Commit 234c680b authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

spec: implement gpio_config

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent e8b0492f
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include <linux/fmc.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
#include <linux/gpio.h>
#include <linux/fmc-sdb.h>
#include "spec.h"
......@@ -112,27 +113,7 @@ static int spec_irq_request(struct fmc_device *fmc, irq_handler_t handler,
gennum_writel(spec, value, GNPPCI_MSI_CONTROL);
/* Enable gpio interrupts:
* gpio6: tp8: output low
* gpio7: tp7: input (was: interrupt, raising edge)
* gpio8: IRQ1 from FPGA: interrupt, raising edge
* gpio9: IRQ0 from FPGA: interrupt, raising edge
* gpio10: tp6: output low
* gpio11: tp5: input (was: interrupt, raising edge)
/* bypass = alternate function */
gennum_mask_val(spec, 0xfc0, 0x00, GNGPIO_BYPASS_MODE);
/* direction 0 = output */
gennum_mask_val(spec, 0x440, 0x000, GNGPIO_DIRECTION_MODE);
gennum_mask_val(spec, 0xb80, 0xb80, GNGPIO_DIRECTION_MODE);
gennum_mask_val(spec, 0x440, 0x440, GNGPIO_OUTPUT_ENABLE);
gennum_mask_val(spec, 0x300, 0x000, GNGPIO_INT_TYPE); /* 0 = edge */
gennum_mask_val(spec, 0x300, 0x300, GNGPIO_INT_VALUE); /* 1 = raising */
gennum_mask_val(spec, 0x300, 0x000, GNGPIO_INT_ON_ANY);
gennum_writel(spec, 0x300, GNGPIO_INT_MASK_CLR); /* enable */
/* Interrupts are enabled by the driver, with gpio_config() */
return 0;
......@@ -157,6 +138,116 @@ static int spec_irq_free(struct fmc_device *fmc)
return 0;
/* This is the mapping from virtual GPIO pin numbers to raw gpio numbers */
struct {
int virtual; int raw;
} spec_gpio_map[] = {
/* 0: TCK */
/* 1: TMS */
/* 2: TDO */
/* 3: TDI */
/* 4: SDA */
/* 5: SCL */
/* 6: TP8 */ {FMC_GPIO_TP(3), FMC_GPIO_RAW(6)},
/* 7: TP7 */ {FMC_GPIO_TP(2), FMC_GPIO_RAW(7)},
/* 8: IRQ */ {FMC_GPIO_IRQ(0), FMC_GPIO_RAW(8)},
/* 9: IRQ */ {FMC_GPIO_IRQ(1), FMC_GPIO_RAW(9)},
/* 10: TP6 */ {FMC_GPIO_TP(1), FMC_GPIO_RAW(10)},
/* 11: TP5 */ {FMC_GPIO_TP(0), FMC_GPIO_RAW(11)},
/* 12: flash_cs, 13: spri_din, 14: bootsel1, 15: bootsel0 */
static int spec_map_pin(int virtual)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(spec_gpio_map); i++)
if (spec_gpio_map[i].virtual == virtual)
return spec_gpio_map[i].raw;
return -ENOENT;
static int spec_cfg_pin(struct fmc_device *fmc, int pin, int mode, int imode)
struct spec_dev *spec = fmc->carrier_data;
int ret = 0;
int bit = (1 << pin);
if (pin < 0 || pin > 15)
return -ENODEV;
return -EINVAL;
if (mode & GPIOF_DIR_IN) {
/* 1 = input */
gennum_mask_val(spec, bit, bit, GNGPIO_DIRECTION_MODE);
gennum_mask_val(spec, bit, bit, GNGPIO_OUTPUT_ENABLE);
ret = !!(gennum_readl(spec, GNGPIO_INPUT_VALUE) & bit);
} else {
if (mode & GPIOF_INIT_HIGH)
gennum_mask_val(spec, bit, bit, GNGPIO_OUTPUT_VALUE);
gennum_mask_val(spec, bit, 0, GNGPIO_OUTPUT_VALUE);
gennum_mask_val(spec, bit, 0, GNGPIO_DIRECTION_MODE);
/* Then, interrupt configuration, if needed */
if (!(imode & IRQF_TRIGGER_MASK)) {
gennum_writel(spec, bit, GNGPIO_INT_MASK_SET); /* disable */
return ret;
gennum_mask_val(spec, bit, bit, GNGPIO_INT_VALUE);
gennum_mask_val(spec, bit, 0, GNGPIO_INT_VALUE);
gennum_mask_val(spec, bit, bit, GNGPIO_INT_TYPE);
gennum_mask_val(spec, bit, 0, GNGPIO_INT_TYPE);
gennum_mask_val(spec, bit, 0, GNGPIO_INT_ON_ANY); /* me lazy */
gennum_writel(spec, bit, GNGPIO_INT_MASK_CLR); /* enable */
return ret;
static int spec_gpio_config(struct fmc_device *fmc, struct fmc_gpio *gpio,
int ngpio)
int i, done = 0, retval = 0;
for ( ; ngpio; gpio++, ngpio--) {
if (gpio->carrier_name && strcmp(gpio->carrier_name, "SPEC")) {
/* The array may setup raw pins for various carriers */
if (gpio->carrier_name) {
/* so, it's ours */
gpio->_gpio = gpio->gpio;
else if (!gpio->_gpio) {
/* virtual but not mapped (or poor gpio0) */
i = spec_map_pin(gpio->gpio);
if (i < 0)
return i;
gpio->_gpio = i;
i = spec_cfg_pin(fmc, gpio->_gpio,
gpio->mode, gpio->irqmode);
if (i < 0)
return i;
retval += i; /* may be the input value */
if (!done)
return -ENODEV;
return retval;
/* The engines for this live in spec-i2c.c, we only shape arguments */
static int spec_read_ee(struct fmc_device *fmc, int pos, void *data, int len)
......@@ -180,6 +271,7 @@ static struct fmc_operations spec_fmc_operations = {
.irq_request = spec_irq_request,
.irq_ack = spec_irq_ack,
.irq_free = spec_irq_free,
.gpio_config = spec_gpio_config,
.read_ee = spec_read_ee,
.write_ee = spec_write_ee,
......@@ -127,6 +127,10 @@ static int __devinit spec_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev,
if (ret)
goto out_unmap;
/* Put our 6 pins to a sane state (4 test points, 2 from FPGA) */
gennum_mask_val(spec, 0xfc0, 0x000, GNGPIO_BYPASS_MODE); /* no AF */
gennum_mask_val(spec, 0xfc0, 0xfc0, GNGPIO_DIRECTION_MODE); /* input */
gennum_writel(spec, 0xffff, GNGPIO_INT_MASK_SET); /* disable */
/* Load the golden FPGA binary to read the eeprom */
ret = spec_load_fpga_file(spec, spec_fw_name);
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