Commit 40557d7a authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

cr/csr: remove unimplemented ader to reduce number of registers.

parent ee2fd3cc
......@@ -327,9 +327,19 @@ begin
-- Write
process (clk_i)
variable v_addr : unsigned(18 downto 2);
variable v_index : integer;
variable v_byte : integer;
-- Write to ADER bytes, if implemented. Take advantage of VITAL-1-1 Rule
-- 10.19
procedure set_ADER (Idx : natural range 0 to 7) is
variable v_byte : integer;
if g_ADEM (Idx) /= x"0000_0000" then
v_byte := 3 - to_integer(s_addr(3 downto 2));
s_reg_ader(Idx)(8*v_byte+7 downto 8*v_byte) <= data_i;
end if;
end set_ADER;
variable csr_idx : unsigned(7 downto 4);
variable csr_boff : unsigned(3 downto 2);
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if rst_n_i = '0' then
......@@ -344,48 +354,66 @@ begin
s_reg_ader <= (others => x"00000000");
if we_i = '1' and s_csr_access = '1' then
case to_integer(s_addr) is
when c_BAR_REG =>
s_reg_bar <= data_i;
when c_BIT_SET_REG =>
s_reg_bit_reg <= s_reg_bit_reg or data_i;
when c_BIT_CLR_REG =>
s_reg_bit_reg <= s_reg_bit_reg and not data_i;
-- VITAL-1-1 Rule 10.27
-- 4) Ownership shall be released by writing any value with
-- bit 2 set (eg 0x04) to the CSR Bit Clear Register
-- located at 0x7fff7. This clears the CRAM_OWNER
-- register and leaves it with a value of zero and also
-- clears the CRAM owned status.
if data_i(c_CRAM_OWNER_BIT) = '1' then
s_reg_cram_owner <= x"00";
end if;
when c_CRAM_OWNER_REG =>
-- VITAL-1-1 Rule 10.27
-- 2) Writing to CRAM_OWNER register when it contains a non-
-- zero value shall not change the value of the
-- CRAM_OWNER. That allows the first master that writes
-- a non-zero value to acquire ownership.
if s_reg_cram_owner = x"00" then
s_reg_cram_owner <= data_i;
s_reg_bit_reg(c_CRAM_OWNER_BIT) <= '1';
end if;
when c_USR_SET_REG =>
s_reg_usr_bit_reg <= s_reg_usr_bit_reg or data_i;
when c_USR_CLR_REG =>
s_reg_usr_bit_reg <= s_reg_usr_bit_reg and not data_i;
when c_ADER_REG_BEG to c_ADER_REG_END =>
v_addr := s_addr(18 downto 2) - to_unsigned(c_ADER_REG_BEG, 17);
v_index := to_integer(v_addr(6 downto 4));
v_byte := 3-to_integer(v_addr(3 downto 2));
-- FIXME: force DFSR and XAM to 0 ?
s_reg_ader(v_index)(8*v_byte+7 downto 8*v_byte) <= data_i;
csr_idx := s_addr(7 downto 4);
csr_boff := s_addr(3 downto 2);
case csr_idx is
when x"f" =>
case csr_boff is
when "11" => -- BAR
s_reg_bar <= data_i;
when "10" => -- Bit Set
s_reg_bit_reg <= s_reg_bit_reg or data_i;
when "01" => -- Bit Clr
s_reg_bit_reg <= s_reg_bit_reg and not data_i;
-- VITAL-1-1 Rule 10.27
-- 4) Ownership shall be released by writing any value with
-- bit 2 set (eg 0x04) to the CSR Bit Clear Register
-- located at 0x7fff7. This clears the CRAM_OWNER
-- register and leaves it with a value of zero and also
-- clears the CRAM owned status.
if data_i(c_CRAM_OWNER_BIT) = '1' then
s_reg_cram_owner <= x"00";
end if;
when "00" => -- CRAM_OWNER
-- VITAL-1-1 Rule 10.27
-- 2) Writing to CRAM_OWNER register when it contains a non-
-- zero value shall not change the value of the
-- CRAM_OWNER. That allows the first master that writes
-- a non-zero value to acquire ownership.
