diff --git a/app/models/issue.rb b/app/models/issue.rb
index d47ab74adfe24a4d75e6007ac0cb5b8c17cab119..c7885129e74f418afe332cb2304fbe99ce1368f4 100644
--- a/app/models/issue.rb
+++ b/app/models/issue.rb
@@ -248,19 +248,22 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
   def safe_attributes=(attrs, user=User.current)
     return unless attrs.is_a?(Hash)
-    new_statuses_allowed = new_statuses_allowed_to(user)
     # User can change issue attributes only if he has :edit permission or if a workflow transition is allowed
     if new_record? || user.allowed_to?(:edit_issues, project)
       attrs = attrs.reject {|k,v| !SAFE_ATTRIBUTES.include?(k)}
-    elsif new_statuses_allowed.any?
+    elsif new_statuses_allowed_to(user).any?
       attrs = attrs.reject {|k,v| !SAFE_ATTRIBUTES_ON_TRANSITION.include?(k)}
+    # Tracker must be set before since new_statuses_allowed_to depends on it.
+    if t = attrs.delete('tracker_id')
+      self.tracker_id = t
+    end
     if attrs['status_id']
-      unless new_statuses_allowed.collect(&:id).include?(attrs['status_id'].to_i)
+      unless new_statuses_allowed_to(user).collect(&:id).include?(attrs['status_id'].to_i)
diff --git a/app/models/mail_handler.rb b/app/models/mail_handler.rb
index 35e33968796fbf1f629105a41e8137f5b84964ae..5688711d4779f276be9c91714b6dcfa73d3a114f 100644
--- a/app/models/mail_handler.rb
+++ b/app/models/mail_handler.rb
@@ -116,36 +116,20 @@ class MailHandler < ActionMailer::Base
   # Creates a new issue
   def receive_issue
     project = target_project
-    tracker = (get_keyword(:tracker) && project.trackers.find_by_name(get_keyword(:tracker))) || project.trackers.find(:first)
-    category = (get_keyword(:category) && project.issue_categories.find_by_name(get_keyword(:category)))
-    priority = (get_keyword(:priority) && IssuePriority.find_by_name(get_keyword(:priority)))
-    status =  (get_keyword(:status) && IssueStatus.find_by_name(get_keyword(:status)))
-    assigned_to = (get_keyword(:assigned_to, :override => true) && find_user_from_keyword(get_keyword(:assigned_to, :override => true)))
-    due_date = get_keyword(:due_date, :override => true)
-    start_date = get_keyword(:start_date, :override => true)
     # check permission
     unless @@handler_options[:no_permission_check]
       raise UnauthorizedAction unless user.allowed_to?(:add_issues, project)
-    issue = Issue.new(:author => user, :project => project, :tracker => tracker, :category => category, :priority => priority, :due_date => due_date, :start_date => start_date, :assigned_to => assigned_to)
-    # check workflow
-    if status && issue.new_statuses_allowed_to(user).include?(status)
-      issue.status = status
-    end
-    issue.subject = email.subject.chomp[0,255]
+    issue = Issue.new(:author => user, :project => project)
+    issue.safe_attributes = issue_attributes_from_keywords(issue)
+    issue.safe_attributes = {'custom_field_values' => custom_field_values_from_keywords(issue)}
+    issue.subject = email.subject.to_s.chomp[0,255]
     if issue.subject.blank?
       issue.subject = '(no subject)'
-    # custom fields
-    issue.custom_field_values = issue.available_custom_fields.inject({}) do |h, c|
-      if value = get_keyword(c.name, :override => true)
-        h[c.id] = value
-      end
-      h
-    end
     issue.description = cleaned_up_text_body
     # add To and Cc as watchers before saving so the watchers can reply to Redmine
@@ -154,41 +138,19 @@ class MailHandler < ActionMailer::Base
-  def target_project
-    # TODO: other ways to specify project:
-    # * parse the email To field
-    # * specific project (eg. Setting.mail_handler_target_project)
-    target = Project.find_by_identifier(get_keyword(:project))
-    raise MissingInformation.new('Unable to determine target project') if target.nil?
-    target
-  end
   # Adds a note to an existing issue
   def receive_issue_reply(issue_id)
-    status =  (get_keyword(:status) && IssueStatus.find_by_name(get_keyword(:status)))
-    due_date = get_keyword(:due_date, :override => true)
-    start_date = get_keyword(:start_date, :override => true)
-    assigned_to = (get_keyword(:assigned_to, :override => true) && find_user_from_keyword(get_keyword(:assigned_to, :override => true)))
     issue = Issue.find_by_id(issue_id)
     return unless issue
     # check permission
     unless @@handler_options[:no_permission_check]
       raise UnauthorizedAction unless user.allowed_to?(:add_issue_notes, issue.project) || user.allowed_to?(:edit_issues, issue.project)
-      raise UnauthorizedAction unless status.nil? || user.allowed_to?(:edit_issues, issue.project)
-    # add the note
     journal = issue.init_journal(user, cleaned_up_text_body)
+    issue.safe_attributes = issue_attributes_from_keywords(issue)
+    issue.safe_attributes = {'custom_field_values' => custom_field_values_from_keywords(issue)}
-    # check workflow
-    if status && issue.new_statuses_allowed_to(user).include?(status)
-      issue.status = status
-    end
-    issue.start_date = start_date if start_date
-    issue.due_date = due_date if due_date
-    issue.assigned_to = assigned_to if assigned_to
     logger.info "MailHandler: issue ##{issue.id} updated by #{user}" if logger && logger.info
@@ -263,6 +225,41 @@ class MailHandler < ActionMailer::Base
+  def target_project
+    # TODO: other ways to specify project:
+    # * parse the email To field
+    # * specific project (eg. Setting.mail_handler_target_project)
+    target = Project.find_by_identifier(get_keyword(:project))
+    raise MissingInformation.new('Unable to determine target project') if target.nil?
