Commit 228f70c5 authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

doc: add requirements.txt and update doc-building instructions

parent 87e2e570
......@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ _*
This documentation is based on sphinx. Here a random list of known
- doxygen (to extract a database of symbols from the C libraries)
- GraphViz (to include images)
- ImageMagick (to include images)
- Python (to run sphinx)
- docutils
- sphinx
- sphinx_rtd_theme
If you want to generate HTML (suggested), probably the list above it enough.
make -C doc html
In order to generate the PDF version you need texlive and some extrapackages.
This really depends on your distribution and how latex packages are packed.
For this reason we suggest you to download the PDF provided by the Mock Turtle
team on the official web site, or to adjust your texlive installation according
to needs.
make -C doc latexpdf
Here good tips about how to install sphinx:
HTML and PDF are supported and tested, any other format is not directly
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Documentation Build Instructions
This project uses [Sphinx]( to generate documentation from
[reStructuredText]( and
[CommonMark]( (Markdown) files under `doc/`.
To build the documentation, it is highly recommended to setup a [Python virtual
environment]( where the necessary packages (docuilts, sphinx,
etc.) can be installed via [pip]( and be kept at a specific version.
The following steps illustrate how to do this on a Debian/Ubuntu Linux box, with the virtual
environment placed inside the `doc/` folder of the project itself:
$> sudo apt install virtualenv
$> cd doc
$> virtualenv build_env
$> . build_env/bin/activate
$> pip install -r requirements.txt
$> deactivate
**Note:** If you use the same folder name and location (`doc/build_env`) for the virtual environment as
in the above example, there is already a gitignore rule in place that will not track any
auto-generated files within that folder.
Once the environment is installed, you can (re)build the documentation by doing:
$> cd doc
$> . build_env/bin/activate
$> make html
$> deactivate
The generated documentation can be accessed by opening `doc/_build/html/index.html` in your browser.
Alternatively, if you have [LaTeX]( installed, you can produce a PDF
by doing:
$> cd doc
$> . build_env/bin/activate
$> make latexpdf
$> deactivate
The generated documentation can be accessed by opening the PDF found under `doc/_build/latex/`.
**Note:** Only HTML and PDF outputs from Sphinx are supported and tested.
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Markdown is supported
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