Commit b6d3426e authored by Evangelia Gousiou's avatar Evangelia Gousiou

added ip_cores as submodules!

small updates on the top level gn4124 core instantiation
parent d2033e14
[submodule "ip_cores/general-cores"]
path = ip_cores/general-cores
url = git://
[submodule "ip_cores/gn4124-core"]
path = ip_cores/gn4124-core
url = git://
[submodule "ip_cores/wr-cores"]
path = ip_cores/wr-cores
url = git://
general-cores @ 97bc7197
Subproject commit 97bc71975252b32cf8a47ba895f7010734f015e5
gn4124-core @ ffea5479
Subproject commit ffea5479190c09938cbba9b7076953c5c41645f3
wr-cores @ 598a2f6c
Subproject commit 598a2f6ccbf1ac937ff589c0797cd2a487306efe
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -392,6 +392,9 @@ begin
csr_dat_i => cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_GENNUM).dat,
csr_ack_i => cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_GENNUM).ack,
csr_stall_i => cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_GENNUM).stall,
csr_err_i => cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_GENNUM).err,
csr_rty_i => cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_GENNUM).rty,
csr_int_i => '0',
-- DMA: not used
dma_clk_i => clk_40m_sys,
dma_adr_o => open,
......@@ -400,7 +403,10 @@ begin
dma_sel_o => open,
dma_stb_o => open,
dma_we_o => open,
dma_err_i => '0',
dma_ack_i => '1',
dma_rty_i => '0',
dma_int_i => '0',
dma_dat_i => (others => '0'),
dma_stall_i => '0',
dma_reg_clk_i => clk_40m_sys,
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