Commit 47d1cb6d authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

bootloader: make sure flash is always visible for the SFPGA

parent 9cd6c291
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- Author : Tomasz Wlostowski
-- Company : CERN
-- Created : 2011-01-24
-- Last update: 2014-01-15
-- Last update: 2015-11-10
-- Platform : FPGA-generic
-- Standard : VHDL'93
......@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ entity flash_boot is
spi_mosi_o : out std_logic;
spi_miso_i : in std_logic;
flash_select_o: out std_logic;
no_bitstream_p1_o : out std_logic
......@@ -177,11 +179,15 @@ begin -- rtl
xldr_start_o <= '0';
xldr_empty_o <= '1';
no_bitstream_int <= '0';
flash_select_o <= '0';
case state is
-- Wait until we are allowed to start flash boot sequence
when STARTUP =>
flash_select_o <= '0';
if enable_i = '1' then
flash_select_o <= '1';
state <= SELECT_SDB;
byte_count <= (others => '0');
end if;
......@@ -272,6 +278,8 @@ begin -- rtl
flash_read <= '0';
no_bitstream_int <= '1';
flash_select_o <= '0';
if enable_i = '0' then
state <= STARTUP;
end if;
......@@ -279,6 +287,7 @@ begin -- rtl
-- Bitstream was correctly loaded. Wait forever (or until reset).
when BOOT_DONE =>
flash_read <= '0';
flash_select_o <= '0';
end case;
end if;
......@@ -101,7 +101,9 @@ entity sfpga_bootloader is
spi_cs_n_o : out std_logic;
spi_sclk_o : out std_logic;
spi_mosi_o : out std_logic;
spi_miso_i : in std_logic
spi_miso_i : in std_logic;
flash_select_o : out std_logic
end sfpga_bootloader;
......@@ -168,6 +170,7 @@ architecture behavioral of sfpga_bootloader is
spi_sclk_o : out std_logic;
spi_mosi_o : out std_logic;
spi_miso_i : in std_logic;
flash_select_o : out std_logic;
no_bitstream_p1_o : out std_logic);
end component;
......@@ -270,6 +273,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
spi_sclk_o => spi_sclk_o,
spi_mosi_o => spi_mosi_o,
spi_miso_i => spi_miso_i,
flash_select_o => flash_select_o,
no_bitstream_p1_o => flash_no_bitstream_p1);
-- Route host registers to the boot source multiplexer (p_select_boot_source).
......@@ -290,7 +294,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
-- Multiplexes the access to the Xilinx Serial Bootloader module between
-- the host (accessed via Wishbine registers) and the internal Flash loader
p_select_boot_source : process(from_host_ldr, from_flash_ldr, from_xilinx_boot)
p_select_boot_source : process(boot_source, from_host_ldr, from_flash_ldr, from_xilinx_boot)
case boot_source is
when FLASH =>
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
-- File : svec_xloader_wb.vhd
-- Author : auto-generated by wbgen2 from svec_xloader_wb.wb
-- Created : Mon Aug 11 10:59:42 2014
-- Created : Tue Nov 10 13:38:15 2015
-- Standard : VHDL'87
-- THIS FILE WAS GENERATED BY wbgen2 FROM SOURCE FILE svec_xloader_wb.wb
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ begin
rddata_reg(5) <= '0';
rddata_reg(6) <= '0';
rddata_reg(13 downto 8) <= sxldr_csr_clkdiv_int;
rddata_reg(21 downto 14) <= "00000011";
rddata_reg(21 downto 14) <= "00000100";
rddata_reg(7) <= 'X';
rddata_reg(22) <= 'X';
rddata_reg(23) <= 'X';
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ peripheral {
prefix = "VERSION";
type = CONSTANT;
size = 8;
