Commit 8d67c627 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek

lib/time-arith: change functions to avoid 64 signed division

As a side effect change signed modulo into unsigned modulo
Signed-off-by: 's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent dde8759a
......@@ -124,16 +124,17 @@ void fixedDelta_to_pp_time(struct FixedDelta fd, struct pp_time *t) {
void picos_to_pp_time(int64_t picos, struct pp_time *ts)
uint64_t sec, nsec;
uint64_t picos_u;
int sign = (picos < 0 ? -1 : 1);
picos *= sign;
nsec = picos/1000;
picos_u = picos * sign;
sec = picos_u / PP_PSEC_PER_SEC;
picos_u -= sec * PP_PSEC_PER_SEC;
nsec = picos_u / 1000;
picos_u %= 1000;
ts->scaled_nsecs = nsec << TIME_FRACBITS;
ts->scaled_nsecs += ((picos << TIME_FRACBITS)+TIME_ROUNDING_VALUE) / 1000;
ts->scaled_nsecs += ((picos_u << TIME_FRACBITS) + TIME_ROUNDING_VALUE)/ 1000;
ts->scaled_nsecs *= sign;
ts->secs = sec * sign;
......@@ -143,9 +144,9 @@ void picos_to_pp_time(int64_t picos, struct pp_time *ts)
void pp_time_hardwarize(struct pp_time *time, int clock_period_ps,
int32_t *ticks, int32_t *picos)
int64_t ps, adj_ps;
uint64_t ps, adj_ps;
int32_t sign=(time->scaled_nsecs<0) ? -1 : 1;
int64_t scaled_nsecs=time->scaled_nsecs*sign;
uint64_t scaled_nsecs = time->scaled_nsecs * sign;
if ( clock_period_ps <= 0 ) {
pp_error("%s : Invalid clock period %d\n",__func__, clock_period_ps);
......@@ -178,11 +179,12 @@ TimeInterval picos_to_interval(int64_t picos)
} else {
int64_t scaled_ns;
uint64_t picos_u;
int sign = (picos < 0 ? -1 : 1);
picos *= sign;
scaled_ns=(picos/1000) << TIME_INTERVAL_FRACBITS; /* Calculate nanos */
scaled_ns+=((picos%1000) << TIME_INTERVAL_FRACBITS)/1000; /* Add picos */
picos_u = picos * sign;
scaled_ns = (picos_u / 1000) << TIME_INTERVAL_FRACBITS; /* Calculate nanos */
scaled_ns += ((picos_u % 1000) << TIME_INTERVAL_FRACBITS) / 1000; /* Add picos */
return scaled_ns*sign;
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