Commit c859404f authored by Anders Wallin's avatar Anders Wallin

revise PDA schematic to use kicad standard library symbols

parent 704ea4bb
EESchema Schematic File Version 4
$Descr A4 11693 8268
encoding utf-8
......@@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ Title "Anders' Pulse Distribution Amplifier, 2017.04"
Date "2017-01-27"
Rev "2017.04"
Comp "Anders Wallin (anders.e.e.wallin \"at\""
Comment1 ""
Comment1 "2020-05-29 revise to use kicad standard library symbols"
Comment2 ""
Comment3 ""
Comment4 ""
......@@ -141,18 +140,7 @@ Wire Wire Line
Connection ~ 1600 850
Text Notes 1450 1650 0 60 ~ 0
Input Termination
L awallin:LT1711 U102
U 1 1 5665F4C7
P 3300 2550
F 0 "U102" H 3300 2550 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "LT1711" H 3850 2400 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Housings_SSOP:MSOP-8_3x3mm_Pitch0.65mm" H 3300 2550 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3300 2550 60 0000 C CNN
1 3300 2550
1 0 0 -1
Text Notes 3700 2850 0 60 ~ 0
Text Notes 3150 3000 0 60 ~ 0
L power:GND #PWR03
......@@ -189,8 +177,6 @@ F 3 "" H 4050 1700 60 0000 C CNN
Wire Wire Line
4050 1550 4050 1500
Wire Wire Line
3300 1500 3800 1500
Wire Wire Line
3800 1550 3800 1500
Connection ~ 4050 1500
......@@ -212,8 +198,6 @@ Wire Wire Line
Wire Wire Line
4050 1950 4050 1850
Connection ~ 3950 1950
Wire Wire Line
3300 1500 3300 1900
Wire Wire Line
2600 2450 2800 2450
Wire Wire Line
......@@ -248,32 +232,20 @@ Wire Wire Line
L power:GND #PWR06
U 1 1 566611A7
P 3300 3550
F 0 "#PWR06" H 3300 3300 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 3300 3400 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 3300 3550 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3300 3550 60 0000 C CNN
1 3300 3550
P 3000 2950
F 0 "#PWR06" H 3000 2700 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 3000 2800 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 3000 2950 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3000 2950 60 0000 C CNN
1 3000 2950
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
3400 3100 3400 3450
Wire Wire Line
3300 3450 3400 3450
Wire Wire Line
3300 3200 3300 3450
Connection ~ 3300 3450
Text Notes 1800 2550 0 60 ~ 0
trigger level, ca 1.0 V
Text GLabel 1500 2150 0 60 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
1500 2150 1600 2150
Wire Wire Line
3500 3450 3500 3050
Connection ~ 3400 3450
Wire Wire Line
3950 2500 5300 2500
Wire Wire Line
1950 2750 1950 2650
Connection ~ 1950 2650
......@@ -342,8 +314,6 @@ Wire Wire Line
Connection ~ 1050 4500
Text GLabel 3250 4000 2 60 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
2500 4000 3050 4000
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:C C108
U 1 1 56664FE6
......@@ -374,12 +344,12 @@ Wire Wire Line
L power:GND #PWR010
U 1 1 566652BA
P 2050 4700
F 0 "#PWR010" H 2050 4450 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 2050 4550 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 2050 4700 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 2050 4700 60 0000 C CNN
1 2050 4700
P 2050 4350
F 0 "#PWR010" H 2050 4100 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 2050 4200 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 2050 4350 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 2050 4350 60 0000 C CNN
1 2050 4350
1 0 0 -1
Text Notes 6950 2400 0 60 ~ 0
......@@ -538,218 +508,88 @@ Wire Wire Line
Wire Wire Line
1150 1600 1150 850
Connection ~ 1150 850
L awallin:IDT5PB1108 U104
U 1 1 58E1BB6A
P 5800 2400
F 0 "U104" H 5850 1150 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "IDT5PB1108" H 5750 2400 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Housings_SSOP:TSSOP-16_4.4x5mm_Pitch0.65mm" H 5800 2400 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5800 2400 60 0001 C CNN
1 5800 2400
1 0 0 -1
Text Notes 550 900 0 60 ~ 0
Text Notes 550 1650 0 60 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
2600 850 2600 1250
Wire Wire Line
6450 2500 6300 2500
Wire Wire Line
6300 2650 6600 2650
Wire Wire Line
6300 2950 6950 2950
Wire Wire Line
7050 3100 6300 3100
Wire Wire Line
7050 1400 7050 3100
Wire Wire Line
7150 2600 7150 3400
Wire Wire Line
6300 3550 7400 3550
7050 1400 7050 2600
Wire Wire Line
7400 3550 7400 3150
Wire Wire Line
7400 3150 8600 3150
7150 2600 7150 2800
L power:GND #PWR013
U 1 1 58E38B89
P 5100 3700
F 0 "#PWR013" H 5100 3450 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 5100 3550 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5100 3700 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5100 3700 60 0000 C CNN
1 5100 3700
P 5700 3200
F 0 "#PWR013" H 5700 2950 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 5700 3050 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5700 3200 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5700 3200 60 0000 C CNN
1 5700 3200
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5300 3650 5100 3650
Wire Wire Line
5100 3450 5100 3550
Wire Wire Line
5300 3550 5100 3550
Connection ~ 5100 3650
Wire Wire Line
5300 3450 5100 3450
Connection ~ 5100 3550
Text GLabel 5150 2650 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 5150 2700 0 60 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5300 2650 5150 2650
Text GLabel 4500 2850 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 4500 2950 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 4500 3050 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 5100 900 0 60 Input ~ 0
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:C C103
U 1 1 58E3AB7E
P 4700 3050
F 0 "C103" H 4725 3150 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100n" H 4725 2950 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805" H 4738 2900 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4700 3050 50 0001 C CNN
1 4700 3050
P 5300 1100
F 0 "C103" H 5325 1200 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100n" H 5325 1000 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805" H 5338 950 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5300 1100 50 0001 C CNN
1 5300 1100
1 0 0 -1
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:C C105
U 1 1 58E3AC17
P 4900 3150
F 0 "C105" H 4925 3250 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100n" H 4925 3050 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805" H 4938 3000 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4900 3150 50 0001 C CNN
1 4900 3150
P 5550 1100
F 0 "C105" H 5575 1200 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100n" H 5575 1000 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805" H 5588 950 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5550 1100 50 0001 C CNN
1 5550 1100
1 0 0 -1
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:C C109
U 1 1 58E3ACB4
P 5100 3250
