Commit a98e5b94 authored by Karol Hennessy's avatar Karol Hennessy

o2 update

parent 5179e313
......@@ -1290,6 +1290,9 @@ void BreathingLoop::doO2ValveFrac(float desired_fiO2, float pressure_change)
// we calculate amount of o2 : air to input
// if we have to fill 300 mbar, we fill up to (o2_frac * 300) mbar of o2, then (1-o2_frac)*300 mbar air
// we estimate the current o2 fraction, rather than wait for o2 sensor
// we should have an alarm if o2 sensor and o2 expectation is wrong after 1 min
float o2change = (desired_fiO2*(1000+pressure_change) - _expected_fiO2 *1000 -0.21*pressure_change)/(0.79*pressure_change);
if (o2change > 1){
o2change = 1;
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