From 63c5372cb7cfa5aefab854a4d1a86d8023f96ded Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Svihra <>
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 2020 18:11:01 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] refactor changes

 arduino/common/lib/CommsControl/CommsCommon.h | 179 ++++++++++
 .../common/lib/CommsControl/CommsControl.h    |  74 ++++
 arduino/common/lib/CommsControl/CommsFormat.h |  76 +++++
 .../common/lib/commsControl/commsConstants.h  | 205 -----------
 .../common/lib/commsControl/commsControl.cpp  | 323 ------------------
 .../common/lib/commsControl/commsControl.h    |  74 ----
 .../common/lib/commsControl/commsFormat.cpp   | 111 ------
 arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsFormat.h |  76 -----
 arduino/hev_prototype_v1/platformio.ini       |   2 +-
 arduino/hev_prototype_v1/       |  49 +++
 .../hev_prototype_v1/src/BreathingLoop.cpp    |  38 +--
 arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/BreathingLoop.h  |  16 +-
 arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/UILoop.cpp       |  57 +++-
 arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/UILoop.h         |  13 +-
 arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/common.cpp       | 129 ++++++-
 arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/common.h         | 132 ++++++-
 arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/main.cpp         |  24 +-
 17 files changed, 724 insertions(+), 854 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 arduino/common/lib/CommsControl/CommsCommon.h
 create mode 100644 arduino/common/lib/CommsControl/CommsControl.h
 create mode 100644 arduino/common/lib/CommsControl/CommsFormat.h
 delete mode 100644 arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsConstants.h
 delete mode 100644 arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsControl.cpp
 delete mode 100644 arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsControl.h
 delete mode 100644 arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsFormat.cpp
 delete mode 100644 arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsFormat.h
 create mode 100644 arduino/hev_prototype_v1/

diff --git a/arduino/common/lib/CommsControl/CommsCommon.h b/arduino/common/lib/CommsControl/CommsCommon.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..575a83cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arduino/common/lib/CommsControl/CommsCommon.h
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#include <Arduino.h>
+#define CONST_TIMEOUT_CMD   50
+#define COMMS_FRAME_ESCAPE   0x7D
+#define PACKET_TYPE  0xC0
+#define PACKET_ALARM 0xC0
+#define PACKET_CMD   0x80
+#define PACKET_DATA  0x40
+#define PACKET_SET   0x20 //set vs get ?
+// struct for all data sent
+struct data_format {
+    uint8_t  version                = HEV_FORMAT_VERSION;
+    uint32_t timestamp              = 0;
+    uint8_t  fsm_state              = 0;
+    uint16_t pressure_air_supply    = 0;
+    uint16_t pressure_air_regulated = 0;
+    uint16_t pressure_o2_supply     = 0;
+    uint16_t pressure_o2_regulated  = 0;
+    uint16_t pressure_buffer        = 0;
+    uint16_t pressure_inhale        = 0;
+    uint16_t pressure_patient       = 0;
+    uint16_t temperature_buffer     = 0;
+    uint16_t pressure_diff_patient  = 0;
+    uint8_t  readback_valve_air_in  = 0;
+    uint8_t  readback_valve_o2_in   = 0;
+    uint8_t  readback_valve_inhale  = 0;
+    uint8_t  readback_valve_exhale  = 0;
+    uint8_t  readback_valve_purge   = 0;
+    uint8_t  readback_mode          = 0;
+struct cmd_format {
+    uint8_t  version   = HEV_FORMAT_VERSION;
+    uint32_t timestamp = 0;
+    uint8_t  cmd_type  = 0;
+    uint8_t  cmd_code  = 0;
+    uint32_t param     = 0;
+struct alarm_format {
+    uint8_t  version    = HEV_FORMAT_VERSION;
+    uint32_t timestamp  = 0;
+    uint8_t  alarm_type = 0;
+    uint8_t  alarm_code = 0;
+    uint32_t param      = 0;
+// enum of all transfer types
+    DATA,
+    CMD,
+    ALARM,
+    UNSET
+// payload consists of type and information
+// type is set as address in the protocol
+// information is set as information in the protocol
+class Payload {
