Commit b080ad14 authored by Holger Just's avatar Holger Just

[#790] Test the lazy variables

parent f1324e6a
......@@ -23,14 +23,26 @@ class ChiliProject::LiquidTest < ActionView::TestCase
context "variable_list tag" do
context "variables" do
should "render a list of the current variables" do
text = "{% variable_list %}"
text = "{{ variables | to_list }}"
formatted = textilizable(text)
assert formatted.include?('<ul>'), "Not in a list format"
assert formatted.include?('current_user')
should "be lazily evaluated" do
text = ["{{ variables | to_list }}"]
text << '{% assign foo = \"bar\" %}'
text << "{{ variables | to_list }}"
formatted = textilizable(text.join("\n"))
assert (formatted.scan('<ul>').size == 2), "Not in a list format"
assert (formatted.scan('current_user').size == 2)
assert (formatted.scan('foo').size == 1), "Not updated on added variable"
context "child_pages tag" do
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