Commit 2e5f272c authored by Davide Ciminaghi's avatar Davide Ciminaghi Committed by Alessandro Rubini

MAKEALL: get config list from command line

Signed-off-by: Davide Ciminaghi's avatarDavide Ciminaghi <>
parent f0d49323
......@@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ remove_tmp_c=true
B=$(mktemp /tmp/ppsi-build.XXXXXX)
# loop on default .config files, building for all architectures
configs=$(ls configs)
# loop on default .config files, building for all architectures or for those
# listed on the command line
[ $# -ne 0 ] && configs=$* || configs=$(ls configs)
for c in $configs; do
echo "##### Building with '$c'"
echo "##### Building with '$c'" >> $B
......@@ -1041,21 +1041,22 @@ It may happen, however, that some developers experience errors or
warnings that others didn't notice, because of differences in compiler
version or library versions.
What follows is an older example run, limited to hosted compilation;
currently, with the new Kconfig engine introduced after release
2013.11, @t{MAKEALL} ignores command-line arguments and always builds
all configurations; but I plan to add the command line back.
@t{MAKEALL} builds all configurations by default, but it can also be
forced to build only specific configs by listing them on its command line.
Here's an example showing the build of just a couple configurations:
% ./MAKEALL unix
###### Build for arch "unix", ext "", printf xint
text data bss dec hex filename
15801 224 344 16369 3ff1 ppsi.o
34370 984 380 35734 8b96 ppsi
###### Build for arch "unix", ext "", all messages
text data bss dec hex filename
16850 224 344 17418 440a ppsi.o
35410 984 380 36774 8fa6 ppsi
% ./MAKEALL bare-i386_defconfig sim_defconfig
##### Building with 'bare-i386_defconfig'
text data bss dec hex filename
28057 1356 976 30389 76b5 ppsi.o
27347 1356 976 29679 73ef ppsi
##### Building with 'sim_defconfig'
text data bss dec hex filename
39996 1744 556 42296 a538 ppsi.o
43428 2544 624 46596 b604 ppsi
@end example
@c ##########################################################################
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