+    Payload(PAYLOAD_TYPE type = PAYLOAD_TYPE::UNSET)  {type_ = type; } //data_ = nullptr; cmd_ = nullptr; alarm_ = nullptr; }
+    Payload(const Payload &other) {
+        type_ = other.type_;
+        memcpy(& data_, &other. data_, sizeof( data_format));
+        memcpy(&  cmd_, &other.  cmd_, sizeof(  cmd_format));
+        memcpy(&alarm_, &other.alarm_, sizeof(alarm_format));
+    }
+    Payload& operator=(const Payload& other) {
+        type_ = other.type_;
+        memcpy(& data_, &other. data_, sizeof( data_format));
+        memcpy(&  cmd_, &other.  cmd_, sizeof(  cmd_format));
+        memcpy(&alarm_, &other.alarm_, sizeof(alarm_format));
+        return *this;
+    }
+    ~Payload() { unsetAll(); }
+    void setType(PAYLOAD_TYPE type) { type_ = type; }
+    PAYLOAD_TYPE getType() {return type_; }
+    // requires argument as new struct
+    void setData (data_format   *data) { type_ = PAYLOAD_TYPE::DATA;  memcpy(& data_,  data, sizeof( data_format)); }
+    void setCmd  (cmd_format     *cmd) { type_ = PAYLOAD_TYPE::CMD;   memcpy(&  cmd_,   cmd, sizeof(  cmd_format)); }
+    void setAlarm(alarm_format *alarm) { type_ = PAYLOAD_TYPE::ALARM; memcpy(&alarm_, alarm, sizeof(alarm_format)); }
+    // get pointers to particular payload types
+    data_format  *getData () {return & data_; }
+    cmd_format   *getCmd  () {return &  cmd_; }
+    alarm_format *getAlarm() {return &alarm_; }
+    void unsetAll()   { unsetData(); unsetAlarm(); unsetCmd(); type_ = PAYLOAD_TYPE::UNSET; }
+    void unsetData()  { memset(& data_, 0, sizeof( data_format)); }
+    void unsetCmd()   { memset(&  cmd_, 0, sizeof(  cmd_format)); }
+    void unsetAlarm() { memset(&alarm_, 0, sizeof(alarm_format)); }
+    void setPayload(PAYLOAD_TYPE type, void* information) {
+        setType(type);
+        setInformation(information);
+    }
+    void setInformation(void* information) {
+        switch (type_) {
+            case PAYLOAD_TYPE::DATA:
+                setData (reinterpret_cast< data_format*>(information));
+                break;
+            case PAYLOAD_TYPE::CMD:
+                setCmd  (reinterpret_cast<  cmd_format*>(information));
+                break;
+            case PAYLOAD_TYPE::ALARM:
+                setAlarm(reinterpret_cast<alarm_format*>(information));
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    // returns void pointer, in case you know what to do with data or dont care what the format is
+    void *getInformation() {
+        switch (type_) {
+            case PAYLOAD_TYPE::DATA:
+                return reinterpret_cast<void*>(getData ());
+            case PAYLOAD_TYPE::CMD:
+                return reinterpret_cast<void*>(getCmd  ());
+            case PAYLOAD_TYPE::ALARM:
+                return reinterpret_cast<void*>(getAlarm());
+            default:
+                return nullptr;
+        }
+    }
+    // returns payload information size
+    uint8_t getSize()  {
+        switch (type_) {
+            case PAYLOAD_TYPE::DATA:
+                return static_cast<uint8_t>(sizeof( data_format));
+            case PAYLOAD_TYPE::CMD:
+                return static_cast<uint8_t>(sizeof(  cmd_format));
+            case PAYLOAD_TYPE::ALARM:
+                return static_cast<uint8_t>(sizeof(alarm_format));
+            default:
+                return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    PAYLOAD_TYPE type_;
+    data_format   data_;
+    cmd_format     cmd_;
+    alarm_format alarm_;
diff --git a/arduino/common/lib/CommsControl/CommsControl.h b/arduino/common/lib/CommsControl/CommsControl.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9bf60725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arduino/common/lib/CommsControl/CommsControl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// Communication protocol between rasp and arduino based on HDLC format
+// author Peter Svihra <>
+#include <Arduino.h>
+#include "RingBuf.h"
+#include "CommsCommon.h"
+#include "CommsFormat.h"
+// class to provide simple communication protocol based on the data format
+class CommsControl {
+    CommsControl(uint32_t baudrate = 115200);
+    ~CommsControl();
+    void beginSerial();
+    bool writePayload(Payload &pl);
+    bool readPayload (Payload &pl);
+    void sender();
