Commit ccfcdcee authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

doc: update HDL documentation to reflect latest code changes

parent a4c7b3ed
......@@ -181,6 +181,14 @@ A VHDL component declaration for the MT top-level entity is included in the **mo
generic (
g_CONFIG : t_mt_config := c_DEFAULT_MT_CONFIG;
g_SYSTEM_CLOCK_FREQ : integer := 62500000;
g_CPU0_IRAM_INITF : string := "none";
g_CPU1_IRAM_INITF : string := "none";
g_CPU2_IRAM_INITF : string := "none";
g_CPU3_IRAM_INITF : string := "none";
g_CPU4_IRAM_INITF : string := "none";
g_CPU5_IRAM_INITF : string := "none";
g_CPU6_IRAM_INITF : string := "none";
g_CPU7_IRAM_INITF : string := "none";
g_WITH_WHITE_RABBIT : boolean := FALSE);
port (
clk_i : in std_logic;
......@@ -191,10 +199,8 @@ A VHDL component declaration for the MT top-level entity is included in the **mo
dp_master_i : in t_wishbone_master_in_array(0 to g_CONFIG.cpu_count-1) := (others => c_DUMMY_WB_MASTER_IN);
host_slave_i : in t_wishbone_slave_in;
host_slave_o : out t_wishbone_slave_out;
rmq_src_o : out t_mt_stream_source_out_array2d;
rmq_src_i : in t_mt_stream_source_in_array2d := (others => (others => c_MT_DUMMY_SOURCE_IN));
rmq_snk_o : out t_mt_stream_sink_out_array2d;
rmq_snk_i : in t_mt_stream_sink_in_array2d := (others => (others => c_MT_DUMMY_SINK_IN));
rmq_endpoint_o : out t_mt_rmq_endpoint_iface_out;
rmq_endpoint_i : in t_mt_rmq_endpoint_iface_in := c_MT_RMQ_ENDPOINT_IFACE_IN_DEFAULT_VALUE;
clk_ref_i : in std_logic := '0';
tm_i : in t_mt_timing_if := c_DUMMY_MT_TIMING;
gpio_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
......@@ -219,6 +225,9 @@ g_SYSTEM_CLOCK_FREQ
keeping track of time when `White Rabbit Support`_ is not enabled and it is also used by
software to calculate delays.
Memory initialization file for CPUx, to be included in the FPGA bitstream, if any.
Controls enabling of `White Rabbit Support`_.
......@@ -293,14 +302,36 @@ host_slave_i, host_slave_o
('1', '0', '0', '0', c_DUMMY_WB_DATA);
constant c_DUMMY_WB_MASTER_IN : t_wishbone_master_in := c_DUMMY_WB_SLAVE_OUT;
rmq_src_o, rmq_src_i, rmq_snk_o, rmq_snk_i
rmq_endpoint_o, rmq_endpoint_i
These ports provide the bidirectional interface from each of the configured soft CPUs to their
repspective remote message queue(s).
repspective end-points.
**t_mt_rmq_endpoint_iface_out** and **t_mt_rmq_endpoint_iface_in** are VHDL record types defined in
the **mock_turtle_pkg**::
type t_mt_rmq_endpoint_iface_out is record
src_out : t_mt_stream_source_out_array2d;
snk_out : t_mt_stream_sink_out_array2d;
src_config_out : t_mt_stream_config_out_array2d;
snk_config_out : t_mt_stream_config_out_array2d;
end record;
type t_mt_rmq_endpoint_iface_in is record
src_in : t_mt_stream_source_in_array2d;
snk_in : t_mt_stream_sink_in_array2d;
src_config_in : t_mt_stream_config_in_array2d;
snk_config_in : t_mt_stream_config_in_array2d;
end record;
*src_out*, *src_in*, *snk_out* and *snk_in* are used to transfer data to/from the end-point, while
the *config* signals are used to configure the end-points (e.g. to set the network destination for
the data).
