Commit 706448c6 authored by Jean-Philippe Lang's avatar Jean-Philippe Lang Committed by Eric Davis

Translations updates.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
parent 3a347d8e
......@@ -536,6 +536,7 @@ bg:
label_news_latest: Последни новини
label_news_view_all: Виж всички
label_news_added: Добавена новина
label_news_comment_added: Добавен коментар към новина
label_settings: Настройки
label_overview: Общ изглед
label_version: Версия
......@@ -859,6 +860,7 @@ bg:
text_are_you_sure: Сигурни ли сте?
text_are_you_sure_with_children: Изтриване на задачата и нейните подзадачи?
text_journal_changed: "%{label} променен от %{old} на %{new}"
text_journal_changed_no_detail: "%{label} променен"
text_journal_set_to: "%{label} установен на %{value}"
text_journal_deleted: "%{label} изтрит (%{old})"
text_journal_added: "Добавено %{label} %{value}"
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ pt-BR:
setting_issue_list_default_columns: Colunas padrão visíveis na lista de tarefas
setting_repositories_encodings: Codificação dos repositórios
setting_commit_logs_encoding: Codificação das mensagens de commit
setting_emails_footer: Rodapé dos e-mails
setting_emails_footer: Rodapé do e-mail
setting_protocol: Protocolo
setting_per_page_options: Número de itens exibidos por página
setting_user_format: Formato de exibição de nome de usuário
......@@ -353,6 +353,9 @@ pt-BR:
label_issues_by: "Tarefas por %{value}"
label_issue_added: Tarefa adicionada
label_issue_updated: Tarefa atualizada
label_issue_note_added: Nota adicionada
label_issue_status_updated: Situação atualizada
label_issue_priority_updated: Prioridade atualizada
label_document: Documento
label_document_new: Novo documento
label_document_plural: Documentos
......@@ -556,7 +559,7 @@ pt-BR:
label_spent_time: Tempo gasto
label_f_hour: "%{value} hora"
label_f_hour_plural: "%{value} horas"
label_time_tracking: Controle de horas
label_time_tracking: Registro de horas
label_change_plural: Alterações
label_statistics: Estatísticas
label_commits_per_month: Commits por mês
......@@ -755,7 +758,7 @@ pt-BR:
enumeration_issue_priorities: Prioridade das tarefas
enumeration_doc_categories: Categorias de documento
enumeration_activities: Atividades (time tracking)
enumeration_activities: Atividades (registro de horas)
notice_unable_delete_version: Não foi possível excluir a versão
label_renamed: renomeado
label_copied: copiado
......@@ -944,25 +947,21 @@ pt-BR:
setting_default_notification_option: Opção padrão de notificação
label_user_mail_option_only_my_events: Somente para as coisas que eu esteja observando ou esteja envolvido
label_user_mail_option_only_assigned: Somente para as coisas que estejam atribuídas a mim
label_user_mail_option_none: No events
field_member_of_group: Assignee's group
field_assigned_to_role: Assignee's role
notice_not_authorized_archived_project: The project you're trying to access has been archived.
label_principal_search: "Search for user or group:"
label_user_search: "Search for user:"
field_visible: Visible
setting_emails_header: Emails header
setting_commit_logtime_activity_id: Activity for logged time
text_time_logged_by_changeset: Applied in changeset %{value}.
setting_commit_logtime_enabled: Enable time logging
notice_gantt_chart_truncated: The chart was truncated because it exceeds the maximum number of items that can be displayed (%{max})
setting_gantt_items_limit: Maximum number of items displayed on the gantt chart
text_powered_by: Powered by %{link}
label_cvs_module: Module
label_filesystem_path: Root directory
label_darcs_path: Root directory
label_bazaar_path: Root directory
label_cvs_path: CVSROOT
label_git_path: Path to .git directory
label_mercurial_path: Root directory
label_my_queries: My custom queries
label_user_mail_option_none: Sem eventos
field_member_of_group: Grupo do responsável
field_assigned_to_role: Papel do responsável
notice_not_authorized_archived_project: O projeto que você está tentando acessar foi arquivado.
