Commit 03d47e6b authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

whiterabbit: fix timeout bug in resp-calib-req

This bug was present in previous versions too: when not sending the
calibration pattern, we had no timeout, so a lost frame was fatal.
Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent 5702115b
......@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ int wr_resp_calib_req(struct pp_instance *ppi, unsigned char *pkt, int plen)
wrp->wrStateRetry = WR_STATE_RETRY;
enable = 1;
} else if (pp_timeout_z(ppi, PP_TO_EXT_0)) {
if (send_pattern)
if (wr_handshake_retry(ppi))
enable = 1;
......@@ -28,12 +29,10 @@ int wr_resp_calib_req(struct pp_instance *ppi, unsigned char *pkt, int plen)
if (enable) { /* first or retry */
if (send_pattern) {
if (send_pattern)
wrp->ops->calib_pattern_enable(ppi, 0, 0, 0);
pp_timeout_set(ppi, PP_TO_EXT_0,
pp_timeout_set(ppi, PP_TO_EXT_0,
wrp->otherNodeCalPeriod / 1000);
if (plen == 0)
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