F 0 "C109" H 5125 3350 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100n" H 5125 3150 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805" H 5138 3100 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5100 3250 50 0001 C CNN
1 5100 3250
P 5800 1100
F 0 "C109" H 5825 1200 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100n" H 5825 1000 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805" H 5838 950 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5800 1100 50 0001 C CNN
1 5800 1100
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5300 3050 5100 3050
Wire Wire Line
5100 3100 5100 3050
Connection ~ 5100 3050
Wire Wire Line
5300 2950 4900 2950
Wire Wire Line
5300 2850 4700 2850
Wire Wire Line
4700 2900 4700 2850
Connection ~ 4700 2850
Wire Wire Line
4900 3000 4900 2950
Connection ~ 4900 2950
L power:GND #PWR014
U 1 1 58E3B13D
P 4700 3450
F 0 "#PWR014" H 4700 3200 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 4700 3300 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 4700 3450 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4700 3450 60 0000 C CNN
1 4700 3450
P 5800 1350
F 0 "#PWR014" H 5800 1100 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 5800 1200 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5800 1350 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5800 1350 60 0000 C CNN
1 5800 1350
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
4700 3200 4700 3300
Wire Wire Line
4700 3400 5100 3400
Wire Wire Line
4900 3300 4700 3300
Connection ~ 4700 3400
Connection ~ 4700 3300
Text GLabel 4800 1500 2 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 1300 3700 2 60 Input ~ 0
L awallin:LT1790 U101
U 1 1 58E3E1F5
P 2050 4000
F 0 "U101" H 2050 4200 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "LT1790" H 2050 4300 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "TO_SOT_Packages_SMD:SOT-23-6" H 2050 4000 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 2050 4000 60 0001 C CNN
1 2050 4000
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
2050 4700 2050 4600
Wire Wire Line
2000 4600 2050 4600
Wire Wire Line
2000 4600 2000 4500
Wire Wire Line
2100 4600 2100 4500
Connection ~ 2050 4600
Text Label 2650 4000 0 60 ~ 0
L awallin:BAT54S-SOT-23 D101
U 1 1 58E3F029
P 2950 1300
F 0 "D101" H 3050 1250 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "BAT54S-SOT-23" H 3400 1350 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "TO_SOT_Packages_SMD:SOT-23" H 2950 1300 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 2950 1300 60 0000 C CNN
1 2950 1300
1 0 0 1
Wire Wire Line
2650 1250 2600 1250
Connection ~ 2600 1250
L power:GND #PWR015
U 1 1 58E3F1DE
P 2950 1750
F 0 "#PWR015" H 2950 1500 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 2950 1600 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 2950 1750 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 2950 1750 60 0000 C CNN
1 2950 1750
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
2950 1750 2950 1650
Text GLabel 3050 750 2 60 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
3050 750 2950 750
Wire Wire Line
2950 750 2950 850
Text GLabel 2900 5950 2 60 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
2900 5950 2700 5950
Text Notes 2200 4400 0 60 ~ 0
Text Notes 5600 3800 0 60 ~ 0
Text Notes 5750 2050 0 60 ~ 0
L awallin:LTC6993 U103
U 1 1 58E4295F
P 5150 4500
F 0 "U103" H 5150 4700 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "LTC6993" H 5100 4800 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "TO_SOT_Packages_SMD:SOT-23-6" H 5150 4500 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5150 4500 60 0001 C CNN
1 5150 4500
1 0 0 -1
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:C C110
U 1 1 58E42BD4
P 6900 4800
......@@ -773,55 +613,43 @@ F 3 "" H 6250 5500 50 0001 C CNN
1 6250 5500
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5550 4800 5850 4800
Wire Wire Line
5850 4800 5850 5050
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:R R106
U 1 1 58E43191
P 4500 5000
F 0 "R106" V 4580 5000 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "300k" V 4500 5000 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0805" V 4430 5000 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4500 5000 50 0001 C CNN
1 4500 5000
P 4600 4750
F 0 "R106" V 4680 4750 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "300k" V 4600 4750 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0805" V 4530 4750 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4600 4750 50 0001 C CNN
1 4600 4750
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
4650 4800 4500 4800
Wire Wire Line
4500 4800 4500 4850
L power:GND #PWR017
U 1 1 58E43334
P 4500 5250
F 0 "#PWR017" H 4500 5000 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 4500 5100 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 4500 5250 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4500 5250 50 0001 C CNN
1 4500 5250
P 4600 5000
F 0 "#PWR017" H 4600 4750 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 4600 4850 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 4600 5000 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4600 5000 50 0001 C CNN
1 4600 5000
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
4500 5250 4500 5150
4600 5000 4600 4900
L power:GND #PWR018
U 1 1 58E4348B
P 4300 4650
F 0 "#PWR018" H 4300 4400 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 4300 4500 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 4300 4650 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4300 4650 50 0001 C CNN
1 4300 4650
P 5150 4750
F 0 "#PWR018" H 5150 4500 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 5150 4600 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5150 4750 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5150 4750 50 0001 C CNN
1 5150 4750
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
4650 4600 4300 4600
Wire Wire Line
4300 4600 4300 4650
Text Notes 5000 5150 0 60 ~ 0
Text Notes 4900 5350 0 60 ~ 0
LTC6993-4\nSOT23-6 \nfalling-edge\nretriggerable
Text Notes 5550 4300 0 60 ~ 0
20mA max
Wire Wire Line
......@@ -857,7 +685,6 @@ Wire Wire Line
6250 5100 6250 5050
Wire Wire Line
6250 4650 6250 4600
Connection ~ 6250 4600
Wire Wire Line
5850 5050 6250 5050
Connection ~ 6250 5050
......@@ -896,8 +723,6 @@ F 3 "" H 4100 4650 50 0001 C CNN
1 4100 4650
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
4650 4400 4100 4400
Wire Wire Line
4100 3800 4100 4400
Connection ~ 4100 4400
......@@ -916,8 +741,6 @@ Wire Wire Line
4100 4900 4100 4800
Wire Wire Line
4100 3500 4100 2600
Wire Wire Line
4100 2600 3950 2600
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:LED D102
U 1 1 58E47336
......@@ -961,56 +784,38 @@ Wire Wire Line
6350 4400 6250 4400
Text Notes 3700 6250 0 60 ~ 0
R106, R107, R108 chosen for a suitable BLINK pulse for the LED\n\ndivcode 5, Ndiv = 32768\n\nt_out = N_div * (Rset / 50k) * 1us\nRset=300k gives ca 200 ms long BLINK
