Commit 88546c40 authored by Jean-Claude BAU's avatar Jean-Claude BAU Committed by Adam Wujek

Fix timer bugs

- Many information were store in a common static structure (to_config).
However depending on the PPSI instance configuration these information
need to be stored per instance. Mainly it concerns the rand value
(which_rand and the counter reset value). Only the timer name stay now
in a common arrea.
parent 443c6dfc
......@@ -160,6 +160,21 @@ struct pp_instance_cfg {
Boolean asymmetryCorrectionEnable; /* asymmetryCorrectionPortDS.enable */
* Time-out structure and enumeration
enum to_rand_type {
TO_RAND_NONE, /* Not randomized */
TO_RAND_70_130, /* Should be 70% to 130% of 1 << value */
TO_RAND_0_200, /* Should be 0% to 200% of 1 << value */
} ;
typedef struct {
enum to_rand_type which_rand;
unsigned int initValueMs;
unsigned long tmo;
} t_timeOutConfig;
* Structure for the individual ppsi link
......@@ -220,7 +235,7 @@ struct pp_instance {
externalPortConfigurationPortDS_t externalPortConfigurationPortDS; /*draft P1588: Clause 17.6.3*/
/************************* */
unsigned long timeouts[__PP_TO_ARRAY_SIZE];
t_timeOutConfig timeouts[__PP_TO_ARRAY_SIZE];
UInteger16 recv_sync_sequence_id;
UInteger16 sent_seq[__PP_NR_MESSAGES_TYPES]; /* last sent this type */
......@@ -6,30 +6,17 @@
#include <ppsi/ppsi.h>
enum rand_type {
RAND_NONE, /* Not randomized */
RAND_70_130, /* Should be 70% to 130% of 1 << value */
RAND_0_200, /* Should be 0% to 200% of 1 << value */
struct timeout_config {
char *name;
int which_rand;
int value;
/* most timeouts have a static configuration. Save it here */
static struct timeout_config to_configs[__PP_TO_ARRAY_SIZE] = {
[PP_TO_REQUEST] = {"REQUEST", /* RAND defined at run-time */},
[PP_TO_SYNC_SEND] = {"SYNC_SEND", RAND_70_130,},
[PP_TO_ANN_SEND] = {"ANN_SEND", RAND_70_130,},
/* extension timeouts are explicitly set to a value */
[PP_TO_EXT_0]={"EXT_0", RAND_NONE,},
/* time-out counter names */
static const char *timeOutNames[__PP_TO_ARRAY_SIZE]={
#define TIMEOUT_MAX_LOG_VALUE 21 /* 2^21 * 1000 =2097152000ms is the maximum value that can be stored in an integer */
......@@ -59,30 +46,41 @@ int pp_timeout_log_to_ms ( Integer8 logValue) {
void pp_timeout_init(struct pp_instance *ppi)
portDS_t *port = ppi->portDS;
t_timeOutConfig *timeouts=ppi->timeouts;
Boolean p2p=CONFIG_HAS_P2P && ppi->delayMechanism == P2P;
Integer8 logDelayRequest=p2p ?
port->logMinPdelayReqInterval : port->logMinDelayReqInterval;
to_configs[PP_TO_REQUEST].which_rand = p2p ? RAND_NONE : RAND_0_200;
to_configs[PP_TO_REQUEST].value= pp_timeout_log_to_ms(logDelayRequest);
timeouts[PP_TO_REQUEST].which_rand = p2p ? TO_RAND_NONE : TO_RAND_0_200;
timeouts[PP_TO_BMC].which_rand =
timeouts[PP_TO_QUALIFICATION].which_rand =
timeouts[PP_TO_ANN_RECEIPT].which_rand =
timeouts[PP_TO_FAULT].which_rand =
timeouts[PP_TO_EXT_0].which_rand =
timeouts[PP_TO_EXT_1].which_rand = TO_RAND_NONE;
timeouts[PP_TO_REQUEST].initValueMs= pp_timeout_log_to_ms(logDelayRequest);
/* fault timeout is 4 avg request intervals, not randomized */
to_configs[PP_TO_FAULT].value = pp_timeout_log_to_ms(logDelayRequest);
if ( to_configs[PP_TO_FAULT].value < (TIMEOUT_MAX_VALUE_MS>>2))
to_configs[PP_TO_FAULT].value<<=2; /* We can multiply by 4. No risk of overload */
to_configs[PP_TO_SYNC_SEND].value = pp_timeout_log_to_ms(port->logSyncInterval);
to_configs[PP_TO_BMC].value = pp_timeout_log_to_ms(port->logAnnounceInterval);
to_configs[PP_TO_ANN_RECEIPT].value = 1000 * (
timeouts[PP_TO_FAULT].initValueMs = pp_timeout_log_to_ms(logDelayRequest);
if ( timeouts[PP_TO_FAULT].initValueMs < (TIMEOUT_MAX_VALUE_MS>>2))
