Commit c4658bd2 authored by Eric Davis's avatar Eric Davis

[#202] Add the theme used on

Using 3c2ef2757165e23b65fd from
parent 7796ae89
0.2.0 (22-05-2009)
* Defect #236: Icons (ticket__*.png) aren't referenced correctly
* Feature #243: Add support for Redmine Graphs plugin
* Feature #261: Add support for Redmine Bugcloud plugin
* Feature #262: Add support for Redmine Scrumdashboard plugin
* Feature #263: Add support for Redmine Code Review plugin
* Enhancement #230: Other font-family for header
* Enhancement #233: Change used Fugue-icon for Roadmap project-menu item
* Enhancement #255: Make image-references relative for sub-URI compatibility
* Enhancement #256: Fix upcoming change in supported Budget-plugin
* Enhancement #258: Fix upcoming change in supported Invoices-plugin
* Enhancement #259: Fix upcoming change in supported Scores-plugin
* Enhancement #260: Fix upcoming change in supported Simple-CI plugin
* Enhancement #267: Fix upcoming change in supported Todos plugin
* Task-HITDM #235: Update vendor source of the fugue icon-set to current release
* Task-HITDM #257: Clean-up and Fix project-menu declarations of supported plugins
* Task-HITDM #266: Remove unused images while creating the 0.2-release branch
0.1.0 (21-03-2009)
* Defect #186: Project-menu icons aren't rendered after Redmine core rev2022
* Defect #187: Right-aligned columns on version-page have a white background instead of transparent
* Defect #193: There exists some cross-browser compatibility-errors on Presto-engine
* Defect #195: Some faulty references to non-existing images exists due to typos
* Defect #196: Fix overflow of the content
* Defect #199: Issue-journals should be displayed *behind* the related-revisions block, not below it
* Defect #207: Several PNG-images are rendered with a white background, disrupting the nice gray-gradient
* Defect #208: Fix the rendering of the note-icon when inline-editing an issue-journal
* Defect #211: After r40 unordered lists inside the issue-journal comment are smaller-sized too
* Defect #212: Issue-journal comment note-icons rendered for all paragraphs instead of the first only
* Defect #213: After r37 the context-menu item-links are rendered as bold; should be normal
* Defect #228: After r6 selected project-menu tabs aren't highlighted anymore
* Feature #210: Add specific declarations for third-party plugins
* Feature #229: Add KHTML-support for rounded-borders on the first & last project-menu items
* Enhancement #190: Improve link-visibility globally
* Enhancement #191: Refactor the styling of the issue-journals
* Enhancement #192: Modify (overall) font-sizes to make the UI more consistent
* Enhancement #194: Sidebar should have a bit more width
* Enhancement #198: Overrule bordered-table styles imported from the Alternate-theme
* Enhancement #214: Project-menu overflows the right border when lots of modules are enabled on a project
* Enhancement #223: Improve icon-declarations
* Task-HITDM #188: Remove project-body headers introduced by Squeejee based on a core-hack
* Task-HITDM #189: Undue the theme from dependency on (import of) the Alternate-theme
* Task-HITDM #200: Remove unused images from release
* Task-HITDM #201: Clean CSS-styles coding
* Task-HITDM #205: 0.1.0 Release QA
* Task-HITDM #209: CSS-Code Cleanup (round 2)
* Task-HITDM #215: Update vendor source of the fugue icon-set to 1.4.6
* Task-HITDM #224: Update vendor source of the fugue icon-set to 1.4.7
* Task-HITDM #226: Fix issues found in 0.1.0 Release QA-Sprint/2 (#205)
Initial source by Wynn Netherland as of 20-11-2008
This diff is collapsed.
= theme
This theme is based on the Redmine Squeejee theme. It is available bundled with ChiliProject as well as on Github.
* ChiliProject -
* Github -
See README.redmine for the official Squeejee theme readme.
h1. Squeejee theme
A theme for Redmine which is based on a dark but "shiny" color-scheme and which includes a subtle (re)styled project-menu.
h2. Packager, contributor and maintainer
* Mischa The Evil
h2. Initial author
* "Wynn Netherland":
h2. History
For the complete history of the theme's creation you could see "this forum-thread":
h2. Features
The Squeejee© theme is an updated, packaged release of Wynn Netherland's work for "Squeejee's": internal Redmine instance. It initially was a heavily modified derivation of the [[ThemeAlternate|alternate theme]] which required Redmine core hacks but is made stand-alone and working without core hacks (by using the core's support for project-menu item styling (r2059)) for this release.
It's looks can be best described as a dark theme with gradient backgrounds, dark-gray and bold links, but all with a "shiny" and "friendly" touch. It reintroduces the project-menu item-icons with the extension that styling of third-party plugins (including selected icons) is supported too.
Also the overflow to a second line of the project-menu, when using a lot of plugins with menu-items, is handled without disturbing the surrounding layout and elements.
The colour-scheme basically consists of three basic colours: black, grey and white.
It includes:
* issue-colouring in the issuelist, based on default priority-enumerations for issues
* more sophistically styled "tabs", "tables", etc.
