doc: host interface

parent 4a084dcb
...@@ -229,6 +229,11 @@ The delay line must be placed in a way that minimizes the delay from the input s ...@@ -229,6 +229,11 @@ The delay line must be placed in a way that minimizes the delay from the input s
To be most effective, the ring oscillator must be placed close to the delay line of the same channel. To be most effective, the ring oscillator must be placed close to the delay line of the same channel.
\section{Host interface module} \section{Host interface module}
The optional host interface module connects the TDC core to a Wishbone bus. It is a separate top-level entity named \verb!tdc_hostif! that instantiates \verb!tdc!. It implements a Wishbone slave interface, which is automatically generated with \verb!wbgen2!.
It supports a maximum of 8 channels. The debug interface of the TDC core is also exposed through the Wishbone interface. Interrupts are generated at the end of the startup calibration, on a coarse counter overflow, and after each transition of the input signals.
Generics and ports should be self-explanatory. Refer to the documentation generated by \verb!wbgen2! for a description of the registers and interrupts. Run the \verb!! script to generate the \verb!wb! file for \verb!wbgen2!.
\begin{thebibliography}{99} \begin{thebibliography}{99}
\bibitem{s6hdl} Xilinx, \textsl{Spartan-6 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs}, \url{} \bibitem{s6hdl} Xilinx, \textsl{Spartan-6 Libraries Guide for HDL Designs}, \url{}
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