Commit d3dabb5d authored by Evangelia Gousiou's avatar Evangelia Gousiou

added a comment on the .wb regarding the appearance of tx_err.

The comment reflects only on the generated html file; no source code change
parent b82646e5
......@@ -569,7 +569,8 @@ peripheral {
description = "counter of the number of fd_txer rising edges that appear in the current macrocycle.\
The field is automatically cleared upon a new macrocycle OR upon a rst_fd OR rst_core.\
Note that a fd_txer indicates underload/overload of the bus (like for example when the\
WorldFIP cable has been disconnected) OR transmission without a Manchester-edge-detection after the duration of 4 bits.";
WorldFIP cable has been disconnected) OR transmission without a Manchester-edge-detection after the duration of 4 bits.\
Upon cable disconnection, we have noticed at least 1 fd_txer per transmitted frame.";
type = SLV;
size = 32;
access_bus = READ_ONLY;
......@@ -17462,7 +17462,7 @@ FD_TXER_CNT[7:0]
</b>[<i>read-only</i>]: fd_txer_cnt
<br>counter of the number of fd_txer rising edges that appear in the current macrocycle.<br> The field is automatically cleared upon a new macrocycle OR upon a rst_fd OR rst_core.<br> Note that a fd_txer indicates underload/overload of the bus (like for example when the<br> WorldFIP cable has been disconnected) OR transmission without a Manchester-edge-detection after the duration of 4 bits.
<br>counter of the number of fd_txer rising edges that appear in the current macrocycle.<br> The field is automatically cleared upon a new macrocycle OR upon a rst_fd OR rst_core.<br> Note that a fd_txer indicates underload/overload of the bus (like for example when the<br> WorldFIP cable has been disconnected) OR transmission without a Manchester-edge-detection after the duration of 4 bits.<br> Upon cable disconnection, we have noticed at least 1 fd_txer per transmitted frame.
<a name="FD_TXER_TSTAMP"></a>
<h3><a name="sect_3_23">3.23. FielDrive txer tstamp</a></h3>
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