• Davide Ciminaghi's avatar
    compliance, 11.3, d: take delay_resp cf into account · a44cadcb
    Davide Ciminaghi authored
    11.3 d says:
    Upon receipt of the Delay_Resp message by the slave:
    1) If the received Sync message indicated that a Follow_Up message will not
       be received, the <meanPathDelay> shall be computed as:
       <meanPathDelay> = [(t2 - t3) + (receiveTimestamp of Delay_Resp message -
       originTimestamp of Sync message) -
       correctionField of Sync message -
       correctionField of Delay_Resp message]/2.
    2) If the received Sync message indicated that a Follow_Up message will be
       received, the <meanPathDelay> shall be computed as:
       <meanPathDelay> = [(t2 - t3) + (receiveTimestamp of Delay_Resp message -
       preciseOriginTimestamp of Follow_Up message) -
       correctionField of Sync message -
       correctionField of Follow_Up message -
       correctionField of Delay_Resp message]/2.
    We assume that:
    t1 = originTimestamp of Sync message (one step) or
    t1 = preciseOriginTimestamp of Follow_Up message (two steps)
    t4 = receiveTimestamp of Delay_Resp message
    wich is true for masters not supporting sub-nanosecond
    timestamps (we don't support sub-ns precision via standard protocol, so the
    assumption should be true for us).
    As sync (or followup) arrives, we calculate m_to_s_dly, which is:
    t2 - t1 - cf_sync - cf_followup
    When delay_resp arrives, we calculate s_to_m_dly, which is:
    t4 - t3 - cf_delay_resp
    So [(m_to_s_dly + s_to_m_dly) / 2] should be equal to:
    (t2 - t3 + t4 - t1 - cf_sync - cf_followup - cf_delay_resp) / 2
    which looks like the 11.3 d expression for mean path delay
    (note that cf_followup is zero for a one-step master).
    To get this result, we just save the delay_resp cf to ppi->cField.
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