label_principal_search: "Pesquisar por usuários ou grupos:"
label_user_search: "Pesquisar por usuário:"
field_visible: Visível
setting_emails_header: Cabeçalho do e-mail
setting_commit_logtime_activity_id: Atividade para registrar horas
text_time_logged_by_changeset: Aplicado no changeset %{value}.
setting_commit_logtime_enabled: Habilitar registro de horas
notice_gantt_chart_truncated: O gráfico foi cortado por exceder o tamanho máximo de linhas que podem ser exibidas (%{max})
setting_gantt_items_limit: Número máximo de itens exibidos no gráfico gatt
field_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: Alertar-me ao sarir de uma página sem salvar o texto
text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: A página atual contem texto que não foi salvo e será perdido se você sair desta página.
label_my_queries: Minhas consultas personalizadas
text_journal_changed_no_detail: "%{label} atualizado(a)"
label_news_comment_added: Notícia recebeu um comentário
......@@ -344,6 +344,7 @@ sv:
field_assigned_to_role: "Tilldelad användares roll"
field_text: Textfält
field_visible: Synlig
field_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: Varna om jag lämnar en sida med osparad text
setting_app_title: Applikationsrubrik
setting_app_subtitle: Applikationsunderrubrik
......@@ -635,6 +636,7 @@ sv:
label_query: Användardefinerad fråga
label_query_plural: Användardefinerade frågor
label_query_new: Ny fråga
label_my_queries: Mina egna frågor
label_filter_add: Lägg till filter
label_filter_plural: Filter
label_equals: är
......@@ -899,6 +901,7 @@ sv:
text_are_you_sure: Är du säker ?
text_are_you_sure_with_children: Ta bort ärende och alla underärenden?
text_journal_changed: "%{label} ändrad från %{old} till %{new}"
text_journal_changed_no_detail: "%{label} uppdaterad"
text_journal_set_to: "%{label} satt till %{value}"
text_journal_deleted: "%{label} borttagen (%{old})"
text_journal_added: "%{label} %{value} tillagd"
......@@ -949,6 +952,7 @@ sv:
text_own_membership_delete_confirmation: "Några av, eller alla, dina behörigheter kommer att tas bort och du kanske inte längre kommer kunna göra ändringar i det här projektet.\nVill du verkligen fortsätta?"
text_zoom_out: Zooma ut
text_zoom_in: Zooma in
text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: Nuvarande sida innehåller osparad text som kommer försvinna om du lämnar sidan.
default_role_manager: Projektledare
default_role_developer: Utvecklare
......@@ -986,4 +990,4 @@ sv:
label_cvs_path: CVSROOT
label_git_path: Path to .git directory
label_mercurial_path: Root directory
label_my_queries: My custom queries
......@@ -384,6 +384,7 @@
field_assigned_to_role: "被指派者的角色"
field_text: 內容文字
field_visible: 可被看見
field_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: "提醒我將要離開的頁面中尚有未儲存的資料"
setting_app_title: 標題
setting_app_subtitle: 副標題
......@@ -675,6 +676,7 @@
label_query: 自訂查詢
label_query_plural: 自訂查詢
label_query_new: 建立新查詢
label_my_queries: 我的自訂查詢
label_filter_add: 加入新篩選條件
label_filter_plural: 篩選條件
label_equals: 等於
......@@ -939,6 +941,7 @@
text_are_you_sure: 確定執行?
text_are_you_sure_with_children: "確定刪除此工作項目及其子項目?"
text_journal_changed: "%{label} %{old} 變更為 %{new}"
text_journal_changed_no_detail: "%{label} 已更新"
text_journal_set_to: "%{label} 設定為 %{value}"
text_journal_deleted: "%{label} 已刪除 (%{old})"
text_journal_added: "%{label} %{value} 已新增"
......@@ -989,6 +992,7 @@
text_own_membership_delete_confirmation: "您在專案中,所擁有的部分或全部權限即將被移除,在這之後可能無法再次編輯此專案。\n您確定要繼續執行這個動作?"
text_zoom_in: 放大
text_zoom_out: 縮小
text_warn_on_leaving_unsaved: "若您離開這個頁面,此頁面所包含的未儲存資料將會遺失。"
default_role_manager: 管理人員
default_role_developer: 開發人員
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