Commit dc14c5b5 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek

time-wrs: call /etc/init.d/wr_date instead /wr/bin/wr_date in GM mode

Signed-off-by: 's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent a72498ca
......@@ -428,10 +428,11 @@ static int wrs_time_get(struct pp_instance *ppi, struct pp_time *t)
static int wrs_time_set(struct pp_instance *ppi, const struct pp_time *t)
if ( WRS_ARCH_I(ppi)->timingMode==WRH_TM_GRAND_MASTER) {
// Grand master mode
// We delegate the time setup to the wr_date tool has
// it can take time to adjust the time
system("/wr/bin/wr_date -v set host &");
/* Grand master mode
* We delegate the time setup to the wr_date script as it can
* take time to adjust the time. Let it know that we call it
* from the ppsi */
system("/etc/init.d/wr_date ppsi &");
} else {
struct pp_time diff, now;
int msec;
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