Commit 442830e8 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

sdbfs/userspace/gensdbfs: support subdirectories

Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent 4159132a
......@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ static unsigned long devsize = 0; /* unspecified */
static unsigned long lastwritten = 0;
static char *prgname;
static struct sdbf *prepare_dir(char *name, struct sdbf *parent);
static inline unsigned long SDB_ALIGN(unsigned long x)
return (x + (blocksize - 1)) & ~(blocksize - 1);
......@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ static void __fill_product(struct sdb_product *p, char *name, time_t t,
p->record_type = record_type;
/* Helpers for scan_input(), which is below */
/* Helpers for scan_inputdir(), which is below */
static void __fill_dot(struct sdbf *dot, char *dir)
struct sdb_interconnect *i = &dot->s_i;
......@@ -79,6 +81,21 @@ static void __fill_dot(struct sdbf *dot, char *dir)
__fill_product(p, ".", 0 /* date */, sdb_type_interconnect);
/* Helper for __fill_file, below, f->stat and f->fullname already valid */
static int __fill_dir(struct sdbf *f)
struct sdb_bridge *b = &f->s_b;
struct sdb_component *c = &b->sdb_component;
struct sdb_product *p = &c->product;
/* addr first and last filled later */
__fill_product(p, f->basename, f->stbuf.st_mtime, sdb_type_bridge);
f->subdir = prepare_dir(f->fullname, f->dot);
if (!f->subdir)
return -1;
return 1;
static int __fill_file(struct sdbf *f, char *dir, char *fname)
char fn[PATH_MAX];
......@@ -97,12 +114,8 @@ static int __fill_file(struct sdbf *f, char *dir, char *fname)
return -1;
if (S_ISDIR(f->stbuf.st_mode)) {
/* FIXME: support subdirs */
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ignoring subdirectory \"%s\"\n",
prgname, fn);
return 0;
if (S_ISDIR(f->stbuf.st_mode))
return __fill_dir(f);
if (!S_ISREG(f->stbuf.st_mode)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ignoring non-regular \"%s\"\n",
prgname, fn);
......@@ -173,8 +186,13 @@ static int parse_config_line(struct sdbf *tree, struct sdbf *current, int line,
return 0;
if (sscanf(t, "position = %li", &int32) == 1) {
if (tree->level != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't set position in subdirs"
" (file \"%s\")\n", prgname, current->fullname);
return 0;
current->userpos = 1;
current->astart = int32;
current->ustart = int32;
return 0;
......@@ -184,7 +202,7 @@ static int parse_config_line(struct sdbf *tree, struct sdbf *current, int line,
/* step 0: read the directory and build the tree. Returns NULL on error */
static struct sdbf *scan_input(char *name, struct sdbf *parent, FILE **cfgf)
static struct sdbf *scan_inputdir(char *name, struct sdbf *parent, FILE **cfgf)
DIR *d;
struct dirent *de;
......@@ -218,8 +236,8 @@ static struct sdbf *scan_input(char *name, struct sdbf *parent, FILE **cfgf)
return NULL;
for (n = 1 /* 0 resvd for interconnect */; (de = readdir(d)); ) {
tree[n].de = *de;
for (n = 1; (de = readdir(d)); ) {
/* dot is special: it fills slot 0 */
if (!strcmp(de->d_name, ".")) {
tree[0].de = *de;
__fill_dot(tree, name);
......@@ -240,6 +258,9 @@ static struct sdbf *scan_input(char *name, struct sdbf *parent, FILE **cfgf)
/* don't exit on this error: proceed without cfg */
tree[n].level = tree[0].level;
tree[n].de = *de;
tree[n].dot = tree;
ret = __fill_file(tree + n, name, de->d_name);
if (ret < 0)
return NULL;
......@@ -273,8 +294,8 @@ static void dump_tree(struct sdbf *tree)
for (i = 0; i < n; i++, tree++) {
printf("%s: \"%s\" ino %li\n", tree->fullname, tree->de.d_name,
printf("astart %lx, rstart %lx, size %lx (%lx)\n",
tree->astart, tree->rstart, tree->size,
printf("ustart %lx, rstart %lx, base %lx, size %lx (%lx)\n",
tree->ustart, tree->rstart, tree->base, tree->size,
dumpstruct(stdout, "sdb record", &tree->s_d,
......@@ -325,29 +346,45 @@ static struct sdbf *alloc_storage(struct sdbf *tree)
int i, n;
unsigned long rpos; /* the next expected relative position */
unsigned long l, last; /* keep track of last, for directory record */
struct sdbf *f;
struct sdbf *f, *sub;
tree->s_i.sdb_component.addr_first = htonll(tree->astart);
/* The managed space starts at zero, even if the directory is later */
tree->s_i.sdb_component.addr_first = htonll(0);
/* The "suggested" output place is after the directory itself */
n = ntohs(tree->s_i.sdb_records);
rpos = SDB_ALIGN(n * sizeof(struct sdb_device));
last = tree->astart + rpos;
rpos = tree->ustart + SDB_ALIGN(n * sizeof(struct sdb_device));
