Commit 79d5bdb3 authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

Use the standard directory structure.

parent f08912f0
files = ["spec_golden.vhd", "spec_devices.vhd", "spec_golden.ucf"]
modules = {'local': ["../../template"]}
name: golden_devices
bus: wb-32-be
size: 0x400
- submap:
name: metadata
description: a ROM containing the carrier metadata
size: 0x40
interface: sram
- reg:
address: 0x40
name: app_offset
description: offset to the application metadata
access: ro
width: 32
- submap:
name: therm_id
description: Thermometer and unique id
size: 0x10
interface: wb-32-be
busgroup: True
- block:
name: csr
description: carrier and fmc status and control
- reg:
name: resets
description: global and application resets
access: rw
width: 32
- field:
name: global
range: 0
- field:
name: appl
range: 1
- reg:
name: fmc_presence
description: presence lines for the fmcs
access: ro
width: 32
- submap:
name: fmc_i2c
description: i2c controllers to the fmcs
address: 0x80
size: 0x20
interface: wb-32-be
busgroup: True
- submap:
name: flash_spi
description: spi controller to the flash
address: 0xa0
size: 0x20
interface: wb-32-be
busgroup: True
- submap:
name: dma
description: dma registers for the gennum core
address: 0xc0
size: 0x40
interface: wb-32-be
busgroup: True
- submap:
name: vic
description: vector interrupt controller
size: 0x100
interface: wb-32-be
busgroup: True
- submap:
name: wrc
description: white-rabbit core
size: 0x100
interface: wb-32-be
busgroup: True
- submap:
name: app
description: the application
size: 0x100
interface: wb-32-be
busgroup: True
This diff is collapsed.
files = ["spec_template.vhd", "spec_template_regs.vhd", "spec_template_wr.vhd"]
target = "xilinx"
action = "synthesis"
fetchto = "../ip_cores"
fetchto = "../../ip_cores"
syn_device = "xc6slx45t"
syn_grade = "-3"
......@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ syn_project = "spec_golden.xise"
syn_tool = "ise"
syn_top = "spec_golden"
modules = { "local" : "../top",
"git" : [ "git://",
"git://" ]
modules = {
"local" : "../../top/golden",
"git" : [ "",
"" ]
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ board = "spec"
ctrls = ["bank3_64b_32b" ]
modules = {
"local" : "../top",
"local" : "../../top/golden_wr",
"git" : [ "",
files = ["spec_template.vhd", "spec_template_regs.vhd"]
files = ["spec_template_wr.vhd", "../template/spec_template_regs.vhd"]
files = ["spec_golden.vhd", "spec_golden.ucf"]
modules = {'local': ["../../rtl"]}
files = ["spec_golden_wr.vhd", "spec_golden_wr.ucf"]
modules = {'local': ["../../template_wr"]}
modules = {'local': ["../../rtl"]}
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