Commit 46c498d9 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

lib/conf: parse the 'vlan' config line

We can't have VLAN support with UDP, since this VLAN is a hack (needed
for GSI operational setup).

The error check about udp+vlan is only in time-unix, because arch-wrs
uses unix socket initialization, and other architectures can't run UDP.
Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent 314d8605
......@@ -118,10 +118,76 @@ static int f_diag(int lineno, struct pp_globals *ppg, union pp_cfg_arg *arg)
return 0;
/* VLAN support is per-port, and it depends on configuration itmes */
static int f_vlan(int lineno, struct pp_globals *ppg, union pp_cfg_arg *arg)
struct pp_instance *ppi = CUR_PPI(ppg);
int i, n, *v;
char ch, *s;
/* Refuse to add vlan support in non-raw mode */
if (ppi->proto == PPSI_PROTO_UDP) {
pp_printf("config line %i: VLANs with UDP: not supported\n",
return -1;
/* If there is no support, just warn */
pp_printf("Warning: config line %i ignored:"
" this PPSI binary has no VLAN support\n",
return 0;
if (ppi->nvlans)
pp_printf("Warning: config line %i overrides "
"previous vlan settings\n", lineno);
s = arg->s;
for (v = ppi->vlans, n = 0; n < CONFIG_VLAN_ARRAY_SIZE; n++, v++) {
i = sscanf(s, "%i %c", v, &ch);
if (!i)
if (*v > 4095 || *v < 0) {
pp_printf("config line %i: vlan out of range: %i "
"(valid is 0..4095)\n", lineno, *v);
return -1;
if (i == 2 && ch != ',') {
pp_printf("config line %i: unexpected char '%c' "
"after %i\n", lineno, ch, *v);
return -1;
if (i == 2)
s = strchr(s, ',') + 1;
else break;
pp_printf("config line %i: too many vlans (%i): max is %i\n",
lineno, n + 1, CONFIG_VLAN_ARRAY_SIZE);
return -1;
ppi->nvlans = n + 1; /* item "n" has been assigend too, 0-based */
for (i = 0; i < ppi->nvlans; i++)
pp_diag(NULL, config, 2, " parsed vlan %4i for %s (%s)\n",
ppi->vlans[i], ppi->cfg.port_name, ppi->cfg.iface_name);
pp_diag(NULL, config, 2, "role %i\n", ppi->role);
if (ppi->role != PPSI_ROLE_MASTER && ppi->nvlans > 1) {
pp_printf("config line %i: too many vlans (%i) for slave "
"or auto role\n", lineno, ppi->nvlans);
return -1;
ppi->proto = PPSI_PROTO_VLAN;
return 0;
/* These are the tables for the parser */
static struct pp_argname arg_proto[] = {
{"raw", PPSI_PROTO_RAW},
{"udp", PPSI_PROTO_UDP},
/* PROTO_VLAN is an internal modification of PROTO_RAW */
static struct pp_argname arg_role[] = {
......@@ -143,6 +209,7 @@ static struct pp_argline pp_global_arglines[] = {
{ f_proto, "proto", ARG_NAMES, arg_proto},
{ f_role, "role", ARG_NAMES, arg_role},
{ f_ext, "extension", ARG_NAMES, arg_ext},
{ f_vlan, "vlan", ARG_STR},
{ f_diag, "diagnostics", ARG_STR},
{ f_class, "clock-class", ARG_INT},
{ f_accuracy, "clock-accuracy", ARG_INT},
......@@ -368,6 +368,11 @@ static int unix_net_init(struct pp_instance *ppi)
/* else: UDP */
pp_diag(ppi, frames, 1, "unix_net_init UDP\n");
if (ppi->nvlans) {
/* If "proto udp" is set after setting vlans... */
pp_printf("Error: can't use UDP with VLAN support\n");
for (i = PP_NP_GEN; i <= PP_NP_EVT; i++) {
if (unix_open_ch(ppi, ppi->iface_name, i))
return -1;
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