#-- encoding: UTF-8 #-- copyright # ChiliProject is a project management system. # # Copyright (C) 2010-2012 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ class Version < ActiveRecord::Base include Redmine::SafeAttributes after_update :update_issues_from_sharing_change belongs_to :project has_many :fixed_issues, :class_name => 'Issue', :foreign_key => 'fixed_version_id', :dependent => :nullify acts_as_customizable acts_as_attachable :view_permission => :view_files, :delete_permission => :manage_files VERSION_STATUSES = %w(open locked closed) VERSION_SHARINGS = %w(none descendants hierarchy tree system) validates_presence_of :name validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => [:project_id] validates_length_of :name, :maximum => 60 validates_format_of :effective_date, :with => /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/, :message => :not_a_date, :allow_nil => true validates_inclusion_of :status, :in => VERSION_STATUSES validates_inclusion_of :sharing, :in => VERSION_SHARINGS named_scope :open, :conditions => {:status => 'open'} named_scope :visible, lambda {|*args| { :include => :project, :conditions => Project.allowed_to_condition(args.first || User.current, :view_issues) } } safe_attributes 'name', 'description', 'effective_date', 'start_date', 'due_date', 'wiki_page_title', 'status', 'sharing', 'custom_field_values' # Returns true if +user+ or current user is allowed to view the version def visible?(user=User.current) user.allowed_to?(:view_issues, self.project) end # When a version started. # # Can either be a set date stored in the database or a dynamic one # based on the earlist start_date of the fixed_issues def start_date @start_date ||= (read_attribute(:start_date) || fixed_issues.minimum('start_date')) end def due_date effective_date end # Returns the total estimated time for this version # (sum of leaves estimated_hours) def estimated_hours @estimated_hours ||= fixed_issues.leaves.sum(:estimated_hours).to_f end # Returns the total reported time for this version def spent_hours @spent_hours ||= TimeEntry.sum(:hours, :include => :issue, :conditions => ["#{Issue.table_name}.fixed_version_id = ?", id]).to_f end def closed? status == 'closed' end def open? status == 'open' end # Returns true if the version is completed: due date reached and no open issues def completed? effective_date && (effective_date <= Date.today) && (open_issues_count == 0) end def behind_schedule? if completed_pourcent == 100 return false elsif due_date && start_date done_date = start_date + ((due_date - start_date+1)* completed_pourcent/100).floor return done_date <= Date.today else false # No issues so it's not late end end # Returns the completion percentage of this version based on the amount of open/closed issues # and the time spent on the open issues. def completed_pourcent if issues_count == 0 0 elsif open_issues_count == 0 100 else issues_progress(false) + issues_progress(true) end end # Returns the percentage of issues that have been marked as 'closed'. def closed_pourcent if issues_count == 0 0 else issues_progress(false) end end # Returns true if the version is overdue: due date reached and some open issues def overdue? effective_date && (effective_date < Date.today) && (open_issues_count > 0) end # Returns assigned issues count def issues_count @issue_count ||= fixed_issues.count end # Returns the total amount of open issues for this version. def open_issues_count @open_issues_count ||= Issue.count(:all, :conditions => ["fixed_version_id = ? AND is_closed = ?", self.id, false], :include => :status) end # Returns the total amount of closed issues for this version. def closed_issues_count @closed_issues_count ||= Issue.count(:all, :conditions => ["fixed_version_id = ? AND is_closed = ?", self.id, true], :include => :status) end def wiki_page if project.wiki && !wiki_page_title.blank? @wiki_page ||= project.wiki.find_page(wiki_page_title) end @wiki_page end def to_s; name end def to_s_with_project "#{project} - #{name}" end # Versions are sorted by effective_date and "Project Name - Version name" # Those with no effective_date are at the end, sorted by "Project Name - Version name" def <=>(version) if self.effective_date if version.effective_date if self.effective_date == version.effective_date "#{self.project.name} - #{self.name}" <=> "#{version.project.name} - #{version.name}" else self.effective_date <=> version.effective_date end else -1 end else if version.effective_date 1 else "#{self.project.name} - #{self.name}" <=> "#{version.project.name} - #{version.name}" end end end # Returns the sharings that +user+ can set the version to def allowed_sharings(user = User.current) VERSION_SHARINGS.select do |s| if sharing == s true else case s when 'system' # Only admin users can set a systemwide sharing user.admin? when 'hierarchy', 'tree' # Only users allowed to manage versions of the root project can # set sharing to hierarchy or tree project.nil? || user.allowed_to?(:manage_versions, project.root) else true end end end end private # Update the issue's fixed versions. Used if a version's sharing changes. def update_issues_from_sharing_change if sharing_changed? if VERSION_SHARINGS.index(sharing_was).nil? || VERSION_SHARINGS.index(sharing).nil? || VERSION_SHARINGS.index(sharing_was) > VERSION_SHARINGS.index(sharing) Issue.update_versions_from_sharing_change self end end end # Returns the average estimated time of assigned issues # or 1 if no issue has an estimated time # Used to weigth unestimated issues in progress calculation def estimated_average if @estimated_average.nil? average = fixed_issues.average(:estimated_hours).to_f if average == 0 average = 1 end @estimated_average = average end @estimated_average end # Returns the total progress of open or closed issues. The returned percentage takes into account # the amount of estimated time set for this version. # # Examples: # issues_progress(true) => returns the progress percentage for open issues. # issues_progress(false) => returns the progress percentage for closed issues. def issues_progress(open) @issues_progress ||= {} @issues_progress[open] ||= begin progress = 0 if issues_count > 0 ratio = open ? 'done_ratio' : 100 done = fixed_issues.sum("COALESCE(estimated_hours, #{estimated_average}) * #{ratio}", :include => :status, :conditions => ["is_closed = ?", !open]).to_f progress = done / (estimated_average * issues_count) end progress end end end