 497d1b9d authored by serrano's avatar serrano

First thoughts on the top-level module.

git-svn-id: 665b4545-5c6b-4c24-801b-41150b02b44b
parent bbe3b7f0
In the comments, it would be useful to explain a bit about the context
this core expects in the PCB, e.g. what chips are used in the SVEC
board (which is the reference platform for this core). This would help
people understand e.g. how open collector outputs are dealt with, or
what the VME_LWORD_n_o and VME_ADDR_o outputs are for.
VME_AS_n_i and VME_DS_n_i are passed to two different synchronizer
blocks in parallel. The actual implementation of this will depend on
how clever the synthesis tool is. If it is not clever, it will not
notice it can tap the three-FF synchronizer to get the double-FF
output, and we will have two parallel synchronizers: not good,
especially considering that one of them will not use the I/O FFs. If
these double-clocked signals are really needed, the triple-clocking
block could deliver an extra ouput port for them.
- Check iack_in -> iack_out part.
- Make sure no interrupts can be missed.
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