Commit e441b48b authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

WR: remove used fields in TimeInternal

The three "raw" fields claim to exist for debugging, but since we
have several TimeInternal structures around they cost quite some space.
The fields were only copied to TimeInternal from network frames,
and there is not explicit code to dump them.

Thus, this commit removes them but leaves the code in place, so it can
be re-enabled if the need arises. (I use the ugly "#if 0").
Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent 30677541
......@@ -56,9 +56,11 @@ static int wrpc_net_recv(struct pp_instance *ppi, void *pkt, int len,
t->nanoseconds = wr_ts.nsec;
t->phase = wr_ts.phase;
t->correct = wr_ts.correct;
#if 0 /* I disabled the fields, for space: they were only used here */
t->raw_nsec = wr_ts.raw_nsec;
t->raw_ahead = wr_ts.raw_ahead;
t->raw_phase = wr_ts.raw_phase;
return got;
......@@ -66,10 +66,16 @@ typedef struct TimeInternal {
/* White Rabbit extension begin */
Integer32 phase;
int correct;
/* raw time (non-linearized) for debugging purposes */
#if 0
* The following three fields may be used for diagnostics, but
* they cost space. So remove them but keep the code around just
* in case it is useful again (they are only set, never read)
int32_t raw_phase;
int32_t raw_nsec;
int32_t raw_ahead;
/* White Rabbit extension end */
} TimeInternal;
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