Commit 7c298149 authored by Pietro Fezzardi's avatar Pietro Fezzardi

MAKEALL: some improvements

- backup the existing .config file, if present, and restore it before exiting
- make clean before exiting
parent 51e03c49
......@@ -2,26 +2,46 @@
# A trivial script to build with all known configurations
# (please add a configs/ file to test your special case)
C=$(mktemp /tmp/wrpc-config.XXXXXX); remove_tmp_c=true
B=$(mktemp /tmp/wrpc-build.XXXXXX); remove_tmp_b=true
# Backup previous .config file, if present
rm -f .config.backup 2> /dev/null
mv -f .config .config.backup 2> /dev/null
# make some temporary files for logs
C=$(mktemp /tmp/ppsi-config.XXXXXX)
B=$(mktemp /tmp/ppsi-build.XXXXXX)
# loop on default .config files, building for all architectures
configs=$(ls configs)
for c in $configs; do
echo "##### Building with '$c'"
echo "##### Building with '$c'" >> $B
echo "##### Configuiring for '$c'" >> $C
echo "##### Configuring for '$c'" >> $C
# make config and log
if ! make -s $c 2>&1 >> $C; then
echo "Error in configuration (see $C)"
make -s clean
# build binaries and log
if ! make -j5 2>&1 >> $B; then
echo "Build error (see $B)"
# print sizes
test -f ppsi.o && size ppsi.o
test -f ppsi && size ppsi | tail -n 1
make -s clean
# clean logs if succesful
if $remove_tmp_c; then rm $C; fi
if $remove_tmp_b; then rm $B; fi
# restore previous .config file if needed, otherwise just clean.
rm -f .config 2> /dev/null
mv -f .config.backup .config 2> /dev/null
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