* (project-menu item styling) support for (lots of) third-party plugins
h2. Screenshots
[ ... see online version of this page ... ]
h2. Compatibility
h3. Redmine compatibility
The theme is compatible with the Redmine 0.8-stable branch (thus including releases: 0.8.0, 0.8.1, 0.8.2 and 0.8.3) and the trunk.
h3. Browser compatibility
* This theme is fully compatible with the current, big-four of browser-engines:
* Gecko (Mozilla)
* Trident (Internet Explorer 8)
* Presto (Opera)
* WebKit (Safari/Chrome)
* This theme is for about 95% compatible with the following browser-engine:
* Trident (Internet Explorer 7)
Though, tiny differences can occur across different browsers.
h2. Obtaining the theme
The theme can be downloaded as a packaged release from:
* this page; the archive is attached
* this MediaFire-mirror:
* the upcoming website
h2. Installation
Follow the Redmine theme installation steps at:
h2. Upgrade
1. Download the latest archive file from the available sources (see "Obtaining the theme")
2. Backup the currently deployed squeejee theme (in _"../public/themes"_: @mv squeejee squeejee-backup@)
3. Unzip the downloaded file to your Redmine into the theme-directory _"../public/themes"_
4. Restart your Redmine
h2. Uninstall
1. Remove the directory "squeejee" from the theme-directory _"../public/themes"_
2. Restart Redmine
h2. Changelog
For the complete changelog see the @CHANGELOG@-file in the Squeejee theme directory.
h2. Credits
Thanks goes out to the following people:
* Wynn Netherland, Squeejee (
** Initial author (designer and coder) of the draft of this theme which can be found here:
* Jean-Philippe Lang, Project-leader of Redmine (
** For creating and maintaining the Redmine system...
h2. Licensing
This theme is open-source and licensed under the "GNU General Public License v2": (GPL). Certain icons are part of the Fugue icon-set ( which is released under the "Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported": license.
* (C)2009, Mischa The Evil (
* (C)2008, Wynn Netherland (
h2. Support
If you need help, would like to report a bug or request a new feature you can contact the
maintainer via mail (mischa_the_evil [AT] hotmail [DOT] com) or at his (upcoming) website:
Version 2.0 (May 13, 2009)
- Add <drive*>.
- Add <edit-disable>.
- Add <navigation*>.
- Add <report-excel>.
- Add <smiley-paint-brush>.
- Add <ui-toolbar-bookmark>.
- Add <umbrella-disable>.
- Add <user-disable> and <user-female-disable>.
Version 1.9.3 (May 12, 2009)
- Add <balloon-ellipsis> and <balloon-sound>.
- Add <brightness-control*>.
- Add <clock-disable>.
- Add <contrast-control*>.
- Add <hammer-disable> and <hammer-screwdriver-disable>.
- Add <keyboard-disable> and <keyboard-space>.
- Add <pill-disable>.
- Add <pin-disable>.
- Add <plug-disable>.
- Add <printer-disable>.
- Add <ruler-disable> and <ruler-triangle-disable>.
- Add <safe-disable>.
- Add <scissors-disable>.
- Add <screwdriver-disable>.
- Add <switch-disable>.
- Add <target-disable>.
- Add <thumb-disable> and <thumb-up-disable>.
- Add <wand-disable>.
- Add <webcam*>.
- Add <wrench-disable> and <wrench-screwdriver-disable>.
Version 1.9.2 (May 10, 2009)
* Increase contrast.
- Add <alarm-clock-disable>.
- Add <block-disable>.
- Add <broom-disable>.
- Add <compass-disable>.
- Add <direction-disable>.
- Add <drill-disable>.
- Add <eye-disable>.
- Add <information-balloon>.
- Add <lifebuoy-disable>.
- Add <megaphone-disable>.
- Add <microphone-disable>.
- Add <question-balloon>.
Version 1.9.1 (May 9, 2009)
- Add <cake*>.
- Add <clipboard-list>.
- Add <document-copy> and <document-list>.
- Add <image-empty>.
- Add <keyboard*>.
- Add <paint-brush*>.
- Add <pencil-ruler>.
- Add <switch-small>.
- Add <table-delete-row>, <table-insert-row> and <table-sheet>.
- Add <ui-combo-box-calendar>.
- Add <ui-progress-bar-indeterminate>.
- Add <universal>.
- Add <user-nude*> and <user-white*>.
- Add <yin-yang>.
Version 1.9 (May 4, 2009)
- Add <document-hf*> and <document-insert>.
- Add <film-cast>.
- Add <grid-snap*>.
- Add <guide*>.
- Add <image-cast>.
- Add <layer-shade>.
- Add <megaphone*>.
- Add <subversion>.
- Add <volume*>.
Version 1.8.1 (May 1, 2009)
- Add <block-small>.
- Add <border*>.
- Add <document-block> and <document-code>.
- Add <media-player-cast>.
- Add <script-attribute*>, <script-block>, <script-code>, <script-flash> and <script-globe>.
Version 1.8 (April 29, 2009)
- Add <credit-card*>.
- Add <credit-cards>.
- Add <document-attribute*>, <document-globe> and <document-photoshop-image>.
- Add <edit-diff>.
- Add <globe-place>.
- Add <layer-resize-replicate*>.
Version 1.7 (April 15, 2009)
Version 1.6 (April 6, 2009)
Version 1.5 (March 17, 2009)
Version 1.4 (January 28, 2009)
Version 1.3 (January 22, 2009)
Version 1.2 (January 11, 2009)
Version 1.1 (January 2, 2009)
Version 1.0 (October 12, 2008)
* Initial non-beta release.
Version 0.9 (August 4, 2008)
Version 0.8 (July 28, 2008)
Version 0.7 (July 22, 2008)
Version 0.6 (July 14, 2008)
Version 0.5 (July 13, 2008)
Version 0.4 (July 9, 2008)
Version 0.3 (June 29, 2008)
Version 0.2 (June 27, 2008)
Version 0.1 (June 17, 2008)
* Initial beta release.
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Fugue Icons
Copyright (C) 2009 Yusuke Kamiyamane. All rights reserved.
The icons are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license.
If you can't or don't want to place link back, please purchase a royalty-free license.
I'm unavailable for custom icon design work. But your suggestions are always welcome!
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