Commit a2ac4298 authored by Jean-Claude BAU's avatar Jean-Claude BAU

DelayAsymmetty calculation for HA + various optimizations

- Add DelayAsymmetty calculation for HA
- Avoid using pow() math function call. Use directly a constant value.
Done for HA and WR.
parent d53b4b35
......@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@
#define __ARCH_H__
#include <ppsi/assert.h>
/* This arch exports wr/l1e functions, so include this for consistency checking */
#include "../proto-ext-whiterabbit/wr-api.h"
#include "../proto-ext-l1sync/l1e-api.h"
/* Architecture-specific defines, included by top-level stuff */
#include <arpa/inet.h> /* ntohs etc */
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ int wrs_read_calibration_data(struct pp_instance *ppi,
* way as the HAL itself was doing to fill the RPC structure.
* Formulas copied from libwr/hal_shmem.c (get_exported_state).
port_fix_alpha = (double)pow(2.0, 40.0) *
port_fix_alpha = FIX_ALPHA_TWO_POW_FRACBITS *
((p->calib.sfp.alpha + 1.0) / (p->calib.sfp.alpha + 2.0)
- 0.5);
......@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ int wrs_read_correction_data(struct pp_instance *ppi, int64_t *fiber_fix_alpha,
wrs_read_calibration_data(ppi, NULL, NULL,NULL, &port_cP, bit_slide_ps);
if(fiber_fix_alpha) {
alpha = ((double) ppi->asymmetryCorrectionPortDS.scaledDelayCoefficient)/(double)pow(2.0, REL_DIFF_FRACBITS_AS_FLOAT);
*fiber_fix_alpha = (double)pow(2.0, FIX_ALPHA_FRACBITS_AS_FLOAT) * ((alpha + 1.0) / (alpha + 2.0) - 0.5);
alpha = ((double) ppi->asymmetryCorrectionPortDS.scaledDelayCoefficient)/REL_DIFF_TWO_POW_FRACBITS;
*fiber_fix_alpha = FIX_ALPHA_TWO_POW_FRACBITS * ((alpha + 1.0) / (alpha + 2.0) - 0.5);
*clock_period_ps = port_cP; /* REF_CLOCK_PERIOD_PS */
......@@ -89,17 +89,25 @@ static int enable_l1Sync(struct pp_instance *ppi, Boolean enable) {
/* Calculate delay asymmetry coefficient :
* delayCoeff/(delayCoeff/2)
static __inline__ double calculateDelayAsymCoefficient(double delayCoefficient) {
return delayCoefficient/(delayCoefficient+2.0L);
* Enable/disable asymmetry correction
static void enable_asymmetryCorrection(struct pp_instance *ppi, Boolean enable ) {
double delayAsymCoeff;
if ( (ppi->asymmetryCorrectionPortDS.enable=enable)==TRUE ) {
/* Enabled: The delay asymmetry will be calculated */
(RelativeDifference)(ppi->cfg.delayCoefficient * (double)pow(2.0, REL_DIFF_FRACBITS_AS_FLOAT));
ppi->portDS->delayAsymCoeff=(RelativeDifference)(delayAsymCoeff * (double)pow(2.0, REL_DIFF_FRACBITS_AS_FLOAT));
(RelativeDifference)(ppi->cfg.delayCoefficient * REL_DIFF_TWO_POW_FRACBITS);
ppi->portDS->delayAsymCoeff=(RelativeDifference)(calculateDelayAsymCoefficient(ppi->cfg.delayCoefficient) * REL_DIFF_TWO_POW_FRACBITS);
} else {
/* Disabled: The delay asymmetry will be provided by the config (constantAsymmetry) */
......@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ typedef struct Timestamp { /* page 13 (33) -- no typedef expected */
/** ******************* IEEE1588-2018 **************************************/
#define REL_DIFF_TWO_POW_FRACBITS ((double)4.611686018427388E18) /* double value returned by pow(2.0,62.0) */
/* Min/max values for RelativeDifference type */
