diff --git a/tb/envm_sim.vhd b/tb/envm_sim.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..14f328e5d9b9fb71b6583bf4571f5d8d51af0fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb/envm_sim.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+library work;
+package envm_sim_pkg is
+  type stdvector_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);     
+end package;
+use work.envm_sim_pkg.all;
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+entity envm_sim is
+  generic  (
+    g_bootldr_text_offset : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
+    g_app_text_offset : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
+    g_app_data_offset : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0)  
+  );
+  port (
+    clk_i     : in std_logic;
+    rst_i     : in std_logic;
+    bootldr_text_image_i : stdvector_array; 
+    app_text_image_i : stdvector_array;
+    app_data_image_i : stdvector_array;
+    apb_psel_i      : in std_logic;
+	  apb_pwr_i		: in std_logic; 
+	  apb_pen_i 		: in std_logic;
+	  apb_paddr_i 	: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+	  apb_pwdat_i 	: in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+	  apb_prdat_o		: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+	  apb_pready_o	: out std_logic; --
+	  apb_pslverr_o	: out std_logic
+	);
+	end entity envm_sim;
+architecture rtl of envm_sim is
+  process (clk_i)
+  begin
+  if rising_edge (clk_i) then
+  apb_prdat_o <= (others => '0'); 
+  apb_pready_o <= '0';
+  if (apb_psel_i = '1' and apb_pen_i = '1') then
+    apb_pready_o <= '1';
+    if (apb_paddr_i (31 downto 16) = g_app_text_offset (31 downto 16)) then
+      apb_prdat_o <= app_text_image_i (to_integer(unsigned(apb_paddr_i(31 downto 2))) - to_integer(unsigned(g_app_text_offset(31 downto 2))));
+    elsif (apb_paddr_i (31 downto 16) = g_app_data_offset (31 downto 16)) then
+      apb_prdat_o <= app_data_image_i(to_integer(unsigned(apb_paddr_i(31 downto 2))) - to_integer(unsigned(g_app_data_offset(31 downto 2))));      
+    elsif (apb_paddr_i (31 downto 16) = g_bootldr_text_offset (31 downto 16)) then
+      apb_prdat_o <= bootldr_text_image_i(to_integer(unsigned(apb_paddr_i (31 downto 2))) - to_integer(unsigned(g_bootldr_text_offset(31 downto 2))));  
+    elsif (apb_paddr_i = x"60080120") then  -- busy bit check
+      apb_prdat_o <= x"00000001";
+--    else
+--      report "invalid address" severity failure;
+  end if;
+  end if; 
+end if;
+end process;
+end architecture;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tb/urv_tb.vhd b/tb/urv_tb.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..930382c84227923709ae9ca6a49702972a3164ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tb/urv_tb.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+use std.textio.all;
+use ieee.math_real.all;
+use work.envm_sim_pkg.all;
+entity urv_tb is
+end urv_tb;
+architecture behav of urv_tb is
+    signal clk, clk_mac : 	std_logic;
+    signal rst   : std_logic;
+    signal rst_cpu : std_logic;
+    signal tx_data : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
+	signal apb_psel      :  std_logic;
+signal	apb_pwr		:  std_logic; 
+signal	apb_pen 		:  std_logic;
+signal apb_paddr 	:  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+signal apb_pwdat 	:  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+signal apb_prdat		:  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+signal apb_pready	:  std_logic; --
+signal bootldr_text: stdvector_array (0 to 1024*64 - 1);
+signal app_text: stdvector_array (0 to 1024*64 - 1);
+signal app_data: stdvector_array (0 to 1024*64 - 1);
+  signal eth_tx_en : std_logic;
+	signal uart_tx 		: std_logic;
+	signal uart_tx_ecc : std_logic;
+	signal rx_d : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
+	signal rx_dv: std_logic;
+	subtype word_t is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+	type word_array is array (natural range <>) of word_t;
+	type nibble_array is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
+	signal clk_mac_rx, clk_mac_tx : std_logic;
+	signal lock_a,lock_b, grant_a, grant_b : std_logic;
+	signal aa,ab : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
+constant frame : nibble_array := (x"f", x"f", x"f", x"f", x"f", x"f",x"f", x"f", x"f", x"f", x"f", x"f",x"0",x"a",x"0",x"0",x"3",x"0",x"b",x"5",x"2",x"8",x"0",x"1",x"0",x"8",x"0",x"6",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"1",x"0",x"8",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"6",x"0",x"4",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"1",x"0",x"a",x"0",x"0",x"3",x"0",x"b",x"5",x"2",x"8",x"0",x"1",x"8",x"0",x"8",x"d",x"a",x"2",x"0",x"1",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"8",x"0",x"8",x"d",x"a",x"2",x"f",x"c",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"0",x"8",x"1",x"5",x"2",x"1",x"e",x"d",x"c");
