Commit b78a5a24 authored by Holger Just's avatar Holger Just

[#619] Restrict anonymous read access with now also checks for public projects whether the anonymous
user has the browse_repository right for a read operation.
parent 3f518259
......@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ sub access_handler {
my $project_id = get_project_identifier($r);
$r->set_handlers(PerlAuthenHandler => [\&OK])
if is_public_project($project_id, $r);
if is_public_project($project_id, $r) && anonymous_role_allows_browse_repository($r);
return OK
......@@ -390,6 +390,29 @@ sub is_public_project {
sub anonymous_role_allows_browse_repository {
my $r = shift;
my $dbh = connect_database($r);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT permissions FROM roles WHERE builtin = 2;"
my $ret = 0;
if (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
if ($row[0] =~ /:browse_repository/) {
$ret = 1;
undef $sth;
undef $dbh;
# perhaps we should use repository right (other read right) to check public access.
# it could be faster BUT it doesn't work for the moment.
# sub is_public_project_by_file {
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