Commit 42660563 authored by David Cussans's avatar David Cussans

Starting to write simulation test-bench

git-svn-id: e1591323-3689-4d5a-aa31-d1a7cbdc5706
parent de1cbaf1
......@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ use work.emac_hostbus_decl.all;
NUM_EXT_SLAVES : positive := 5
NUM_EXT_SLAVES : positive := 5; --! Number of IPBus slaves outside IPBusInterfaceGTP module
BUILD_SIMULATED_ETHERNET : integer := 0 --! Set to 1 to build simulated Ethernet interface using Modelsim FLI
......@@ -137,7 +138,10 @@ BEGIN
-- In this version, consists of hard MAC core + GTP transceiver
-- Can be replaced by any other MAC / PHY combination
eth: entity work.eth_s6_1000basex port map(
--! By default generate a Gigabit serial MAC
generate_physicalmac: if ( BUILD_SIMULATED_ETHERNET /= 1 ) generate
eth: entity work.eth_s6_1000basex port map(
gtp_clkp => gtp_clkp,
gtp_clkn => gtp_clkn,
gtp_txp => gtp_txp,
......@@ -161,13 +165,30 @@ BEGIN
rx_last => mac_rx_last,
rx_error => mac_rx_error
end generate generate_physicalmac;
--! Set generic BUILD_SIMULATED_ETHERNET to 1 to generate a simulated MAC
generate_simulatedmac: if ( BUILD_SIMULATED_ETHERNET = 1 ) generate
simulated_eth: entity work.eth_mac_sim
port map(
clk => clk125,
rst => rst,
tx_data => mac_tx_data,
tx_valid => mac_tx_valid,
tx_last => mac_tx_last,
tx_error => mac_tx_error,
tx_ready => mac_tx_ready,
rx_data => mac_rx_data,
rx_valid => mac_rx_valid,
rx_last => mac_rx_last,
rx_error => mac_rx_error
end generate generate_simulatedmac;
phy_rstb_o <= '1';
-- ipbus control logic
ipbus: entity work.ipbus_ctrl
generic map (
port map(
mac_clk => clk125,
rst_macclk => rst_125,
......@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ package body ipbus_addr_decode is
sel := 0; -- scshiftreg / base 00000080 / mask 0000007f
elsif std_match(addr, "-------------------0--010-------") then
sel := 1; -- rshiftreg / base 00000100 / mask 0000007f
elsif std_match(addr, "-------------------0--110-------") then
elsif std_match(addr, "-------------------0--110-------") then
sel := 2; -- triggerctrl / base 00000300 / mask 000007f
elsif std_match(addr, "-------------------1--000-------") then
elsif std_match(addr, "-------------------1--000-------") then
sel := 3; -- adc / base 00001000 / mask 00000fff
elsif std_match(addr, "-------------------0--000-------") then
sel := 5; -- firmwareid / base 00000000 / mask 00000000
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
entity pc049a_top is
BUILD_WHITERABBIT : integer := 0 -- set to 1 to synthesize White Rabbit cores
BUILD_WHITERABBIT : integer := 0; --! set to 1 to synthesize White Rabbit cores
BUILD_SIMULATED_ETHERNET : integer := 0 --! set to 1 to build with simulated Ethernet interface using Modelsim FLI
......@@ -637,8 +638,8 @@ begin
-- messy hack to connect up LEDs even if White Rabbit not built.
generate_whiterabbit_leds: if ( BUILD_WHITERABBIT /= 1 ) generate
leds_o(0) <= '0';
leds_o(1) <= '0';
leds_o(0) <= '0';
leds_o(1) <= '0';
end generate generate_whiterabbit_leds;
-- for now always instantiate the White rabbit GTP + interface
......@@ -851,8 +852,7 @@ begin
IPBusInterface_inst : entity work.IPBusInterfaceGTP
NUM_EXT_SLAVES => c_NMAROC_SLAVES+1 --! Total number of IPBus slave
--busses = number in MAROC +1
NUM_EXT_SLAVES => c_NMAROC_SLAVES+1 --! Total number of IPBus slave busses = number in MAROC plus one for External IO
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