Commit b3ea544f authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

dist: add devel package (only host)

Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent 0c7577e8
......@@ -68,15 +68,17 @@ userspace-spec: mockturtle-tools.spec mockturtle-lib.spec mockturtle-lib-static.
@cp mockturtle-tools.spec $(BUILD)/SPECS
@cp mockturtle-lib.spec $(BUILD)/SPECS
@cp mockturtle-lib-static.spec $(BUILD)/SPECS
@cp mockturtle-devel.spec $(BUILD)/SPECS
userspace-tar: userspace-spec
spectool -g -C $(BUILD)/SOURCES --define "gittag $(VERSION)" $(BUILD)/SPECS/mockturtle-tools.spec
spectool -g -C $(BUILD)/SOURCES --define "gittag $(VERSION)" $(BUILD)/SPECS/mockturtle-lib.spec
spectool -g -C $(BUILD)/SOURCES --define "gittag $(VERSION)" $(BUILD)/SPECS/mockturtle-lib-static.spec
spectool -g -C $(BUILD)/SOURCES --define "gittag $(VERSION)" $(BUILD)/SPECS/mockturtle-devel.spec
RPMBUILD_DEFINE := --define "%_topdir $(BUILD)" --define "arch $(shell uname -p)" --define "gittag $(VERSION)"
userspace-rpm: tools-rpm lib-static-rpm lib-rpm
userspace-rpm: devel-rpm tools-rpm lib-static-rpm lib-rpm
tools-rpm: userspace-tar
rpmbuild -vv $(RPMBUILD_DEFINE) -ba $(BUILD)/SPECS/mockturtle-tools.spec
......@@ -87,4 +89,7 @@ lib-static-rpm: userspace-tar
lib-rpm: userspace-tar
rpmbuild -vv $(RPMBUILD_DEFINE) -ba $(BUILD)/SPECS/mockturtle-lib.spec
devel-rpm: userspace-tar
rpmbuild -vv $(RPMBUILD_DEFINE) --define "debug_package %{nil}" -bb $(BUILD)/SPECS/mockturtle-devel.spec
.PHONY: dkmstree dkms-add kernel-dkms-tar userspace-dir userspace-spec userspace-tar userspace-rpm tools-rpm lib-static-rpm lib-rpm
%{?!gittag: %{error: You did not specify a version}}
%{?!arch: %{error: You did not specify an architecture}}
%global project_name mock-turtle
Summary: Mock Turtle development header files and tools
Name: mockturtle-devel
Version: %{gittag}
License: GPL-3.0-or-later
Release: 1%{?dist}
Group: Development/Libraries
BuildArch: %{arch}
Requires: mockturtle-lib mockturtle-lib-static
This package contains the Mock Turtle development header files and tools
%autosetup -n %{project_name}-%{gittag}
make -C software/include
make -C software/include INCLUDEDESTDIR=%{buildroot}/%{_includedir} install
%license LICENSES/GPL-3.0-or-later.txt
# Nothing for the time being
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