diff --git a/app/controllers/account_controller.rb b/app/controllers/account_controller.rb
index 09c11927cc4630dd2b1753fdc98e474978fe66f4..c29942f4af4300698a6eafa4faf91b4a1f0a5b85 100644
--- a/app/controllers/account_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/account_controller.rb
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ class AccountController < ApplicationController
         @user.login = params[:user][:login]
         @user.password, @user.password_confirmation = params[:password], params[:password_confirmation]
+        # TODO: Duplicated in open_id_authenticate action.  A good sized refactoring would be good here
         case Setting.self_registration
         when '1'
           # Email activation
@@ -205,14 +206,40 @@ private
           user.mail = registration['email'] unless registration['email'].nil?
           user.firstname, user.lastname = registration['fullname'].split(' ') unless registration['fullname'].nil?
-          if user.save
-            successful_authentication(user)
+          user.status = User::STATUS_REGISTERED
+          # TODO: Duplicated in register action.  A good sized refactoring would be good here
+          case Setting.self_registration
+          when '1'
+            # Email activation
+            token = Token.new(:user => user, :action => "register")
+            if user.save and token.save
+              Mailer.deliver_register(token)
+              flash[:notice] = l(:notice_account_register_done)
+              redirect_to :action => 'login'
+            else
+              onthefly_creation_failed(user, {:login => user.login, :identity_url => identity_url })
+            end
+          when '3'
+            # Automatic activation
+            user.status = User::STATUS_ACTIVE
+            if user.save
+              flash[:notice] = l(:notice_account_activated)
+              successful_authentication(user)
+            else
+              onthefly_creation_failed(user, {:login => user.login, :identity_url => identity_url })
+            end
-            # Onthefly creation failed, display the registration form to fill/fix attributes
-            @user = user
-            session[:auth_source_registration] = {:login => user.login, :identity_url => identity_url }
-            render :action => 'register'
-          end
+            # Manual activation by the administrator
+            if user.save
+              # Sends an email to the administrators
+              Mailer.deliver_account_activation_request(user)
+              flash[:notice] = l(:notice_account_pending)
+              redirect_to :action => 'login'
+            else
+              onthefly_creation_failed(user, {:login => user.login, :identity_url => identity_url })
+            end
+          end          
           # Existing record
@@ -232,4 +259,11 @@ private
     redirect_back_or_default :controller => 'my', :action => 'page'
+  # Onthefly creation failed, display the registration form to fill/fix attributes
+  def onthefly_creation_failed(user, auth_source_options = { })
+    @user = user
+    session[:auth_source_registration] = auth_source_options unless auth_source_options.empty?
+    render :action => 'register'
+  end
diff --git a/test/functional/account_controller_test.rb b/test/functional/account_controller_test.rb
index e262b3716758555e6417c7838512426707e69749..c665d319218945baed33ead11b2ec7ffbb374c68 100644
--- a/test/functional/account_controller_test.rb
+++ b/test/functional/account_controller_test.rb
@@ -65,11 +65,13 @@ class AccountControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
   def test_login_with_openid
+    Setting.self_registration = '3'
     post :login, :openid_url => 'http://openid.example.com/good_user'
     assert_redirected_to 'my/page'
   def test_login_with_openid_with_new_user_created
+    Setting.self_registration = '3'
     post :login, :openid_url => 'http://openid.example.com/good_user'
     assert_redirected_to 'my/page'
     user = User.find_by_login('cool_user')
@@ -78,7 +80,28 @@ class AccountControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
     assert_equal 'User', user.lastname
+  def test_login_with_openid_with_new_user_created_with_email_activation_should_have_a_token
+    Setting.self_registration = '1'
+    post :login, :openid_url => 'http://openid.example.com/good_user'
+    assert_redirected_to 'login'
+    user = User.find_by_login('cool_user')
+    assert user
+    token = Token.find_by_user_id_and_action(user.id, 'register')
+    assert token
+  end
+  def test_login_with_openid_with_new_user_created_with_manual_activation
+    Setting.self_registration = '2'
+    post :login, :openid_url => 'http://openid.example.com/good_user'
+    assert_redirected_to 'login'
+    user = User.find_by_login('cool_user')
+    assert user
+    assert_equal User::STATUS_REGISTERED, user.status
+  end
   def test_login_with_openid_with_new_user_with_conflict_should_register
+    Setting.self_registration = '3'
     existing_user = User.new(:firstname => 'Cool', :lastname => 'User', :mail => 'user@somedomain.com')
     existing_user.login = 'cool_user'
     assert existing_user.save!