Commit 2bcb7820 authored by Jean-Philippe Lang's avatar Jean-Philippe Lang for webdav authentication:

* make Authen::Simple::LDAP module optional
* handle TLS flag set in Redmine

git-svn-id: e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
parent 246e8f67
......@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ against redmine database
This module allow anonymous users to browse public project and
registred users to browse and commit their project. authentication is
done on the redmine database.
registred users to browse and commit their project. Authentication is
done against the redmine database or the LDAP configured in redmine.
This method is far simpler than the one with pam_* and works with all
database without an hassle but you need to have apache/mod_perl on the
......@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ On debian/ubuntu you must do :
aptitude install libapache-dbi-perl libapache2-mod-perl2 libdbd-mysql-perl
If your Redmine users use LDAP authentication, you will also need
Authen::Simple::LDAP (and IO::Socket::SSL if LDAPS is used).
## if the module isn't in your perl path
......@@ -90,7 +93,8 @@ use strict;
use DBI;
use Digest::SHA1;
use Authen::Simple::LDAP;
# optional module for LDAP authentication
my $CanUseLDAPAuth = eval("use Authen::Simple::LDAP; 1");
use Apache2::Module;
use Apache2::Access;
......@@ -188,21 +192,21 @@ sub is_member {
$ret = 1;
} else {
} elsif ($CanUseLDAPAuth) {
my $sthldap = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT host,port,account,account_password,base_dn,attr_login from auth_sources WHERE id = ?;"
"SELECT host,port,tls,account,account_password,base_dn,attr_login from auth_sources WHERE id = ?;"
while (my @rowldap = $sthldap->fetchrow_array) {
my $ldap = Authen::Simple::LDAP->new(
host => $rowldap[0],
port => $rowldap[1],
basedn => $rowldap[4],
binddn => $rowldap[2] ? $rowldap[2] : "",
bindpw => $rowldap[3] ? $rowldap[3] : "",
filter => "(".$rowldap[5]."=%s)"
$ret = 1 if ($ldap->authenticate($redmine_user, $redmine_pass));
host => ($rowldap[2] == 1 || $rowldap[2] eq "t") ? "ldaps://$rowldap[0]" : $rowldap[0],
port => $rowldap[1],
basedn => $rowldap[5],
binddn => $rowldap[3] ? $rowldap[3] : "",
bindpw => $rowldap[4] ? $rowldap[4] : "",
filter => "(".$rowldap[6]."=%s)"
$ret = 1 if ($ldap->authenticate($redmine_user, $redmine_pass));
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