if s_reg_cram_owner = x"00" then
s_reg_cram_owner <= data_i;
s_reg_bit_reg(c_CRAM_OWNER_BIT) <= '1';
end if;
when others =>
end case;
when x"e" =>
case csr_boff is
when "11" => -- User Set
s_reg_usr_bit_reg <= s_reg_usr_bit_reg or data_i;
when "10" => -- User Clr
s_reg_usr_bit_reg <= s_reg_usr_bit_reg and not data_i;
when others =>
end case;
-- Decompose ADER so that unimplemented one can be removed.
when x"d" => -- ADER 7
when x"c" => -- ADER 6
when x"b" => -- ADER 5
when x"a" => -- ADER 4
when x"9" => -- ADER 3
when x"8" => -- ADER 2
when x"7" => -- ADER 1
when x"6" => -- ADER 0
when others =>
......@@ -411,41 +439,77 @@ begin
-- Read
process (clk_i)
procedure Get_ADER(Idx : natural range 0 to 7)
variable v_byte : integer;
if g_ADEM(Idx) /= x"0000_0000" then
v_byte := 3 - to_integer(s_addr(3 downto 2));
s_csr_data <= s_reg_ader(Idx)(8*v_byte+7 downto 8*v_byte);
end if;
end Get_ADER;
variable csr_idx : unsigned(7 downto 4);
variable csr_boff : unsigned(3 downto 2);
variable v_addr : unsigned(18 downto 2);
variable v_index : integer;
variable v_byte : integer;
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if rst_n_i = '0' then
s_csr_data <= c_UNUSED;
s_csr_data <= x"00";
case to_integer(s_addr) is
when c_BAR_REG =>
s_csr_data <= s_reg_bar;
when c_BIT_SET_REG =>
s_csr_data <= s_reg_bit_reg;
when c_BIT_CLR_REG =>
s_csr_data <= s_reg_bit_reg;
when c_CRAM_OWNER_REG =>
s_csr_data <= s_reg_cram_owner;
when c_USR_SET_REG =>
s_csr_data <= s_reg_usr_bit_reg;
when c_USR_CLR_REG =>
s_csr_data <= s_reg_usr_bit_reg;
when c_ADER_REG_BEG to c_ADER_REG_END =>
v_addr := s_addr(18 downto 2) - to_unsigned(c_ADER_REG_BEG, 17);
v_index := to_integer(v_addr(6 downto 4));
v_byte := 3-to_integer(v_addr(3 downto 2));
s_csr_data <= s_reg_ader(v_index)(8*v_byte+7 downto 8*v_byte);
-- VITAL-1-1 Rule 10.14
-- All unimplemented locations in the Defined CSR Area shall read as
-- 0x00
s_csr_data <= x"00";
csr_idx := s_addr(7 downto 4);
csr_boff := s_addr(3 downto 2);
case csr_idx is
when x"f" =>
case csr_boff is
when "11" => -- BAR
s_csr_data <= s_reg_bar;
when "10" => -- Bit Set
s_csr_data <= s_reg_bit_reg;
when "01" => -- Bit Clr
s_csr_data <= s_reg_bit_reg;
when "00" => -- CRAM_OWNER
s_csr_data <= s_reg_cram_owner;
when others =>
end case;
when x"e" =>
case csr_boff is
when "11" => -- User Set
s_csr_data <= s_reg_usr_bit_reg;
when "10" => -- User Clr
s_csr_data <= s_reg_usr_bit_reg;
when others =>
end case;
-- Unroll to disable unused ADER. Not the best readable style.
when x"d" =>
when x"c" =>
when x"b" =>
when x"a" =>
when x"9" =>
when x"8" =>
when x"7" =>
when x"6" =>
when others =>
s_csr_data <= c_UNUSED;
end case;
end if;
end if;
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