Text Notes 4900 4150 0 60 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
8600 1300 7300 1300
Wire Wire Line
7300 1300 7300 2600
Wire Wire Line
7300 2600 7150 2600
Wire Wire Line
8600 1400 7050 1400
Text Label 4450 2500 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6500 3400 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6200 2800 0 60 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
7150 3400 6300 3400
Text Label 6500 3100 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6200 2600 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6400 2500 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6200 2200 0 60 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
8600 2000 6450 2000
Wire Wire Line
6450 2000 6450 2500
Text Label 6400 2650 0 60 ~ 0
6450 2000 6450 2200
Text Label 6200 2300 0 60 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
8600 1900 6600 1900
Wire Wire Line
6600 1900 6600 2650
Text Label 6500 2950 0 60 ~ 0
6600 1900 6600 2300
Text Label 6200 2500 0 60 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
8600 2500 6950 2500
Wire Wire Line
6950 2500 6950 2950
Wire Wire Line
8600 2600 7450 2600
Wire Wire Line
7450 2600 7450 2800
Wire Wire Line
7450 2800 6300 2800
Text Label 6500 2800 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6200 2400 0 60 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
8600 3050 7300 3050
Wire Wire Line
7300 3050 7300 3250
Wire Wire Line
7300 3250 6300 3250
Text Label 3350 1500 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 4100 2650 0 60 ~ 0
......@@ -1029,8 +834,6 @@ Text Notes 6950 4100 0 60 ~ 0
FRONT PANEL 1PPS LED\nmount standard SMD LED side-ways, or find side-output SMD LED(?)\nAlternative: thru-hole 100mil LED, e.g. digikey 1497-1359-ND
Text Notes 1500 5600 0 60 ~ 0
230VAC to 5VDC "brick" SMSP supply\nfor 3V3 low noise linear regulator
Text Notes 3100 1100 0 60 ~ 0
DNI\nprotection diodes not used on prototypes
Text Notes 6950 6400 0 60 ~ 0
Copyright Anders E. E. Wallin 2017.\n\nThis documentation describes Open Hardware and is licensed under the CERN OHL v. 1.2.\n\nYou may redistribute and modify this documentation under the terms of the\nCERN OHL v.1.2. ( This documentation is distributed\nWITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING OF\nMERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A\nPARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please see the CERN OHL v.1.2 for applicable conditions
Wire Notes Line
......@@ -1041,9 +844,9 @@ Wire Notes Line
11150 6450 6900 6450
Wire Notes Line
6900 6450 6900 5500
Text Label 6500 3550 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6200 2900 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6500 3250 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6200 2700 0 60 ~ 0
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:LED D103
......@@ -1080,14 +883,8 @@ Wire Wire Line
3950 1950 4050 1950
Wire Wire Line
2300 2650 2800 2650
Wire Wire Line
3300 3450 3300 3550
Wire Wire Line
3400 3450 3500 3450
Wire Wire Line
1950 2650 2300 2650
Wire Wire Line
1150 4000 1650 4000
Wire Wire Line
900 4000 1150 4000
Wire Wire Line
......@@ -1107,33 +904,200 @@ Wire Wire Line
Wire Wire Line
1150 850 1200 850
Wire Wire Line
5100 3650 5100 3700
6900 4600 6250 4600
Wire Wire Line
5100 3550 5100 3650
6250 5050 6250 4950
Wire Wire Line
4100 4400 4100 4500
Wire Wire Line
5100 3050 4500 3050
6250 4400 5550 4400
Wire Wire Line
4700 2850 4500 2850
6750 4400 6650 4400
L Reference_Voltage:LT1790-1.25 U101
U 1 1 5ED31A91
P 2050 4000
F 0 "U101" H 1901 4046 50 0000 R CNN
F 1 "LT1790-1.25" H 1901 3955 50 0000 R CNN
F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:TSOT-23-6" H 2050 3600 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 1900 4250 50 0001 C CNN
1 2050 4000
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
4900 2950 4500 2950
2050 3700 2050 3650
Wire Wire Line
4700 3400 4700 3450
2050 3650 1750 3650
Wire Wire Line
4700 3300 4700 3400
1750 3650 1750 4000
Wire Wire Line
2050 4600 2100 4600
1150 4000 1750 4000
Wire Wire Line
2600 1250 2600 2450
2250 4000 3050 4000
Wire Wire Line
6900 4600 6250 4600
2050 4300 2050 4350
L Timer:LTC6993xS6-4 U103
U 1 1 5ED5F5B3
P 5150 4400
F 0 "U103" H 5450 4650 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "LTC6993xS6-4" H 5400 4300 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:TSOT-23-6" H 5150 4000 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5200 4500 50 0001 C CNN
1 5150 4400
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
6250 4600 5550 4600
5150 4750 5150 4700
Wire Wire Line
6250 5050 6250 4950
4750 4500 4600 4500
Wire Wire Line
4100 4400 4100 4500
4600 4500 4600 4600
Wire Wire Line
6250 4400 5550 4400
4100 4400 4750 4400
Text Label 5850 5050 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 4550 4300 0 60 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
6750 4400 6650 4400
4750 4300 4550 4300
Wire Wire Line
6250 4600 5650 4600
Wire Wire Line
5650 4600 5650 4050
Wire Wire Line
5650 4050 5150 4050
Wire Wire Line
5150 4050 5150 4100
Connection ~ 6250 4600
Wire Wire Line
2600 850 2600 2450
L Comparator:LT1711xMS8 U102
U 1 1 5ED974D3
P 3100 2550
F 0 "U102" H 3150 2200 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "LT1711xMS8" H 3150 2300 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Package_SO:MSOP-8_3x3mm_P0.65mm" H 3100 2150 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3100 2550 50 0001 C CNN
1 3100 2550
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
3000 1500 3000 2250
Wire Wire Line
3000 1500 3800 1500
Wire Wire Line
3000 2850 3000 2900
Wire Wire Line
3100 2850 3100 2900
Wire Wire Line
3100 2900 3000 2900
Connection ~ 3000 2900
Wire Wire Line
3000 2900 3000 2950
L power:GND #PWR0101
U 1 1 5EDB2DEA
P 3200 2200
F 0 "#PWR0101" H 3200 1950 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 3200 2050 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 3200 2200 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3200 2200 60 0000 C CNN
1 3200 2200
-1 0 0 1
Wire Wire Line
3200 2250 3200 2200
Wire Wire Line
3650 2600 3650 2450
Wire Wire Line
3650 2450 3400 2450
Wire Wire Line
3650 2600 4100 2600
Wire Wire Line
3550 2500 3550 2650
Wire Wire Line
3550 2650 3400 2650
Wire Wire Line
3550 2500 5300 2500
L Interface:5PB1108PGxx U104
U 1 1 5EDDA513
P 5700 2600
F 0 "U104" H 5700 3381 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "5PB1108PGxx" H 5700 3290 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Package_SO:TSSOP-16_4.4x5mm_P0.65mm" H 5700 1900 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3300 3200 50 0001 C CNN
1 5700 2600
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5700 3200 5700 3100
Wire Wire Line
5700 2000 5700 1650
Wire Wire Line
5700 1650 6100 1650