**t_mt_stream_source_out_array2d**, **t_mt_stream_source_in_array2d**,
**t_mt_stream_sink_out_array2d** and **t_mt_stream_sink_in_array2d** are two-dimensional arrays of
**t_mt_stream_sink_out_array2d**, **t_mt_stream_sink_in_array2d**,
**t_mt_stream_config_out_array2d** and **t_mt_stream_config_in_array2d** are two-dimensional arrays of
VHDL records, defined in **mock_turtle_pkg** (for the first array dimension) and **mt_mqueue_pkg**
(for the second array dimension and for the records)::
(for the second array dimension and for the records themselves)::
subtype t_maxcpu_range is natural range 0 to 7;
subtype t_maxslot_range is natural range 0 to 7;
......@@ -314,6 +345,11 @@ VHDL records, defined in **mock_turtle_pkg** (for the first array dimension) and
subtype t_mt_stream_source_in_array2d is t_mt_stream_sink_out_array2d;
subtype t_mt_stream_source_out_array2d is t_mt_stream_sink_in_array2d;
type t_mt_stream_config_in_array2d is
array(t_maxcpu_range) of t_mt_stream_config_in_array(t_maxslot_range);
type t_mt_stream_config_out_array2d is
array(t_maxcpu_range) of t_mt_stream_config_out_array(t_maxslot_range);
-- defined in mt_mqueue_pkg
type t_mt_stream_sink_in_array is array(integer range<>) of t_mt_stream_sink_in;
type t_mt_stream_sink_out_array is array(integer range<>) of t_mt_stream_sink_out;
......@@ -334,16 +370,21 @@ VHDL records, defined in **mock_turtle_pkg** (for the first array dimension) and
pkt_ready : std_logic;
end record t_mt_stream_sink_out;
type t_mt_stream_config_out is record
adr : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
dat : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
we : std_logic;
end record t_mt_stream_config_out;
type t_mt_stream_config_in is record
dat : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
end record t_mt_stream_config_in;
subtype t_mt_stream_source_in is t_mt_stream_sink_out;
subtype t_mt_stream_source_out is t_mt_stream_sink_in;
constant c_MT_DUMMY_SOURCE_IN : t_mt_stream_sink_out :=
('0', '0');
constant c_MT_DUMMY_SINK_IN : t_mt_stream_sink_in :=
(x"00000000", '0', '0', '0', '0');
.. todo::
Describe how the RMQ interface works and update after Tom's endpoint work if necessary.
For an example of an end-point, please have a look at the provided Ethernet end-point, available
under *hdl/rtl/endpoint/mt_ep_ethernet_single.vhd*.
When `White Rabbit Support`_ is enabled (via the **g_WITH_WHITE_RABBIT** generic), the White
......@@ -448,8 +489,8 @@ the signals, store them for future reference, display them as waveforms, etc.
The mock_turtle_core uses the top-level module of the MT as the Device Under Test (DUT). It loads
and executes a dedicated simulation verification program on the first CPU.
The mock_turtle_core testbench uses the top-level module of the MT as the Device Under Test
(DUT). It loads and executes a dedicated simulation verification program on the first CPU.
This program tests the following subsystems of the MT:
......@@ -467,11 +508,45 @@ The expected output from the simulation is::
UART MSG from core 0: #3 hmq
UART MSG from core 0: #4 rmq
UART MSG from core 0: Done
Simulation PASSED
.. note::
The mock_turtle_core testbench expects an already compiled software binary under
*tests/firmware/sim-verif*. Please compile the software prior to running the simulation.
The mt_eth_ep testbench uses the top-level module of the MT as the Device Under Test (DUT) and it
attaches an *mt_ep_ethernet_single* end-point to it. It loads and executes a dedicated simulation
verification program on the first CPU.
This program tests in particular the remote message queues and the mechanism to configure and control
The expected output from the simulation is::
App ID: 0x115790de
Core count: 2
UART MSG from core 0: RMQ UDP EP test
802.1 DST [ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff] SRC: [00:00:00:00:00:00] Type = 0x0800 size = 50 F:( )
+000: 45 00 00 24 00 00 40 00-3c 11 83 ca c0 a8 5a 11
+010: c0 a8 5a ff 1e 61 30 39-00 10 00 00 de ad be ef
+020: 00 00 01 23
UART MSG from core 0: Recv id=21524110, val=fffffedc
UART MSG from core 0: rx(1): fffffedc
802.1 DST [ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff] SRC: [00:00:00:00:00:00] Type = 0x0800 size = 50 F:( )
+000: 45 00 00 24 00 00 40 00-3c 11 83 ca c0 a8 5a 11
+010: c0 a8 5a ff 1e 61 30 39-00 10 00 00 de ad be ef
+020: ff ff fe dc
UART MSG from core 0: Recv id=21524110, val=123
UART MSG from core 0: rx(2): 123
Simulation PASSED
.. note::
The mt_eth_ep testbench expects an already compiled software binary under
*tests/firmware/rmq-udp-send*. Please compile the software prior to running the simulation.
.. _OHWR general-cores:
.. _White Rabbit PTP Core:
.. _Hdlmake:
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