Commit ddf727a3 authored by Pietro Fezzardi's avatar Pietro Fezzardi Committed by Alessandro Rubini

arch-sim: FIX insert_pending()

parent 61c0b772
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
/* Socket interface for GNU/Linux (and most likely other posix systems) */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
......@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ static int compare_pending(struct sim_pending_pkt *p1,
if (p1->delay_ns < p2->delay_ns)
return 1;
/* same expire time ---> higher priority to the slave beacuse it has to
/* same expire time ---> higher priority to the slave because it has to
* handle Sync and Follow_Up in a row. If both are for the slave handle
* PP_NP_EVT first */
if (p1->delay_ns == p2->delay_ns) {
......@@ -46,15 +47,14 @@ static int insert_pending(struct sim_ppg_arch_data *data,
struct sim_pending_pkt *pkt, tmp;
int i = data->n_pending;
pkt = &data->pending[i];
*pkt = *new;
data->pending[i] = *new;
pkt = &data->pending[i - 1];
while (compare_pending(new, pkt) && (i > 0)) {
tmp = *pkt;
*pkt = *new;
*new = tmp;
*(pkt + 1) = tmp;
return 0;
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