Commit abcfc9dd authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini Committed by Aurelio Colosimo

ptpdump: discard duplicates in main loop

parent 15353c45
......@@ -246,8 +246,6 @@ static int dump_udppkt(void *buf, int len)
struct udphdr *udp = (void *)(ip + 1);
void *payload = (void *)(udp + 1);
int udpdest = ntohs(udp->dest);
static unsigned char prev[256];
static int prevlen;
if (len < ETH_HLEN + sizeof(*ip) + sizeof(*udp))
return -1;
......@@ -257,11 +255,6 @@ static int dump_udppkt(void *buf, int len)
if (udpdest != 319 && udpdest != 320)
return -1;
/* for some reasons, we receive it three times, check dups */
if (len == prevlen && !memcmp(buf, prev, len))
return -1;
memcpy(prev, buf, len); prevlen = len;
......@@ -320,15 +313,22 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
while(1) {
struct ethhdr *eth;
struct iphdr *ip;
unsigned char buf[10000];
static unsigned char prev[1500];
static int prevlen;
unsigned char buf[1500];
struct sockaddr_in from;
socklen_t fromlen = sizeof(from);
int len;
len = recvfrom(sock, buf, 10000, MSG_TRUNC,
len = recvfrom(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), MSG_TRUNC,
(struct sockaddr *) &from, &fromlen);
if (len > sizeof(buf))
len = sizeof(buf);
/* for some reasons, we receive it three times, check dups */
if (len == prevlen && !memcmp(buf, prev, len))
memcpy(prev, buf, len); prevlen = len;
/* now only print ptp packets */
if (len < ETH_HLEN)
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