Commit 744d8669 authored by Jean-Philippe Lang's avatar Jean-Philippe Lang

Moved ProjectsController#list to ProjectsController#index.

git-svn-id: e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
parent aa87a73e
......@@ -44,13 +44,8 @@ class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
include RepositoriesHelper
include ProjectsHelper
def index
render :action => 'list' unless request.xhr?
# Lists visible projects
def list
def index
projects = Project.find :all,
:conditions => Project.visible_by(User.current),
:include => :parent
......@@ -35,13 +35,7 @@ class ProjectsControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_index
get :index
assert_response :success
assert_template 'list'
def test_list
get :list
assert_response :success
assert_template 'list'
assert_template 'index'
assert_not_nil assigns(:project_tree)
# Root project as hash key
assert assigns(:project_tree).has_key?(Project.find(1))
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