value = 3;
value = 4;
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
-- File : sxldr_wbgen2_pkg.vhd
-- Author : auto-generated by wbgen2 from svec_xloader_wb.wb
-- Created : Mon Aug 11 10:59:42 2014
-- Created : Tue Nov 10 13:38:15 2015
-- Standard : VHDL'87
-- THIS FILE WAS GENERATED BY wbgen2 FROM SOURCE FILE svec_xloader_wb.wb
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@
<property xil_pn:name="Preferred Language" xil_pn:value="Verilog" xil_pn:valueState="default"/>
<property xil_pn:name="Produce Verbose Report" xil_pn:value="false" xil_pn:valueState="default"/>
<property xil_pn:name="Project Description" xil_pn:value="" xil_pn:valueState="default"/>
<property xil_pn:name="Project Generator" xil_pn:value="ProjNav" xil_pn:valueState="default"/>
<property xil_pn:name="Property Specification in Project File" xil_pn:value="Store all values" xil_pn:valueState="default"/>
<property xil_pn:name="RAM Extraction" xil_pn:value="true" xil_pn:valueState="default"/>
<property xil_pn:name="RAM Style" xil_pn:value="Auto" xil_pn:valueState="default"/>
......@@ -256,3 +256,14 @@ NET "fmc0_scl_b" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
NET "fmc0_sda_b" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
NET "flash_sck_o" LOC=AG26;
NET "flash_mosi_o" LOC=AH26;
NET "flash_cs_n_o" LOC=AG27;
NET "flash_miso_i" LOC=AH27;
NET "flash_sck_o" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
NET "flash_mosi_o" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
NET "flash_cs_n_o" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
NET "flash_miso_i" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- Author : Tomasz Wlostowski
-- Company : CERN
-- Created : 2011-08-24
-- Last update: 2014-02-03
-- Last update: 2014-08-11
-- Platform : FPGA-generic
-- Standard : VHDL'93
......@@ -104,7 +104,13 @@ entity svec_top is
fmc1_scl_b : inout std_logic;
fmc1_sda_b : inout std_logic;
tempid_dq_b : inout std_logic
tempid_dq_b : inout std_logic;
flash_sck_o : out std_logic;
flash_mosi_o : out std_logic;
flash_cs_n_O : out std_logic;
flash_miso_i : in std_logic
end svec_top;
......@@ -173,19 +179,21 @@ architecture rtl of svec_top is
signal VME_ADDR_b_out : std_logic_vector(31 downto 1);
signal VME_LWORD_n_b_out, VME_DATA_DIR_int, VME_ADDR_DIR_int : std_logic;
constant c_NUM_WB_MASTERS : integer := 2;
constant c_NUM_WB_MASTERS : integer := 3;
constant c_NUM_WB_SLAVES : integer := 1;
constant c_MASTER_VME : integer := 0;
constant c_SLAVE_GOLDEN : integer := 0;
constant c_SLAVE_ONEWIRE : integer := 1;
constant c_DESC_SYNTHESIS : integer := 2;
constant c_DESC_REPO_URL : integer := 3;
constant c_SLAVE_GPIO : integer := 2;
constant c_DESC_SYNTHESIS : integer := 3;
constant c_DESC_REPO_URL : integer := 4;
constant c_INTERCONNECT_LAYOUT : t_sdb_record_array(c_NUM_WB_MASTERS + 1 downto 0) :=
(c_SLAVE_GOLDEN => f_sdb_embed_device(c_xwb_golden_sdb, x"00010000"),
c_SLAVE_ONEWIRE => f_sdb_embed_device(c_xwb_onewire_master_sdb, x"00012000"),
c_SLAVE_GPIO => f_sdb_embed_device(c_xwb_onewire_master_sdb, x"00013000"),
c_DESC_SYNTHESIS => f_sdb_embed_synthesis(c_sdb_synthesis_info),
c_DESC_REPO_URL => f_sdb_embed_repo_url(c_sdb_repo_url)
......@@ -214,7 +222,7 @@ architecture rtl of svec_top is