+    target
+  end
+  # Returns a Hash of issue attributes extracted from keywords in the email body
+  def issue_attributes_from_keywords(issue)
+    {
+      'tracker_id' => ((k = get_keyword(:tracker)) && issue.project.trackers.find_by_name(k).try(:id)) || issue.project.trackers.find(:first).try(:id),
+      'status_id' =>  (k = get_keyword(:status)) && IssueStatus.find_by_name(k).try(:id),
+      'priority_id' => (k = get_keyword(:priority)) && IssuePriority.find_by_name(k).try(:id),
+      'category_id' => (k = get_keyword(:category)) && issue.project.issue_categories.find_by_name(k).try(:id),
+      'assigned_to_id' => (k = get_keyword(:assigned_to, :override => true)) && find_user_from_keyword(k).try(:id),
+      'fixed_version_id' => (k = get_keyword(:fixed_version, :override => true)) && issue.project.shared_versions.find_by_name(k).try(:id),
+      'start_date' => get_keyword(:start_date, :override => true),
+      'due_date' => get_keyword(:due_date, :override => true),
+      'estimated_hours' => get_keyword(:estimated_hours, :override => true),
+      'done_ratio' => get_keyword(:done_ratio, :override => true),
+    }.delete_if {|k, v| v.blank? }
+  end
+  # Returns a Hash of issue custom field values extracted from keywords in the email body
+  def custom_field_values_from_keywords(customized)  
+    customized.custom_field_values.inject({}) do |h, v|
+      if value = get_keyword(v.custom_field.name, :override => true)
+        h[v.custom_field.id.to_s] = value
+      end
+      h
+    end
+  end
   # Returns the text/plain part of the email
   # If not found (eg. HTML-only email), returns the body with tags removed
diff --git a/test/fixtures/mail_handler/ticket_on_given_project.eml b/test/fixtures/mail_handler/ticket_on_given_project.eml
index cfc90b53412f5b4aed9a7da606113d5d670dfe7b..39790f28775e4c822eaad127aa37f0727b25cbcf 100644
--- a/test/fixtures/mail_handler/ticket_on_given_project.eml
+++ b/test/fixtures/mail_handler/ticket_on_given_project.eml
@@ -54,4 +54,7 @@ Status: Resolved
 due date: 2010-12-31
 Start Date:2010-01-01
 Assigned to: John Smith
+fixed version: alpha
+estimated hours: 2.5
+done ratio: 30
diff --git a/test/fixtures/mail_handler/ticket_reply_with_status.eml b/test/fixtures/mail_handler/ticket_reply_with_status.eml
index e7d68c3dbc9e5d1e8febb3570cdf54bba4df1a2e..66ca730acf27a4b7eea7eb3d2bcac6c87869ec0b 100644
--- a/test/fixtures/mail_handler/ticket_reply_with_status.eml
+++ b/test/fixtures/mail_handler/ticket_reply_with_status.eml
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Status: Resolved
 due date: 2010-12-31
 Start Date:2010-01-01
 Assigned to: jsmith@somenet.foo
+searchable field: Updated custom value
 Content-Type: text/html;
diff --git a/test/unit/mail_handler_test.rb b/test/unit/mail_handler_test.rb
index e59d78be967082a4fb529d0641c89e5acac4cbd6..ac8e1043362d2031173dd493d9b3ca6538b58cd7 100644
--- a/test/unit/mail_handler_test.rb
+++ b/test/unit/mail_handler_test.rb
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class MailHandlerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+                   :versions,
@@ -59,6 +60,9 @@ class MailHandlerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
     assert_equal '2010-01-01', issue.start_date.to_s
     assert_equal '2010-12-31', issue.due_date.to_s
     assert_equal User.find_by_login('jsmith'), issue.assigned_to
+    assert_equal Version.find_by_name('alpha'), issue.fixed_version
+    assert_equal 2.5, issue.estimated_hours
+    assert_equal 30, issue.done_ratio
     # keywords should be removed from the email body
     assert !issue.description.match(/^Project:/i)
     assert !issue.description.match(/^Status:/i)
@@ -269,6 +273,7 @@ class MailHandlerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
     assert_equal '2010-01-01', issue.start_date.to_s
     assert_equal '2010-12-31', issue.due_date.to_s
     assert_equal User.find_by_login('jsmith'), issue.assigned_to
+    assert_equal 'Updated custom value', issue.custom_value_for(CustomField.find_by_name('Searchable field')).value
   def test_add_issue_note_should_send_email_notification