Wire Wire Line
6100 900 5800 900
Wire Wire Line
6100 900 6100 1650
Wire Wire Line
5300 950 5300 900
Connection ~ 5300 900
Wire Wire Line
5300 900 5100 900
Wire Wire Line
5550 950 5550 900
Connection ~ 5550 900
Wire Wire Line
5550 900 5300 900
Wire Wire Line
5800 950 5800 900
Connection ~ 5800 900
Wire Wire Line
5800 900 5550 900
Wire Wire Line
5800 1350 5800 1300
Wire Wire Line
5550 1250 5550 1300
Wire Wire Line
5550 1300 5800 1300
Connection ~ 5800 1300
Wire Wire Line
5800 1300 5800 1250
Wire Wire Line
5300 1250 5300 1300
Wire Wire Line
5300 1300 5550 1300
Connection ~ 5550 1300
Wire Wire Line
5300 2700 5150 2700
Wire Wire Line
6100 2200 6450 2200
Wire Wire Line
6100 2300 6600 2300
Wire Wire Line
7300 2600 7150 2600
Wire Wire Line
7450 2600 7450 2400
Wire Wire Line
7450 2400 6100 2400
Wire Wire Line
6100 2500 8600 2500
Wire Wire Line
6100 2600 7050 2600
Wire Wire Line
7300 3050 7300 2700
Wire Wire Line
7300 2700 6100 2700
Wire Wire Line
6100 2800 7150 2800
Wire Wire Line
6100 2900 7150 2900
Wire Wire Line
7150 2900 7150 3150
Wire Wire Line
7150 3150 8600 3150
NoConn ~ 2050 6000
EESchema Schematic File Version 4
$Descr A4 11693 8268
encoding utf-8
......@@ -15,17 +14,6 @@ Comment3 ""
Comment4 ""
L power:GND #PWR038
U 1 1 56579586
P 8100 3050
F 0 "#PWR038" H 8100 2800 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 8100 2900 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 8100 3050 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8100 3050 60 0000 C CNN
1 8100 3050
1 0 0 -1
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:R R401
U 1 1 565795A5
P 9750 3000
......@@ -90,17 +78,6 @@ Text Notes 1800 4050 0 60 ~ 0
Obsolete:\nFarnell 9621261 \nTDK ZJYS51R5-2PT-01 \n\nReplacement:\nBourns SRF0905-100Y \nDigikey SRF0905-100YCT-ND\n"10µH @ 1kHz 2 Line Common Mode Choke Surface Mount 200 Ohms @ 20MHz 1.6A DCR 80 mOhm "
Text Notes 2650 1550 0 60 ~ 0
L awallin:CM-CHOKE T401
U 1 1 5658518C
P 2600 2850
F 0 "T401" H 2600 3100 70 0000 C CNN
F 1 "CM-CHOKE" V 2450 2850 70 0000 C CNN
F 2 "awallin:CM-CHOKE" H 2600 2850 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 2600 2850 60 0000 C CNN
1 2600 2850
0 -1 1 0
Text Notes 1550 2500 0 60 ~ 0
......@@ -114,8 +91,6 @@ F 3 "" H 1700 2750 60 0000 C CNN
1 1700 2750
-1 0 0 1
Wire Wire Line
1850 2750 2100 2750
Text GLabel 1400 2400 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 1650 3100 0 60 Input ~ 0
......@@ -151,34 +126,19 @@ F 3 "" H 7300 3000 60 0000 C CNN
Wire Wire Line
1500 2750 1550 2750
Wire Wire Line
1800 2950 2100 2950
L awallin:LT1963A U301
U 1 1 586E1236
P 8700 2500
F 0 "U301" H 8850 2000 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "LT1963A" H 8700 2400 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "TO_SOT_Packages_SMD:TO-263-5Lead" H 8700 2500 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8700 2500 60 0001 C CNN
1 8700 2500
1 0 0 -1
L power:GND #PWR039
U 1 1 586E13C9
P 8700 3650
F 0 "#PWR039" H 8700 3400 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 8700 3500 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 8700 3650 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8700 3650 60 0000 C CNN
1 8700 3650
P 8650 3250
F 0 "#PWR039" H 8650 3000 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 8650 3100 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 8650 3250 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8650 3250 60 0000 C CNN
1 8650 3250
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
8700 3550 8700 3650
Wire Wire Line
9200 2850 9500 2850
8650 3150 8650 3250
Wire Wire Line
9500 2850 9500 3200
Wire Wire Line
......@@ -186,8 +146,6 @@ Wire Wire Line
Wire Wire Line
9750 3150 9750 3200
Connection ~ 9750 3200
Wire Wire Line
9200 2750 9750 2750
Wire Wire Line
9750 2750 9750 2850
Wire Wire Line
......@@ -220,16 +178,10 @@ Wire Wire Line
10150 3200 10150 3150
Wire Wire Line
9750 3600 9750 3550
Wire Wire Line
8250 2950 8100 2950
Wire Wire Line
8100 2950 8100 3050
Wire Wire Line
8250 2850 8100 2850
Wire Wire Line
8100 2850 8100 2750
Wire Wire Line
5800 2750 7300 2750
Wire Wire Line
7550 2750 7550 2850
Connection ~ 8100 2750
......@@ -256,17 +208,6 @@ Wire Wire Line
Wire Wire Line
7300 3200 7300 3150
Connection ~ 7450 3200
L awallin:BNX025_FILTER F301
U 1 1 586E1D3D
P 5150 2600
F 0 "F301" H 5350 2400 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "BNX025_FILTER" H 5400 2550 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "awallin:FILTER_BNX025" H 5150 2600 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5150 2600 60 0000 C CNN
1 5150 2600
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
4950 2750 3100 2750
Wire Wire Line
......@@ -275,10 +216,6 @@ Wire Wire Line
3550 2900 3550 2950
Wire Wire Line
3550 2950 3100 2950
Wire Wire Line
5800 2900 7050 2900
Wire Wire Line
7050 2900 7050 3200
Connection ~ 7300 3200
Connection ~ 7300 2750
Text HLabel 10600 2750 2 60 Input ~ 0
......@@ -409,4 +346,53 @@ Wire Wire Line
10450 3400 10450 3350
Wire Wire Line
10450 2950 10450 2750
L Regulator_Linear:LT1963AEQ U301
U 1 1 5ED1F0F0
P 8650 2850
F 0 "U301" H 8650 3217 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "LT1963AEQ" H 8650 3126 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:TO-263-5_TabPin3" H 8650 2400 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8650 2300 50 0001 C CNN
1 8650 2850
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
9050 2850 9500 2850
Wire Wire Line
9050 2750 9750 2750
L Filter:BNX025 FL302
U 1 1 5ED25A26
P 5350 2850
F 0 "FL302" H 5350 3175 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "BNX025" H 5350 3084 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Filter:Filter_Murata_BNX025" H 5350 2650 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" V 5325 2825 50 0001 C CNN
1 5350 2850
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5750 2750 7300 2750
Wire Wire Line
7050 3200 7050 2950
Wire Wire Line
7050 2950 5750 2950
L Device:EMI_Filter_LL_1423 FL301
U 1 1 5ED2A059
P 2900 2850
F 0 "FL301" H 2900 3131 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "EMI_Filter_LL_1423" H 2900 3040 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Filter:Filter_Bourns_SRF0905_6.0x9.2mm" H 2900 2600 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" V 2900 2890 50 0001 C CNN
1 2900 2850
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
1850 2750 2700 2750
Wire Wire Line
1800 2950 2700 2950
Wire Wire Line
4950 2950 4950 2900
EESchema Schematic File Version 4
$Descr A4 11693 8268
encoding utf-8
......@@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ Rev "2017.04"
Comp "anders.e.e.wallin \"at\""
Comment1 "output stage for PDA2017.04 pulse-distribution amplifier "
Comment2 "2017-12-20: added trimmer-cap for skew adjustment"
Comment3 ""
Comment3 "2020-05 use standard library symbols. remove termination resistors."