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ static void l1e_apply_faulty_stamp(struct l1e_servo_state *s, int index)
static void l1e_dump_timestamp(struct pp_instance *ppi, char *what,struct pp_time ts)
pp_diag(ppi, servo, 2, "%s = %ld:%09ld:%03ld\n", what, (long)ts.secs,
pp_diag(ppi, servo, 2, "%s = %ld.%09ld%03ld\n", what, (long)ts.secs,
(long)(ts.scaled_nsecs >> 16),
/* unlikely what we had earlier, third field is not phase */
((long)(ts.scaled_nsecs & 0xffff) * 1000 + 0x8000) >> 16);
......@@ -124,6 +124,9 @@ void l1e_servo_reset(struct pp_instance *ppi)
wrs_shm_write(ppsi_head, WRS_SHM_WRITE_END);
* SYNC/FOLLOW_UP messages have been received: t1/t2 are available
int l1e_servo_got_sync(struct pp_instance *ppi, struct pp_time *t1,
struct pp_time *t2)
......@@ -136,6 +139,10 @@ int l1e_servo_got_sync(struct pp_instance *ppi, struct pp_time *t1,
return 0;
* DELAY_RESPONSE message has been received: t3/t4 are available
int l1e_servo_got_delay(struct pp_instance *ppi)
struct l1e_servo_state *s=L1E_SRV(ppi);
......@@ -156,28 +163,54 @@ int l1e_servo_got_delay(struct pp_instance *ppi)
return 0;
/* update currentDS.meanDelay */
static void l1e_update_meanDelay(struct pp_instance *ppi,struct l1e_servo_state *l1es) {
struct pp_servo *gs=SRV(ppi);
#define BITS_IN_INT64 (sizeof(int64_t)*8)
/* Get the position of the first bit set on the left of a 64 bits integer */
static int getMsbSet(int64_t value) {
if ( value==0 )
return 0; /* value=0 so return bit 0 */
if ( value<0 )
value=-value; /* Negative value: change it to its positive value for the calculation */
return BITS_IN_INT64 - __builtin_clzll(value); /* using gcc built-in function */
/* update currentDS.delayAsymmetry */
static void l1e_update_delayAsymmetry(struct pp_instance *ppi,struct l1e_servo_state *s) {
DSPOR(ppi)->delayAsymmetry=picos_to_interval(s->delayMS_ps - s->delayMM_ps/ (int64_t)2);
#define DELAY_ASYM_BASE_FRACTION 50 /* Maxim value that can be used for the calculation */
static void l1e_update_offsetFromMaster (struct pp_instance *ppi,struct pp_time *offsetMS) {
DSCUR(ppi)->offsetFromMaster = pp_time_to_interval(offsetMS);
* Calculate the delayAsymmetry : delayAsymCoeff * meanDelay
* This calculation is made in order to use the maximum of bits in the fraction part. It will depend
* on the value of delayAsymCoeff and meanDelay. The smaller these values will be, bigger
* the fraction part will be.
static TimeInterval calculateDelayAsymmetry(RelativeDifference scaledDelayAsymCoeff, TimeInterval scaledMeanDelay) {
TimeInterval delayAsym;
int64_t rescaledAsymDelayCoeff,rescaledMeanDelay;
int lostBits,fracBitsUsed;
if ( lostBits<0 )
rescaledMeanDelay = scaledMeanDelay<<(fracBitsUsed-TIME_INTERVAL_FRACBITS);
delayAsym= rescaledAsymDelayCoeff*rescaledMeanDelay;
return delayAsym;
* PDELAY_RESPONSE/PDELAY_RESPONSE_FOLLOW_UP messages have been received: t3/t4/t5/t6 are available
static int l1e_p2p_delay(struct pp_instance *ppi, struct l1e_servo_state *s)
static int errcount;
int64_t meanLinkDelay_ps;
if ( is_timestamps_incorrect(ppi,&errcount, 0x3C /* mask=t3&t4&t5&t6*/))
return 0;
......@@ -185,6 +218,10 @@ static int l1e_p2p_delay(struct pp_instance *ppi, struct l1e_servo_state *s)
ppi->t_ops->get(ppi, &s->update_time);
* Calculate of the round trip delay (delayMM)
