Commit 23b29c47 authored by Karol Hennessy's avatar Karol Hennessy


parent 711745f5
{"calibration": {"label": "calibration", "last_performed": 1620286438, "cmd_code": "calib_rate"}, "leak_test": {"label": "Leak Test", "last_performed": 1620286441, "cmd_code": "leak_test"}, "maintenance": {"label": "maintenance", "last_performed": 1620286442, "cmd_code": "main_tenance"}}
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{"calibration": {"label": "calibration", "last_performed": 1620371274, "cmd_code": "calib_rate"}, "leak_test": {"label": "Leak Test", "last_performed": 1620371281, "cmd_code": "leak_test"}, "maintenance": {"label": "maintenance", "last_performed": 1620371301, "cmd_code": "main_tenance"}}
\ No newline at end of file
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