Comment4 ""
Text HLabel 3350 1300 0 60 Input ~ 0
......@@ -19,695 +18,326 @@ InputA
Text HLabel 3350 3200 0 60 Input ~ 0
L awallin:IDT5PB1108 U201
U 1 1 58E38E16
P 5700 1200
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AR Path="/5664A647/58E38E16" Ref="U601" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E38E16" Ref="U401" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E38E16" Ref="U501" Part="1"
F 0 "U201" H 5750 -50 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "IDT5PB1108" H 5650 1200 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Housings_SSOP:TSSOP-16_4.4x5mm_Pitch0.65mm" H 5700 1200 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5700 1200 60 0001 C CNN
1 5700 1200
1 0 0 -1
L awallin:IDT5PB1108 U202
U 1 1 58E38E77
P 5700 3100
AR Path="/5654C338/58E38E77" Ref="U202" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/58E38E77" Ref="U602" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E38E77" Ref="U402" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E38E77" Ref="U502" Part="1"
F 0 "U202" H 5750 1850 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "IDT5PB1108" H 5650 3100 60 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Housings_SSOP:TSSOP-16_4.4x5mm_Pitch0.65mm" H 5700 3100 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5700 3100 60 0001 C CNN
1 5700 3100
1 0 0 -1
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:Conn_Coaxial J202
U 1 1 58E38EBE
P 7050 3850
P 6850 3500
AR Path="/5654C338/58E38EBE" Ref="J202" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/58E38EBE" Ref="J602" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E38EBE" Ref="J402" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E38EBE" Ref="J502" Part="1"
AR Path="/58E38EBE" Ref="J502" Part="1"
F 0 "J202" H 7060 3970 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "CONN_COAXIAL" V 7165 3850 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "awallinKiCadFootprints_git:CONNECTOR_SMA_Straight" H 7050 3850 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7050 3850 50 0001 C CNN
1 7050 3850
F 0 "J202" H 6860 3620 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "CONN_COAXIAL" V 6965 3500 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "awallinKiCadFootprints_git:CONNECTOR_SMA_Straight" H 6850 3500 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6850 3500 50 0001 C CNN
1 6850 3500
1 0 0 -1
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:Conn_Coaxial J201
U 1 1 58E38F25
P 7050 3200
P 6850 2850
AR Path="/5654C338/58E38F25" Ref="J201" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/58E38F25" Ref="J601" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E38F25" Ref="J401" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E38F25" Ref="J501" Part="1"
AR Path="/58E38F25" Ref="J501" Part="1"
F 0 "J201" H 7060 3320 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "CONN_COAXIAL" V 7165 3200 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "awallinKiCadFootprints_git:BNC_2PIN" H 7050 3200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7050 3200 50 0001 C CNN
1 7050 3200
F 0 "J201" H 6860 2970 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "CONN_COAXIAL" V 6965 2850 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "awallinKiCadFootprints_git:BNC_2PIN" H 6850 2850 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6850 2850 50 0001 C CNN
1 6850 2850
1 0 0 -1
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:Conn_Coaxial J203
U 1 1 58E38FA4
P 7150 1300
P 7050 950
AR Path="/5654C338/58E38FA4" Ref="J203" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/58E38FA4" Ref="J603" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E38FA4" Ref="J403" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E38FA4" Ref="J503" Part="1"
AR Path="/58E38FA4" Ref="J503" Part="1"
F 0 "J203" H 7160 1420 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "CONN_COAXIAL" V 7265 1300 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "awallinKiCadFootprints_git:BNC_2PIN" H 7150 1300 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7150 1300 50 0001 C CNN
1 7150 1300
F 0 "J203" H 7060 1070 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "CONN_COAXIAL" H 7450 950 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "awallinKiCadFootprints_git:BNC_2PIN" H 7050 950 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7050 950 50 0001 C CNN
1 7050 950
1 0 0 -1
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:Conn_Coaxial J204
U 1 1 58E38FF1
P 7150 1950
P 7050 1600
AR Path="/5654C338/58E38FF1" Ref="J204" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/58E38FF1" Ref="J604" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E38FF1" Ref="J404" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E38FF1" Ref="J504" Part="1"
AR Path="/58E38FF1" Ref="J504" Part="1"
F 0 "J204" H 7160 2070 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "CONN_COAXIAL" V 7265 1950 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "awallinKiCadFootprints_git:CONNECTOR_SMA_Straight" H 7150 1950 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7150 1950 50 0001 C CNN
1 7150 1950
F 0 "J204" H 7060 1720 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "CONN_COAXIAL" H 7450 1600 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "awallinKiCadFootprints_git:CONNECTOR_SMA_Straight" H 7050 1600 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7050 1600 50 0001 C CNN
1 7050 1600
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
6200 3350 6350 3350
Wire Wire Line
6350 3200 6350 3350
Wire Wire Line
6350 3500 6200 3500
Connection ~ 6350 3350
6000 3000 6150 3000
Wire Wire Line
6350 3650 6200 3650
Connection ~ 6350 3500
Connection ~ 6350 3650
6150 2850 6150 3000
Connection ~ 6150 3000
Wire Wire Line
6350 3950 6200 3950
Connection ~ 6350 3950
6150 3600 6000 3600
Wire Wire Line
6350 4250 6200 4250
Wire Wire Line
6700 3200 6700 3850
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6500 2850 6500 3500
Connection ~ 6500 2850
L power:GND #PWR022
U 1 1 58E391DB
P 5050 4450
P 5600 3850
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AR Path="/5664A647/58E391DB" Ref="#PWR077" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E391DB" Ref="#PWR045" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E391DB" Ref="#PWR061" Part="1"
F 0 "#PWR022" H 5050 4200 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 5050 4300 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5050 4450 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5050 4450 50 0001 C CNN
1 5050 4450
F 0 "#PWR022" H 5600 3600 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 5600 3700 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5600 3850 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5600 3850 50 0001 C CNN
1 5600 3850
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5200 4350 5050 4350
Wire Wire Line
5050 4150 5050 4250
Wire Wire Line
5200 4250 5050 4250
Connection ~ 5050 4350
Wire Wire Line
5200 4150 5050 4150
Connection ~ 5050 4250
L power:GND #PWR078
U 1 1 58E39300
P 5000 2500
P 5600 1950
AR Path="/5664A647/58E39300" Ref="#PWR078" Part="1"
AR Path="/5654C338/58E39300" Ref="#PWR023" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E39300" Ref="#PWR046" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E39300" Ref="#PWR062" Part="1"
F 0 "#PWR023" H 5000 2250 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 5000 2350 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5000 2500 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5000 2500 50 0001 C CNN
1 5000 2500
F 0 "#PWR023" H 5600 1700 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 5600 1800 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5600 1950 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5600 1950 50 0001 C CNN
1 5600 1950
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5200 2450 5000 2450
Wire Wire Line
5000 2250 5000 2350
Wire Wire Line
5200 2350 5000 2350
Connection ~ 5000 2450
Wire Wire Line
5200 2250 5000 2250
Connection ~ 5000 2350
L power:GND #PWR024
U 1 1 58E39526
P 7050 3450
P 6850 3100
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AR Path="/5664A647/58E39526" Ref="#PWR079" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E39526" Ref="#PWR047" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E39526" Ref="#PWR063" Part="1"
F 0 "#PWR024" H 7050 3200 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 7050 3300 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7050 3450 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7050 3450 50 0001 C CNN
1 7050 3450
F 0 "#PWR024" H 6850 2850 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 6850 2950 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6850 3100 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6850 3100 50 0001 C CNN
1 6850 3100
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
6700 3850 6900 3850
6500 3500 6700 3500
L power:GND #PWR080
U 1 1 58E3963F
P 7050 4100
P 6850 3750
AR Path="/5664A647/58E3963F" Ref="#PWR080" Part="1"
AR Path="/5654C338/58E3963F" Ref="#PWR025" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E3963F" Ref="#PWR048" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E3963F" Ref="#PWR064" Part="1"
F 0 "#PWR025" H 7050 3850 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 7050 3950 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7050 4100 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7050 4100 50 0001 C CNN
1 7050 4100