* delayMM = (t6-t3)-(t5-t4)
{ /* avoid modifying stamps in place */
struct pp_time mtime, stime;
......@@ -193,6 +230,18 @@ static int l1e_p2p_delay(struct pp_instance *ppi, struct l1e_servo_state *s)
s->delayMM = stime; pp_time_sub(&s->delayMM, &mtime);
s->delayMM_ps = pp_time_to_picos(&s->delayMM);
* Calculate the meanLinkDelay
* meanLinkDelay=delayMM/2)
if (s->delayMM_ps < 0) {
s->delayMM_ps =meanLinkDelay_ps=0;
picos_to_pp_time(s->delayMM_ps, &s->delayMM);
} else {
meanLinkDelay_ps=s->delayMM_ps>>1; /* meanLinkDelay=delayMM/2 */
if (__PP_DIAG_ALLOW(ppi, pp_dt_servo, 1)) {
l1e_dump_timestamp(ppi, "servo:t1", s->t1);
......@@ -204,11 +253,22 @@ static int l1e_p2p_delay(struct pp_instance *ppi, struct l1e_servo_state *s)
l1e_dump_timestamp(ppi, "->delayMM", s->delayMM);
s->delayMM_ps = pp_time_to_picos(&s->delayMM);
/* delayMS[ps] = (fix_alpha*delayMM[ps])/2e40 +delayMM[ps]/2 */
s->delayMS_ps =
((s->delayMM_ps * ppi->asymmetryCorrectionPortDS.scaledDelayCoefficient) >> REL_DIFF_FRACBITS)
+ (s->delayMM_ps >> 1);
if ( ppi->asymmetryCorrectionPortDS.enable ) {
/* Enabled: The delay asymmetry must be calculated
* delayAsymmetry=delayAsymCoefficient * meanPathDelay
} else {
/* Disabled: The delay asymmetry is provided by configuration */
/* delayMS = meanLinkDelay + delayAsym */
s->delayMS_ps = meanLinkDelay_ps + interval_to_picos(ppi->portDS->delayAsymmetry);
picos_to_pp_time(s->delayMS_ps, &SRV(ppi)->delayMS);
DSCUR(ppi)->meanDelay=picos_to_interval(meanLinkDelay_ps); /* update currentDS.meanDelay */
picos_to_pp_time(meanLinkDelay_ps,&SRV(ppi)->meanDelay); /* update servo.meanDelay */
return 1;
......@@ -226,23 +286,27 @@ static int l1e_p2p_offset(struct pp_instance *ppi,
ppi->t_ops->get(ppi, &s->update_time);
/* Calculate offsetFromMaster : t1-t2+meanLinkDelay+delayAsym=t1-t2+delayMS */
*offsetMS = s->t1;
pp_time_sub(offsetMS, &s->t2);
pp_time_add(offsetMS, &SRV(ppi)->delayMS);
pp_time_add(offsetMS, &SRV(ppi)->delayMS); /* Add delayMS */
/* is it possible to calculate it in client,
* but then t1 and t2 require shmem locks */
s->tracking_enabled = l1e_tracking_enabled;
SRV(ppi)->offsetFromMaster=*offsetMS; /* Update servo.offsetFromMaster */
DSCUR(ppi)->offsetFromMaster = pp_time_to_interval(offsetMS); /* Update currentDS.offsetFromMaster */
return 1;
static int l1e_e2e_offset(struct pp_instance *ppi,
struct l1e_servo_state *s, struct pp_time *offsetMS)
static int l1e_e2e_offset(struct pp_instance *ppi, struct l1e_servo_state *s,
struct pp_time *offsetMS) {
static int errcount;
int64_t meanPathDelay_ps;
if ( is_timestamps_incorrect(ppi,&errcount, 0xF /* mask=t1&t2&t3&t4 */))
if (is_timestamps_incorrect(ppi, &errcount, 0xF /* mask=t1&t2&t3&t4 */))
return 0;
if (WRH_OPER()->servo_hook)
......@@ -253,20 +317,33 @@ static int l1e_e2e_offset(struct pp_instance *ppi,
l1e_got_sync = 0;
{ /* avoid modifying stamps in place */
* Calculate of the round trip delay (delayMM)
* delayMM = t4-t1-(t3-t2)
/* Avoid modifying stamps in place*/
struct pp_time mtime, stime;
mtime = s->t4; pp_time_sub(&mtime, &s->t1);
stime = s->t3; pp_time_sub(&stime, &s->t2);
s->delayMM = mtime; pp_time_sub(&s->delayMM, &stime);
mtime = s->t4;
pp_time_sub(&mtime, &s->t1);
stime = s->t3;
pp_time_sub(&stime, &s->t2);
s->delayMM = mtime;