timeouts[PP_TO_FAULT].initValueMs<<=2; /* We can multiply by 4. No risk of overload */
timeouts[PP_TO_SYNC_SEND].initValueMs = pp_timeout_log_to_ms(port->logSyncInterval);
timeouts[PP_TO_BMC].initValueMs = pp_timeout_log_to_ms(port->logAnnounceInterval);
timeouts[PP_TO_ANN_RECEIPT].initValueMs = 1000 * (
port->announceReceiptTimeout << port->logAnnounceInterval);
to_configs[PP_TO_ANN_SEND].value = pp_timeout_log_to_ms(port->logAnnounceInterval);
to_configs[PP_TO_QUALIFICATION].value =
timeouts[PP_TO_ANN_SEND].initValueMs = pp_timeout_log_to_ms(port->logAnnounceInterval);
timeouts[PP_TO_QUALIFICATION].initValueMs =
(1000 << port->logAnnounceInterval)*(DSCUR(ppi)->stepsRemoved + 1);
void __pp_timeout_set(struct pp_instance *ppi, int index, int millisec)
ppi->timeouts[index] = ppi->t_ops->calc_timeout(ppi, millisec);
ppi->timeouts[index].tmo = ppi->t_ops->calc_timeout(ppi, millisec);
pp_diag(ppi, time, 3, "Set timeout for %s : %i / %lu\n",
to_configs[index].name, millisec, ppi->timeouts[index]);
timeOutNames[index], millisec, ppi->timeouts[index].tmo);
void pp_timeout_clear(struct pp_instance *ppi, int index)
......@@ -94,10 +92,10 @@ void pp_timeout_set(struct pp_instance *ppi, int index)
static uint32_t seed;
int millisec;
struct timeout_config * to_config=&to_configs[index];
t_timeOutConfig *timeouts=&ppi->timeouts[index];
millisec = to_config->value;
if (to_config->which_rand!=RAND_NONE ) {
millisec = timeouts->initValueMs;
if (timeouts->which_rand!=TO_RAND_NONE ) {
uint32_t rval;
if (!seed) {
......@@ -118,8 +116,8 @@ void pp_timeout_set(struct pp_instance *ppi, int index)
rval ^= (unsigned int) (seed / 65536) % 1024;
millisec=(millisec<<1)/5; /* keep 40% of the reference value */
switch(to_config->which_rand) {
case RAND_70_130:
switch(timeouts->which_rand) {
case TO_RAND_70_130:
* We are required to fit between 70% and 130%
* of the value for 90% of the time, at least.
......@@ -128,10 +126,12 @@ void pp_timeout_set(struct pp_instance *ppi, int index)
millisec = (millisec * 2) + rval % millisec;
case RAND_0_200:
case TO_RAND_0_200:
millisec = rval % (millisec * 5);
/* RAND_NONE already treated */
__pp_timeout_set(ppi, index, millisec);
......@@ -157,11 +157,11 @@ void pp_timeout_setall(struct pp_instance *ppi)
int pp_timeout(struct pp_instance *ppi, int index)
unsigned long now=ppi->t_ops->calc_timeout(ppi, 0);
int ret = time_after_eq(now,ppi->timeouts[index]);
int ret = time_after_eq(now,ppi->timeouts[index].tmo);
if (ret)
pp_diag(ppi, time, 1, "timeout expired: %s / %lu\n",
return ret;
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ int pp_next_delay_1(struct pp_instance *ppi, int i1)
unsigned long now = ppi->t_ops->calc_timeout(ppi, 0);
signed long r1;
r1 = ppi->timeouts[i1] - now;
r1 = ppi->timeouts[i1].tmo - now;
return r1 < 0 ? 0 : r1;
......@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ int pp_next_delay_2(struct pp_instance *ppi, int i1, int i2)
unsigned long now = ppi->t_ops->calc_timeout(ppi, 0);
signed long r1, r2;
r1 = ppi->timeouts[i1] - now;
r2 = ppi->timeouts[i2] - now;
r1 = ppi->timeouts[i1].tmo - now;
r2 = ppi->timeouts[i2].tmo - now;
if (r2 < r1)
r1 = r2;
return r1 < 0 ? 0 : r1;
......@@ -195,9 +195,9 @@ int pp_next_delay_3(struct pp_instance *ppi, int i1, int i2, int i3)
unsigned long now = ppi->t_ops->calc_timeout(ppi, 0);
signed long r1, r2, r3;
r1 = ppi->timeouts[i1] - now;
r2 = ppi->timeouts[i2] - now;
r3 = ppi->timeouts[i3] - now;
r1 = ppi->timeouts[i1].tmo - now;
r2 = ppi->timeouts[i2].tmo - now;
r3 = ppi->timeouts[i3].tmo - now;
if (r2 < r1)
r1 = r2;
if (r3 < r1)
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