F 0 "#PWR025" H 6850 3500 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 6850 3600 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6850 3750 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6850 3750 50 0001 C CNN
1 6850 3750
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
7050 4100 7050 4050
6850 3750 6850 3700
Wire Wire Line
7050 3450 7050 3400
6850 3100 6850 3050
L power:GND #PWR026
U 1 1 58E3972F
P 7150 1550
P 7050 1200
AR Path="/5654C338/58E3972F" Ref="#PWR026" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/58E3972F" Ref="#PWR081" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E3972F" Ref="#PWR049" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E3972F" Ref="#PWR065" Part="1"
F 0 "#PWR026" H 7150 1300 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 7150 1400 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7150 1550 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7150 1550 50 0001 C CNN
1 7150 1550
F 0 "#PWR026" H 7050 950 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 7050 1050 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7050 1200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7050 1200 50 0001 C CNN
1 7050 1200
1 0 0 -1
L power:GND #PWR082
U 1 1 58E3976A
P 7150 2200
P 7050 1850
AR Path="/5664A647/58E3976A" Ref="#PWR082" Part="1"
AR Path="/5654C338/58E3976A" Ref="#PWR027" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E3976A" Ref="#PWR050" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E3976A" Ref="#PWR066" Part="1"
F 0 "#PWR027" H 7150 1950 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 7150 2050 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7150 2200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7150 2200 50 0001 C CNN
1 7150 2200
F 0 "#PWR027" H 7050 1600 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 7050 1700 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7050 1850 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7050 1850 50 0001 C CNN
1 7050 1850
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
7150 2200 7150 2150
Wire Wire Line
7150 1550 7150 1500
Wire Wire Line
6200 1450 6350 1450
Wire Wire Line
6350 1300 6350 1450
7050 1850 7050 1800
Wire Wire Line
6350 1600 6200 1600
Connection ~ 6350 1450
7050 1200 7050 1150
Wire Wire Line
6350 1750 6200 1750
Connection ~ 6350 1600
Connection ~ 6350 1750
6900 1600 6700 1600
Wire Wire Line
6350 2050 6200 2050
Connection ~ 6350 2050
Wire Wire Line
6350 2350 6200 2350
Wire Wire Line
7000 1950 6800 1950
Wire Wire Line
6800 1950 6800 1300
Connection ~ 6800 1300
6700 1600 6700 950
Connection ~ 6700 950
Wire Wire Line
3350 1300 3600 1300
Wire Wire Line
3350 3200 3600 3200
Text GLabel 5000 3350 0 60 Input ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5200 3350 5000 3350
Wire Wire Line
5200 1450 5000 1450
Text GLabel 4350 3550 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 4350 3650 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 5000 3400 0 60 Input ~ 0
Text GLabel 4350 3750 0 60 Input ~ 0
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L PDA_2017.04-rescue:C C202
U 1 1 58E419B5
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AR Path="/5654C338/58E419B5" Ref="C202" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E419B5" Ref="C405" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E419B5" Ref="C502" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/58E419B5" Ref="C602" Part="1"
AR Path="/58E419B5" Ref="C202" Part="1"
F 0 "C202" H 4575 3850 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100n" H 4575 3650 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805" H 4588 3600 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4550 3750 50 0001 C CNN
1 4550 3750
F 0 "C202" H 4475 2600 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100n" H 4475 2400 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805" H 4488 2350 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4450 2500 50 0001 C CNN
1 4450 2500
1 0 0 -1
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:C C204
U 1 1 58E419F7
P 4750 3850
P 4700 2500
AR Path="/5654C338/58E419F7" Ref="C204" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E419F7" Ref="C407" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E419F7" Ref="C504" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/58E419F7" Ref="C604" Part="1"
AR Path="/58E419F7" Ref="C204" Part="1"
F 0 "C204" H 4775 3950 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100n" H 4775 3750 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805" H 4788 3700 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4750 3850 50 0001 C CNN
1 4750 3850
F 0 "C204" H 4725 2600 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100n" H 4725 2400 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805" H 4738 2350 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4700 2500 50 0001 C CNN
1 4700 2500
1 0 0 -1
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:C C206
U 1 1 58E41A2F
P 4900 3950
P 4950 2500
AR Path="/5654C338/58E41A2F" Ref="C206" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E41A2F" Ref="C409" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E41A2F" Ref="C506" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/58E41A2F" Ref="C606" Part="1"
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F 0 "C206" H 4925 4050 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100n" H 4925 3850 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805" H 4938 3800 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4900 3950 50 0001 C CNN
1 4900 3950
F 0 "C206" H 4975 2600 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100n" H 4975 2400 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805" H 4988 2350 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4950 2500 50 0001 C CNN
1 4950 2500
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5200 3750 4900 3750
Wire Wire Line
4900 3800 4900 3750
Connection ~ 4900 3750
Wire Wire Line
5200 3650 4750 3650
Wire Wire Line
5200 3550 4550 3550
Wire Wire Line
4550 3600 4550 3550
Connection ~ 4550 3550
Wire Wire Line
4750 3700 4750 3650
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L power:GND #PWR028
U 1 1 58E41C19
P 4900 4200
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AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E41C19" Ref="#PWR051" Part="1"
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F 0 "#PWR028" H 4900 3950 50 0001 C CNN
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F 2 "" H 4900 4200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4900 4200 50 0001 C CNN
1 4900 4200
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
4900 4200 4900 4100
L power:GND #PWR029
U 1 1 58E41C8D
P 4750 4100
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AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E41C8D" Ref="#PWR052" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E41C8D" Ref="#PWR068" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/58E41C8D" Ref="#PWR084" Part="1"
F 0 "#PWR029" H 4750 3850 50 0001 C CNN
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F 2 "" H 4750 4100 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4750 4100 50 0001 C CNN
1 4750 4100
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
4750 4100 4750 4000
L power:GND #PWR030
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AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E41D02" Ref="#PWR053" Part="1"
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AR Path="/5664A647/58E41D02" Ref="#PWR085" Part="1"
F 0 "#PWR030" H 4550 3750 50 0001 C CNN
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F 2 "" H 4550 4000 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4550 4000 50 0001 C CNN
1 4550 4000
F 0 "#PWR030" H 4350 2500 50 0001 C CNN
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F 2 "" H 4350 2750 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4350 2750 50 0001 C CNN
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1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
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L PDA_2017.04-rescue:C C201
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AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E41FC5" Ref="C402" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E41FC5" Ref="C501" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/58E41FC5" Ref="C601" Part="1"
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F 0 "C201" H 4575 1950 50 0000 L CNN
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1 4550 1850
F 0 "C201" H 4325 950 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100n" H 4325 750 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805" H 4338 700 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4300 850 50 0001 C CNN
1 4300 850
1 0 0 -1
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:C C203
U 1 1 58E41FCB
P 4750 1950
P 4550 850
AR Path="/5654C338/58E41FCB" Ref="C203" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E41FCB" Ref="C406" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E41FCB" Ref="C503" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/58E41FCB" Ref="C603" Part="1"
AR Path="/58E41FCB" Ref="C203" Part="1"
F 0 "C203" H 4775 2050 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100n" H 4775 1850 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805" H 4788 1800 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4750 1950 50 0001 C CNN
1 4750 1950
F 0 "C203" H 4575 950 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100n" H 4575 750 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805" H 4588 700 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4550 850 50 0001 C CNN