pp_time_sub(&s->delayMM, &stime);
s->delayMM_ps = pp_time_to_picos(&s->delayMM);
/* avoid negatives in calculations */
if ( s->delayMM_ps < 0 ) {
* Calculate the meanPathDelay
* meanPathDelay=delayMM/2)
if (s->delayMM_ps < 0) {
s->delayMM_ps =meanPathDelay_ps=0;
picos_to_pp_time(s->delayMM_ps, &s->delayMM);
} else {
meanPathDelay_ps=s->delayMM_ps>>1; /* meanPathDelay=delayMM/2 */
if (__PP_DIAG_ALLOW(ppi, pp_dt_servo, 1)) {
......@@ -277,24 +354,31 @@ static int l1e_e2e_offset(struct pp_instance *ppi,
l1e_dump_timestamp(ppi, "delayMM", s->delayMM);
/* delayMS = (delayMM * fix_alpha) + delayMM/2*/
s->delayMS_ps = ((s->delayMM_ps * ppi->asymmetryCorrectionPortDS.scaledDelayCoefficient) >> REL_DIFF_FRACBITS) + (s->delayMM_ps >> 1);
{ /* offsetMS = t1-t2 + delayMS */
struct pp_time tmp1;
*offsetMS = s->t1; pp_time_sub(offsetMS, &s->t2);
pp_time_add(offsetMS, &tmp1);
if ( ppi->asymmetryCorrectionPortDS.enable ) {
/* Enabled: The delay asymmetry must be calculated
* delayAsymmetry=delayAsymCoefficient * meanPathDelay
} else {
/* Disabled: The delay asymmetry is provided by configuration */
/* delayMS = meanPathDelay + delayAsym */
s->delayMS_ps = meanPathDelay_ps + interval_to_picos(ppi->portDS->delayAsymmetry);
picos_to_pp_time(s->delayMS_ps, &SRV(ppi)->delayMS);
s->tracking_enabled = l1e_tracking_enabled;
/* Calculate offsetFromMaster : t1-t2+meanPathDelay+delayAsym=t1-t2+delayMS */
*offsetMS = s->t1;
pp_time_sub(offsetMS, &s->t2);
pp_time_add(offsetMS, &SRV(ppi)->delayMS); /* Add delayMS */
s->tracking_enabled = l1e_tracking_enabled;
l1e_update_meanDelay(ppi,s); /* update currentDS.meanDelay */
l1e_update_delayAsymmetry(ppi,s); /* update currentDS.delayAsymmetry */
SRV(ppi)->offsetFromMaster=*offsetMS; /* Update servo.offsetFromMaster */
DSCUR(ppi)->offsetFromMaster = pp_time_to_interval(offsetMS); /* Update currentDS.offsetFromMaster */
picos_to_pp_time(meanPathDelay_ps,&SRV(ppi)->meanDelay); /* update servo.meanDelay */
DSCUR(ppi)->meanDelay=picos_to_interval(meanPathDelay_ps); /* update currentDS.meanDelay */
return 1;
......@@ -327,7 +411,6 @@ int l1e_servo_update(struct pp_instance *ppi)
goto out;
l1e_update_offsetFromMaster(ppi,&offsetMS); /* Update currentDS.offsetFromMaster */
pp_diag(ppi, servo, 2,
"ML: scaledDelayCoeff = %lld, delayMS = %lld, offsetMS = %lld [ps]\n",
......@@ -339,7 +422,7 @@ int l1e_servo_update(struct pp_instance *ppi)
pp_time_hardwarize(&offsetMS, s->clock_period_ps,
&offset_ticks, &offset_ps);
pp_diag(ppi, servo, 2, "offsetMS: %li.%09li (+%li)\n",
pp_diag(ppi, servo, 2, "offsetMS: %li sec %09li ticks (%li ps)\n",
(long)offsetMS.secs, (long)offset_ticks,
......@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
#define WR_TLV_TYPE 0x2004
#define FIX_ALPHA_TWO_POW_FRACBITS ((double)1.099511627776E12) /* double value returned by pow(2.0,40.0) */
#define WR_DEFAULT_CAL_PERIOD 3000 /* [us] */
......@@ -217,8 +217,6 @@ static int wr_p2p_delay(struct pp_instance *ppi, struct wr_servo_state *s)
stime = s->t6; pp_time_sub(&stime, &s->t3);
mtime = s->t5; pp_time_sub(&mtime, &s->t4);
s->delayMM = stime; pp_time_sub(&s->delayMM, &mtime);
/* update currentDS.meanDelay */
if (__PP_DIAG_ALLOW(ppi, pp_dt_servo, 1)) {
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