Commit 63d1ad2c authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

urv_fetch: add f_kill, add comments

parent edf32c1b
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ module urv_fetch
input f_stall_i,
// Instruction memory
// im_rd_o is maintained as long as the instruction is needed.
output [31:0] im_addr_o,
output im_rd_o,
input [31:0] im_data_i,
......@@ -67,13 +68,18 @@ module urv_fetch
reg [2:0] pipeline_cnt;
wire frozen;
assign frozen = (f_stall_i
// Set by x_bra_i until the next instruction has been fetched.
// The instruction being fetched before the branch has to be discarded.
reg f_kill;
// Set as long as no instruction has to be fetched.
assign frozen = (f_stall_i
|| dbg_mode || dbg_force_i || pipeline_cnt != 0);
if (x_bra_i)
pc_next <= x_pc_bra_i;
else if (rst_d || frozen || !im_valid_i)
else if (rst_d || frozen || f_kill || !im_valid_i)
pc_next <= pc;
pc_next <= pc + 4;
......@@ -94,6 +100,7 @@ module urv_fetch
f_pc_o <= 0;
f_ir_o <= 0;
f_valid_o <= 0;
f_kill <= 0;
// Allow to start in debug mode.
dbg_mode <= dbg_force_i;
......@@ -156,10 +163,15 @@ module urv_fetch
f_ir_o <= im_data_i;
// A branch invalidate the current instruction.
// Not valid on the first cycle
f_valid_o <= (!rst_d && !x_bra_i);
f_valid_o <= (!rst_d && !x_bra_i && !f_kill);
// The instruction has been killed.
f_kill <= 0;
// If a branch has been executed, the instruction being
// fetch must not be executed. Kill it.
f_kill <= f_kill | x_bra_i;
f_valid_o <= 0;
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