1 4550 850
1 0 0 -1
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:C C205
U 1 1 58E41FD1
P 4900 2050
P 4800 850
AR Path="/5654C338/58E41FD1" Ref="C205" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E41FD1" Ref="C408" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E41FD1" Ref="C505" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/58E41FD1" Ref="C605" Part="1"
AR Path="/58E41FD1" Ref="C205" Part="1"
F 0 "C205" H 4925 2150 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100n" H 4925 1950 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805" H 4938 1900 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4900 2050 50 0001 C CNN
1 4900 2050
F 0 "C205" H 4825 950 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100n" H 4825 750 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_SMD:C_0805" H 4838 700 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4800 850 50 0001 C CNN
1 4800 850
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5200 1850 4900 1850
Wire Wire Line
4900 1900 4900 1850
Connection ~ 4900 1850
Wire Wire Line
5200 1750 4750 1750
Wire Wire Line
5200 1650 4550 1650
Wire Wire Line
4550 1700 4550 1650
Connection ~ 4550 1650
Wire Wire Line
4750 1800 4750 1750
Connection ~ 4750 1750
L power:GND #PWR031
U 1 1 58E41FE0
P 4900 2300
AR Path="/5654C338/58E41FE0" Ref="#PWR031" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E41FE0" Ref="#PWR054" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E41FE0" Ref="#PWR070" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/58E41FE0" Ref="#PWR086" Part="1"
F 0 "#PWR031" H 4900 2050 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 4900 2150 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 4900 2300 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4900 2300 50 0001 C CNN
1 4900 2300
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
4900 2300 4900 2200
L power:GND #PWR032
U 1 1 58E41FE7
P 4750 2200
AR Path="/5654C338/58E41FE7" Ref="#PWR032" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E41FE7" Ref="#PWR055" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E41FE7" Ref="#PWR071" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/58E41FE7" Ref="#PWR087" Part="1"
F 0 "#PWR032" H 4750 1950 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 4750 2050 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 4750 2200 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4750 2200 50 0001 C CNN
1 4750 2200
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
4750 2200 4750 2100
L power:GND #PWR033
U 1 1 58E41FEE
P 4550 2100
P 4200 1100
AR Path="/5654C338/58E41FEE" Ref="#PWR033" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/58E41FEE" Ref="#PWR056" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/58E41FEE" Ref="#PWR072" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/58E41FEE" Ref="#PWR088" Part="1"
F 0 "#PWR033" H 4550 1850 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 4550 1950 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 4550 2100 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4550 2100 50 0001 C CNN
1 4550 2100
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
4550 2100 4550 2000
Wire Wire Line
6350 1300 6800 1300
Wire Wire Line
6350 3200 6700 3200
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:R R601
U 1 1 59677720
P 6450 2400
AR Path="/5664A647/59677720" Ref="R601" Part="1"
AR Path="/5654C338/59677720" Ref="R201" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/59677720" Ref="R403" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/59677720" Ref="R501" Part="1"
F 0 "R201" V 6530 2400 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "50R" V 6450 2400 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0805" V 6380 2400 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6450 2400 50 0001 C CNN
1 6450 2400
1 0 0 -1
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:R R603
U 1 1 596777C3
P 6600 2400
AR Path="/5664A647/596777C3" Ref="R603" Part="1"
AR Path="/5654C338/596777C3" Ref="R203" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/596777C3" Ref="R405" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/596777C3" Ref="R503" Part="1"
F 0 "R203" V 6680 2400 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "50R" V 6600 2400 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0805" V 6530 2400 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6600 2400 50 0001 C CNN
1 6600 2400
1 0 0 -1
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:R R605
U 1 1 59677803
P 6750 2400
AR Path="/5664A647/59677803" Ref="R605" Part="1"
AR Path="/5654C338/59677803" Ref="R205" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/59677803" Ref="R407" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/59677803" Ref="R505" Part="1"
F 0 "R205" V 6830 2400 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "50R" V 6750 2400 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0805" V 6680 2400 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6750 2400 50 0001 C CNN
1 6750 2400
1 0 0 -1
L power:GND #PWR089
U 1 1 59677842
P 6450 2700
AR Path="/5664A647/59677842" Ref="#PWR089" Part="1"
AR Path="/5654C338/59677842" Ref="#PWR034" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/59677842" Ref="#PWR057" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/59677842" Ref="#PWR073" Part="1"
F 0 "#PWR034" H 6450 2450 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 6450 2550 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6450 2700 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6450 2700 50 0001 C CNN
1 6450 2700
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
6450 2550 6450 2650
Wire Wire Line
6600 2550 6600 2650
Wire Wire Line
6450 2650 6600 2650
Connection ~ 6450 2650
Wire Wire Line
6750 2650 6750 2550
Connection ~ 6600 2650
Wire Wire Line
6200 2200 6450 2200
Wire Wire Line
6450 2200 6450 2250
Wire Wire Line
6200 1900 6600 1900
Wire Wire Line
6600 1900 6600 2250
Wire Wire Line
6750 2250 6750 1250
Wire Wire Line
6750 1250 6250 1250
Wire Wire Line
6250 1250 6250 1300
Wire Wire Line
6250 1300 6200 1300
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:R R202
U 1 1 59677D5A
P 6450 4400
AR Path="/5654C338/59677D5A" Ref="R202" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/59677D5A" Ref="R404" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/59677D5A" Ref="R502" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/59677D5A" Ref="R602" Part="1"
F 0 "R202" V 6530 4400 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "50R" V 6450 4400 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0805" V 6380 4400 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6450 4400 50 0001 C CNN
1 6450 4400
1 0 0 -1
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:R R204
U 1 1 59677DBA
P 6600 4400
AR Path="/5654C338/59677DBA" Ref="R204" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/59677DBA" Ref="R406" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/59677DBA" Ref="R504" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/59677DBA" Ref="R604" Part="1"
F 0 "R204" V 6680 4400 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "50R" V 6600 4400 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0805" V 6530 4400 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6600 4400 50 0001 C CNN
1 6600 4400
1 0 0 -1
L PDA_2017.04-rescue:R R206
U 1 1 59677E15
P 6750 4400
AR Path="/5654C338/59677E15" Ref="R206" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/59677E15" Ref="R408" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/59677E15" Ref="R506" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/59677E15" Ref="R606" Part="1"
F 0 "R206" V 6830 4400 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "50R" V 6750 4400 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0805" V 6680 4400 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6750 4400 50 0001 C CNN
1 6750 4400
1 0 0 -1
L power:GND #PWR035
U 1 1 59677E6D
P 6450 4700
AR Path="/5654C338/59677E6D" Ref="#PWR035" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/59677E6D" Ref="#PWR058" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/59677E6D" Ref="#PWR074" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/59677E6D" Ref="#PWR090" Part="1"
F 0 "#PWR035" H 6450 4450 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 6450 4550 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6450 4700 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6450 4700 50 0001 C CNN
1 6450 4700
F 0 "#PWR033" H 4200 850 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 4200 950 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 4200 1100 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4200 1100 50 0001 C CNN
1 4200 1100
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
6450 4550 6450 4650
6250 950 6700 950
Wire Wire Line
6600 4550 6600 4650
Wire Wire Line
6450 4650 6600 4650
Connection ~ 6450 4650
Wire Wire Line
6750 4650 6750 4550
Connection ~ 6600 4650
Wire Wire Line
6200 4100 6450 4100
Wire Wire Line
6450 4100 6450 4250
Wire Wire Line
6200 3800 6600 3800
Wire Wire Line
6600 3800 6600 4250
Wire Wire Line
6750 4250 6750 4150
Wire Wire Line
6750 4150 6650 4150
Wire Wire Line
6650 4150 6650 3150
Wire Wire Line
6650 3150 6250 3150
Wire Wire Line
6250 3150 6250 3200
Wire Wire Line
6250 3200 6200 3200
Text Notes 6950 2600 0 60 ~ 0
Termination of unused outputs not really needed (DNI?)
Text Notes 6850 4550 0 60 ~ 0
Termination of unused outputs not really needed (DNI?)