last = rpos;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
f = tree + i;
if (f->userpos) { /* user-specified position */
f->s_d.sdb_component.addr_first = htonll(f->astart);
l = f->astart + f->size - 1;
if (f->userpos) { /* user-specified position (level 0) */
f->s_d.sdb_component.addr_first = htonll(f->ustart);
l = f->ustart + f->size - 1;
f->s_d.sdb_component.addr_last = htonll(l);
if (l > last) last = l;
/* If a directory, make it allocate itself */
if (f->subdir) {
f->subdir->base = tree->base + rpos;
sub = alloc_storage(f->subdir);
if (!sub) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error allocating %s\n",
prgname, f->fullname);
return NULL;
f->size = ntohll(sub->s_i.sdb_component.addr_last);
f->s_b.sdb_child = htonll(rpos);
/* position not mandated: go sequential from previous one */
f->rstart = rpos;
f->s_d.sdb_component.addr_first = htonll(tree->astart + rpos);
l = tree->astart + rpos + f->size - 1;
f->s_d.sdb_component.addr_first = htonll(rpos);
l = rpos + f->size - 1;
f->s_d.sdb_component.addr_last = htonll(l);
if (l > last) last = l;
if (getenv("VERBOSE"))
fprintf(stderr, "allocated relative %s: %lx to %lx\n",
f->fullname, rpos, l);
rpos = SDB_ALIGN(rpos + f->size);
/* finally, save the last used byte for the whole directory */
......@@ -370,10 +407,20 @@ static struct sdbf *write_sdb(struct sdbf *tree, FILE *out)
return NULL;
n = ntohs(tree->s_i.sdb_records);
/* First, write the directory, from its starting position */
fseek(out, tree->astart, SEEK_SET);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
* First, write the directory, from its possibly user-set position.
* Meanwhile, update base for each of them (used in subdirs)
fseek(out, tree->base + tree->ustart, SEEK_SET);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
fwrite(&tree[i].s_d, sizeof(tree[i].s_d), 1, out);
if (i > 1) /* don't change initial base */
tree[i].base = tree[0].base + tree[i].rstart;
if (getenv("VERBOSE")) /* show the user */
/* then each file */
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
sdbf = tree + i;
......@@ -384,15 +431,16 @@ static struct sdbf *write_sdb(struct sdbf *tree, FILE *out)
* This astart and rstart stuff must be cleaned up, especially
* when we add subdirectories. Currently, user-placed files
* use astart, while auto-allocated use rstart from dir head
if (sdbf->userpos)
fseek(out, sdbf->astart, SEEK_SET);
if (sdbf->userpos) /* only at level 0 */
fseek(out, sdbf->ustart, SEEK_SET);
fseek(out, tree->astart + sdbf->rstart, SEEK_SET);
fseek(out, tree->base + sdbf->rstart, SEEK_SET);
if (sdbf->subdir) {
write_sdb(sdbf->subdir, out);
for (copied = 0; copied < sdbf->stbuf.st_size; ) {
j = fread(buf, 1, blocksize, f);
......@@ -406,12 +454,13 @@ static struct sdbf *write_sdb(struct sdbf *tree, FILE *out)
return tree;
* This is the main procedure for each directory, called recursively
* from scan_input() above
* from scan_inputdir() above
static struct sdbf *prepare_dir(char *name, struct sdbf *parent)
......@@ -419,24 +468,18 @@ static struct sdbf *prepare_dir(char *name, struct sdbf *parent)
struct sdbf *tree;
/* scan the whole input tree and save the information */
tree = scan_input(name, parent, &fcfg);
tree = scan_inputdir(name, parent, &fcfg);
if (!tree)
return NULL;
/* read configuration file and save its info for each file */
if (fcfg)
if (fcfg) {
tree = scan_config(tree, fcfg);
if (!tree)
return NULL;
/* allocate space in the storage */
tree = alloc_storage(tree);
if (!tree)
return NULL;
if (getenv("VERBOSE"))
return tree;
......@@ -507,6 +550,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (!tree)
/* allocate space in the storage */
tree = alloc_storage(tree);
if (!tree)
/* write out the whole tree, recusively */
tree = write_sdb(tree, fout);
if (!tree)
......@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@ struct sdbf {
char *fullname;
char *basename;
unsigned long astart, rstart; /* absolute, relative */
unsigned long size;
unsigned long ustart, rstart; /* user (mandated), relative */
unsigned long base, size; /* base is absolute, for output */
int nfiles, totsize; /* for dirs */
struct sdbf *dot; /* for files, pointer to owning dir */
struct sdbf *parent; /* for dirs, current dir in ../ */
struct sdbf *subdir; /* for files that are dirs */
int level; /* subdir level */
int userpos; /* only allowed at level 0 */
......@@ -36,4 +37,6 @@ static inline uint64_t htonll(uint64_t ll)
return res;
#define ntohll htonll
#endif /* __GENSDBFS_H__ */
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