• Davide Ciminaghi's avatar
    bugfix: config fields must be int · f21c4f0b
    Davide Ciminaghi authored
    This fixes a bug introduced by f1d048c3
    (conf.c: use f_simple_int() for assigning simple integer options):
    we used ASSIGN_INT_FIELD for assigning values to variables shorter than
    int, while the destination pointer was set to int *, so neighbouring
    fields were overwritten.
    Another commit in a non-merged branch adds a build-time check to
    avoid repeating this bug, but field names changed, so let's avoid
    cherry-picking it here at this point.
    Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
pp-instance.h 6.92 KB