6150 2850 6500 2850
Text Notes 6950 6350 0 60 ~ 0
Copyright Anders E. E. Wallin 2017.\n\nThis documentation describes Open Hardware and is licensed under the CERN OHL v. 1.2.\n\nYou may redistribute and modify this documentation under the terms of the\nCERN OHL v.1.2. ( This documentation is distributed\nWITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING OF\nMERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A\nPARTICULAR PURPOSE. Please see the CERN OHL v.1.2 for applicable conditions
Wire Notes Line
......@@ -788,78 +418,181 @@ F 3 "" H 3600 1750 50 0001 C CNN
Wire Wire Line
3600 1750 3600 1650
Text Notes 1550 2750 0 60 ~ 0
Adjust C-trimmer for zero output-skew\nbetween channels.\noutput tunes ca 60-80 ps/pF\n10 pF trimmer-cap gives >500 ps tuning range which is suffificent
Text Notes 7350 1700 0 60 ~ 0
Text Notes 7250 1350 0 60 ~ 0
Install either BNC or SMA output connector
Text Notes 7250 3600 0 60 ~ 0
Text Notes 7050 3250 0 60 ~ 0
Install either BNC or SMA output connector
Wire Notes Line
6350 2400 7650 2400
Wire Notes Line
7650 2400 7650 2350
Text Notes 7700 2400 0 60 ~ 0
Wire Notes Line
6350 4400 7600 4400
Wire Notes Line
7600 4400 7600 4350
Text Notes 7650 4400 0 60 ~ 0
Text Notes 2350 1550 0 60 ~ 0
Murata TZB4-B footprint
Text Notes 2350 3450 0 60 ~ 0
Murata TZB4-B footprint
Wire Wire Line
6350 3350 6350 3500
6500 2850 6700 2850
Wire Wire Line
6350 3500 6350 3650
6700 950 6900 950
Wire Wire Line
6350 3650 6350 3950
3600 3200 5200 3200
Wire Wire Line
6350 3950 6350 4250
3600 1300 5200 1300
L Interface:5PB1108PGxx U201
U 1 1 5EE8185B
P 5600 1400
AR Path="/5654C338/5EE8185B" Ref="U201" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/5EE8185B" Ref="U401" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/5EE8185B" Ref="U501" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/5EE8185B" Ref="U601" Part="1"
F 0 "U201" H 5600 2181 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "5PB1108PGxx" H 5600 2090 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Package_SO:TSSOP-16_4.4x5mm_P0.65mm" H 5600 700 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3200 2000 50 0001 C CNN
1 5600 1400
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
6700 3200 6900 3200
5200 1500 5000 1500
Wire Wire Line
5050 4350 5050 4450
5600 1950 5600 1900
Wire Wire Line
5050 4250 5050 4350
4150 650 4300 650
Wire Wire Line
5000 2450 5000 2500
5600 650 5600 800
Wire Wire Line
5000 2350 5000 2450
4800 700 4800 650
Connection ~ 4800 650
Wire Wire Line
6350 1450 6350 1600
4800 650 5600 650
Wire Wire Line
6350 1600 6350 1750
4550 700 4550 650
Connection ~ 4550 650
Wire Wire Line
6350 1750 6350 2050
4550 650 4800 650
Wire Wire Line
6350 2050 6350 2350
4300 700 4300 650
Connection ~ 4300 650
Wire Wire Line
6800 1300 7000 1300
4300 650 4550 650
Wire Wire Line
4900 3750 4350 3750
4200 1100 4200 1050
Wire Wire Line
4550 3550 4350 3550
4200 1050 4300 1050
Wire Wire Line
4750 3650 4350 3650
4300 1050 4300 1000
Wire Wire Line
4900 1850 4350 1850
4300 1050 4550 1050
Wire Wire Line
4550 1650 4350 1650
4550 1050 4550 1000
Connection ~ 4300 1050
Wire Wire Line
4750 1750 4350 1750
4550 1050 4800 1050
Wire Wire Line
6450 2650 6450 2700
4800 1050 4800 1000
Connection ~ 4550 1050
Text Notes 950 3000 0 60 ~ 0
Adjust C-trimmer for zero output-skew\nbetween channels.\noutput tunes ca 60-80 ps/pF\n10 pF trimmer-cap gives >500 ps tuning range which is suffificent
Text Notes 6050 800 0 60 ~ 0
9-16 on connector side of chip
Wire Wire Line
6600 2650 6750 2650
6250 950 6250 1100
Wire Wire Line
6450 4650 6450 4700
6000 1700 6250 1700
Wire Wire Line
6600 4650 6750 4650
6000 1500 6250 1500
Connection ~ 6250 1500
Wire Wire Line
3600 3200 5200 3200
6250 1500 6250 1700
Wire Wire Line
3600 1300 5200 1300
6000 1300 6250 1300
Connection ~ 6250 1300
Wire Wire Line
6250 1300 6250 1500
Wire Wire Line
6000 1200 6250 1200
Connection ~ 6250 1200
Wire Wire Line
6250 1200 6250 1300
Wire Wire Line
6000 1100 6250 1100
Connection ~ 6250 1100
Wire Wire Line
6250 1100 6250 1200
NoConn ~ 6000 1600
NoConn ~ 6000 1400
NoConn ~ 6000 1000
L Interface:5PB1108PGxx U202
U 1 1 5EEEEC41
P 5600 3300
AR Path="/5654C338/5EEEEC41" Ref="U202" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A4CF/5EEEEC41" Ref="U402" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A642/5EEEEC41" Ref="U502" Part="1"
AR Path="/5664A647/5EEEEC41" Ref="U602" Part="1"
F 0 "U202" H 5600 4081 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "5PB1108PGxx" H 5600 3990 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Package_SO:TSSOP-16_4.4x5mm_P0.65mm" H 5600 2600 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 3200 3900 50 0001 C CNN
1 5600 3300
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5000 3400 5200 3400
Wire Wire Line
4350 2300 4450 2300
Wire Wire Line
5600 2300 5600 2700
Wire Wire Line
4950 2350 4950 2300
Connection ~ 4950 2300
Wire Wire Line
4950 2300 5600 2300
Wire Wire Line
4700 2350 4700 2300
Connection ~ 4700 2300
Wire Wire Line
4700 2300 4950 2300
Wire Wire Line
4450 2350 4450 2300
Connection ~ 4450 2300
Wire Wire Line
4450 2300 4700 2300
Wire Wire Line
4350 2750 4350 2700
Wire Wire Line
4350 2700 4450 2700
Wire Wire Line
4950 2700 4950 2650
Wire Wire Line
4700 2650 4700 2700
Connection ~ 4700 2700
Wire Wire Line
4700 2700 4950 2700
Wire Wire Line
4450 2650 4450 2700
Connection ~ 4450 2700
Wire Wire Line
4450 2700 4700 2700
Wire Wire Line
5600 3850 5600 3800
Wire Wire Line
6150 3000 6150 3100
Wire Wire Line
6000 3400 6150 3400
Connection ~ 6150 3400
Wire Wire Line
6150 3400 6150 3600
Wire Wire Line
6000 3200 6150 3200
Connection ~ 6150 3200
Wire Wire Line
6150 3200 6150 3400
Wire Wire Line
6000 3100 6150 3100
Connection ~ 6150 3100
Wire Wire Line
6150 3100 6150 3200
Text Notes 7050 2250 0 60 ~ 0
5 parallell outputs drive ca 2.7V pulse into 50R load\n10% to 90% rise-time <700 ps (measured with 4 GHz scope and long cable)
NoConn ~ 6000 2900
NoConn ~ 6000 3300
NoConn ~ 6000 3500
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