+	signal error_size, eth_tx_en_d : std_logic;
+	signal count_nibble : integer range 0 to 1023;
+	procedure read_binary(filename : string; data : out stdvector_array)
+	is
+		type char_file is file of character;
+		file f : char_file;
+		variable c : character;
+		variable b : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+		variable w : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
+		variable addr : natural;
+	begin
+		data := (data'range => (others => '0'));
+		file_open(f, filename, READ_MODE);
+		addr := data'left;
+		while not endfile(f) loop
+			for i in 0 to 3 loop
+				read(f, c);
+				b := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos(c), 8));
+				w (8*i + 7 downto 8*i) := b;
+			end loop;
+			data(addr) := w;
+			addr := addr + 1;
+			--report to_hstring(w) severity note;
+		end loop;
+		file_close(f);
+	end read_binary;
+envm_simulated : entity work.envm_sim 
+  generic map (
+    g_bootldr_text_offset => x"60012000",
+    g_app_text_offset =>     x"60000000",
+    g_app_data_offset =>     x"60020000" 
+  )
+  port map (
+    clk_i => clk,
+    rst_i  =>  rst, 
+    bootldr_text_image_i => bootldr_text,
+    app_text_image_i => app_text,
+    app_data_image_i => app_data,
+    apb_psel_i  => apb_psel,
+	  apb_pwr_i	=> apb_pwr, 
+	  apb_pen_i => apb_pen,
+	  apb_paddr_i => apb_paddr,
+	  apb_pwdat_i => apb_pwdat,
+	  apb_prdat_o	=> apb_prdat,
+	  apb_pready_o => apb_pready
+	);
+	soc: entity work.urv_soc
+	port map (
+	    clk_i => clk,
+	    clk_ram_i => (others => clk),
+		rst_i  => rst,
+    apb_psel_o  => apb_psel,
+	  apb_pwr_o	=> apb_pwr, 
+	  apb_pen_o => apb_pen,
+	  apb_paddr_o => apb_paddr,
+	  apb_pwdat_o => apb_pwdat,
+	  apb_prdat_i	=> apb_prdat,
+	  apb_pready_i => apb_pready,
+	apb_pslverr_i => '0',
+		uart_tx_o 	=> uart_tx,
+		eth_tx_clk_i => clk_mac_TX,
+		eth_rx_clk_i => clk_mac_RX,
+		eth_rxd_i => rx_d,
+		eth_txd_o => tx_data,
+		eth_rxdv_i => rx_dv,
+		eth_rxerr_i => '0',
+		eth_md_i => '0',
+		eth_txen_o => eth_tx_en,
+		devrst_i => rst
+	--	irq_i => irq
+		);
+	process
+	begin
+		clk <= '0';
+		wait for 10 ns;
+		clk <= '1';
+		wait for 10 ns;
+	end process;
+		process
+	  begin
+	   wait for 10ns;
+	  loop
+	    clk_mac_RX <= '0';
+	    wait for 19.347654 ns;
+	    clk_mac_RX <= '1';
+	    wait for 19.24667 ns;
+	    end loop;
+	    end process;
+	process
+	  begin
+	  loop
+	    clk_mac_TX <= '0';
+	    wait for 19.1 ns;
+	    clk_mac_TX <= '1';
+	    wait for 19.1 ns;
+	    end loop;
+  end process;
+	process
+		variable data : stdvector_array(0 to 1024*64 - 1);
+ -- variable i : integer;
+	begin
+	rst <= '1';
+	read_binary ("bootldr.bin", data);
+	bootldr_text <= data;
+	read_binary ("app_text.bin", data);
+	app_text <= data;
+	read_binary ("app_data.bin", data);
+	app_data <= data;
+	wait for 1ms;
+	rst <= '0';
+		--write_memory(arm_iram_psel, arm_iram_pwr, arm_iram_pen, arm_iram_paddr, arm_iram_pwdat, arm_iram_pready, mem_code);
+		--write_memory(arm_iram_bank1_psel, arm_iram_bank1_pwr, arm_iram_bank1_pen, arm_iram_bank1_paddr, arm_iram_bank1_pwdat, arm_iram_bank1_pready, mem_code);
+		--write_memory(arm_dram_psel, arm_dram_pwr, arm_dram_pen, arm_dram_paddr, arm_dram_pwdat, arm_dram_pready, mem_data);
+		wait until rising_edge(clk);
+		report "Starting CPU" severity note;
+		rst_cpu <= '0';
+		wait for 1 ms;
+		loop
+		 wait for 10000 ns;
+		   --read_memory(144, arm_dram_psel, arm_dram_pwr, arm_dram_pen, arm_dram_paddr, arm_dram_prdat, arm_dram_pready);
+		end loop;
+  wait;
+	end process;
+  wait until rising_edge(clk);
+  --secded ecc
+  wait until rising_edge(clk);
+  wait for 1ms;
+  --secded ecc
+rx_dv <= '0';
+rx_d <= x"0";
+wait for 9 ms;
+for k in 1 to 10000 loop
+wait for 205 ms;
+for i in 1 to 15 loop
+	wait until rising_edge(clk_mac_rx);
+	rx_d <= x"5";
+	rx_dv <= '1';
+end loop;
+wait until rising_edge(clk_mac_rx);
+rx_d <= x"D";
+for i in 1 to (frame'length/2) loop
+  wait until rising_edge(clk_mac_rx);
+  rx_d <= frame(2*i-1);
+    wait until rising_edge(clk_mac_rx);
+  rx_d <= frame(2*i-2);
+end loop;
+for i in 1 to (frame'length/2) loop
+  wait until rising_edge(clk_mac_rx);
+  rx_d <= frame(2*i-1);
+    wait until rising_edge(clk_mac_rx);
+  rx_d <= frame(2*i-2);
+end loop;
+for i in 1 to (frame'length/2) loop
+  wait until rising_edge(clk_mac_rx);
+  rx_d <= frame(2*i-1);
+    wait until rising_edge(clk_mac_rx);
+  rx_d <= frame(2*i-2);
+end loop;
+for i in 1 to (frame'length/2) loop
+  wait until rising_edge(clk_mac_rx);
+  rx_d <= frame(2*i-1);
+    wait until rising_edge(clk_mac_rx);
+  rx_d <= frame(2*i-2);
+end loop;
+wait until rising_edge(clk_mac_rx);
+rx_d <= x"0";
+rx_dv <= '0';
+end loop;
+end process;
+end behav;