Commit 0edaa7f3 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk Committed by Alessandro Rubini

spec: rx timestamps obtainted from minic_rx_frame(), no phase measurement nor linearization

parent 57ed524b
......@@ -31,12 +31,18 @@ int spec_recv_packet(struct pp_instance *ppi, void *pkt, int len,
TimeInternal *t)
static int led;
struct hw_timestamp hwts;
int got;
led ^= 1; /* blink one led at each rx event */
gpio_out(GPIO_PIN_LED_LINK, led);
got = minic_rx_frame(pkt, pkt+ETH_HEADER_SIZE, len, NULL);
pp_printf("%s: got=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, got);
got = minic_rx_frame(pkt, pkt+ETH_HEADER_SIZE, len, &hwts);
//add phase value and linearize function for WR support
t->seconds = hwts.utc;
t->nanoseconds = hwts.nsec;
pp_printf("%s: got=%d, sec=%d, nsec=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, got, t->seconds, t->nanoseconds);
return got;
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