signal powerup_reset_cnt : unsigned(7 downto 0) := "00000000";
signal powerup_rst_n : std_logic := '0';
signal sys_locked : std_logic;
signal gpio_out, gpio_in, gpio_b: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
p_powerup_reset : process(clk_sys)
......@@ -422,6 +430,22 @@ begin
master_o => cnx_master_out);
xwb_gpio_port_1: entity work.xwb_gpio_port
generic map (
g_interface_mode => PIPELINED,
g_address_granularity => BYTE,
g_num_pins => 4,
g_with_builtin_tristates => false)
port map (
clk_sys_i => clk_sys,
rst_n_i => local_reset_n,
slave_i => cnx_master_out(c_SLAVE_GPIO),
slave_o => cnx_master_in(c_SLAVE_GPIO),
gpio_b => gpio_b,
gpio_out_o => gpio_out,
gpio_in_i => gpio_in,
gpio_oen_o => open);
U_Onewire : xwb_onewire_master
generic map (
g_interface_mode => PIPELINED,
......@@ -457,6 +481,11 @@ begin
fmc_prsnt_n_i(1) => fmc1_prsntm2c_n_i
flash_mosi_o <= gpio_out(0);
flash_sck_o <= gpio_out(1);
flash_cs_n_o <= gpio_out(2);
gpio_in(3) <= flash_miso_i;
end rtl;
......@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ package synthesis_descriptor is
constant c_sdb_synthesis_info : t_sdb_synthesis :=
syn_module_name => "svec-golden ",
syn_commit_id => "daf244bfc22002fbf68514441cd45c23",
syn_commit_id => "1ac14fefeb80a390f0ac6a1a0f94c64a",
syn_tool_name => "ISE ",
syn_tool_version => x"00000133",
syn_date => x"20140204",
syn_date => x"20140306",
syn_username => "twlostow ");
constant c_sdb_repo_url : t_sdb_repo_url :=
......@@ -187,7 +187,9 @@ architecture rtl of svec_sfpga_top is
spi_cs_n_o : out std_logic;
spi_sclk_o : out std_logic;
spi_mosi_o : out std_logic;
spi_miso_i : in std_logic);
spi_miso_i : in std_logic;
flash_select_o : out std_logic
end component;
component chipscope_ila
......@@ -237,8 +239,7 @@ architecture rtl of svec_sfpga_top is
signal pll_reset_count : unsigned(15 downto 0);
signal spi_cs_n_int, spi_mosi_int, spi_sclk_int : std_logic;
signal pass_flash: std_logic;
signal flash_select : std_logic;
-- PLL for producing 83.3 MHz system clock (clk_sys) from a 20 MHz reference.
......@@ -377,7 +378,8 @@ begin
spi_cs_n_o => spi_cs_n_int,
spi_sclk_o => spi_sclk_int,
spi_mosi_o => spi_mosi_int,
spi_miso_i => spi_miso_i);
spi_miso_i => spi_miso_i,
flash_select_o => flash_select);
-- produces a longer pulse on PROGRAM_B pin of the Application FPGA when
-- the VME bootloader mode is activated
......@@ -439,9 +441,9 @@ begin
-- multiplex flash access between the AFPGA and SFPGA bootloader (if the
-- AFPGA is programmed, it's wired to the SPI flash).
spi_cs_n_o <= spi_cs_n_int when boot_done_i = '0' else afpga_flash_cs_n_i;
spi_sclk_o <= spi_sclk_int when boot_done_i = '0' else afpga_flash_sck_i;
spi_mosi_o <= spi_mosi_int when boot_done_i = '0' else afpga_flash_mosi_i;
spi_cs_n_o <= spi_cs_n_int when flash_select = '1' or boot_done_i = '0' else afpga_flash_cs_n_i;
spi_sclk_o <= spi_sclk_int when flash_select = '1' or boot_done_i = '0' else afpga_flash_sck_i;
spi_mosi_o <= spi_mosi_int when flash_select = '1' or boot_done_i = '0' else afpga_flash_mosi_i;
afpga_flash_miso_o <= spi_miso_i;
-- When the VME bootloader is not active, do NOT drive any outputs and sit quiet.
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