+    void receiver();
+    RingBuf<CommsFormat *,CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING> *getQueue(PAYLOAD_TYPE &type);
+    PAYLOAD_TYPE getInfoType(uint8_t *address);
+    void sendQueue    (RingBuf<CommsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING> *queue);
+    void resendPacket (RingBuf<CommsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING> *queue);
+    bool receivePacket(PAYLOAD_TYPE &type);
+    void finishPacket (PAYLOAD_TYPE &type);
+    bool encoder(uint8_t* payload, uint8_t dataSize);
+    bool decoder(uint8_t* payload, uint8_t dataStart, uint8_t dataStop);
+    void sendPacket(CommsFormat* packet);
+    uint8_t _sequence_send;
+    uint8_t _sequence_receive;
+    CommsFormat* _comms_ack;
+    CommsFormat* _comms_nck;
+    RingBuf<CommsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING> *_ring_buff_alarm;
+    RingBuf<CommsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING> *_ring_buff_data;
+    RingBuf<CommsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING> *_ring_buff_cmd;
+    RingBuf<Payload, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_RECEIVING> *_ring_buff_received;
+    Payload     _payload_tmp;
+    CommsFormat _comms_tmp;
+    uint32_t _baudrate;
+    uint64_t _last_trans_time;
+    uint8_t _comms_received[CONST_MAX_SIZE_BUFFER];
+    uint8_t _comms_received_size;
+    uint8_t _comms_send    [CONST_MAX_SIZE_BUFFER];
+    uint8_t _comms_send_size;
+    uint8_t _last_trans[CONST_MAX_SIZE_BUFFER];
+    uint8_t _start_trans_index;
+    uint8_t _last_trans_index;
+    bool _found_start;
diff --git a/arduino/common/lib/CommsControl/CommsFormat.h b/arduino/common/lib/CommsControl/CommsFormat.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff8916e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arduino/common/lib/CommsControl/CommsFormat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// Communication protocol based on HDLC format
+// author Peter Svihra <>
+#include <Arduino.h>
+#include <uCRC16Lib.h>
+#include "CommsCommon.h"
+// class to provide all needed control in data format
+class CommsFormat {
+    CommsFormat(uint8_t infoSize = 0, uint8_t address = 0x00, uint16_t control = 0x0000);
+    CommsFormat(const CommsFormat& other) {
+        _crc        = other._crc;
+        _packet_size = other._packet_size;
+        _info_size   = other._info_size;
+        memcpy(_data, other._data, CONST_MAX_SIZE_PACKET);
+    }
+    CommsFormat& operator=(const CommsFormat& other) {
+        _crc        = other._crc;
+        _packet_size = other._packet_size;
+        _info_size   = other._info_size;
+        memcpy(_data, other._data, CONST_MAX_SIZE_PACKET);
+        return *this;
+    }
+    uint8_t* getData()    { return _data; }
+    uint8_t  getSize()    { return _packet_size; }
+    void setAddress(uint8_t* address) {assignBytes(getAddress(), address, 1); }
+    void setControl(uint8_t* control) {assignBytes(getControl(), control, 2); }
+    void setInformation(Payload *pl);
+    void assignBytes(uint8_t* target, uint8_t* source, uint8_t size, bool calcCrc = true);
+    void generateCrc(bool assign = true);
+    bool compareCrc();
+    // get data pointer of different parts
+    uint8_t* getStart()       {return _data + 0;}                         // starting flag of the chain
+    uint8_t* getAddress()     {return _data + 1;}                         // address where to send data, last bit is 8bit extension enable(0)/disable(1)
+    uint8_t* getControl()     {return _data + 2;}                         // frame control commands
+    uint8_t* getInformation() {return _data + 4;}                         // user information
+    uint8_t* getFcs()         {return _data + 4 + _info_size;}            // checksum
+    uint8_t* getStop()        {return _data + 4 + _info_size + 2;}        // ending flag of the chain
+    uint8_t getInfoSize() { return _info_size; }
+    void setSequenceSend   (uint8_t counter);
+    void setSequenceReceive(uint8_t counter);
+    uint8_t getSequenceSend   ();
+    uint8_t getSequenceReceive();
+    void copyData(uint8_t* payload, uint8_t dataSize);
+    static CommsFormat* generateACK()   { return new CommsFormat(0, 0, COMMS_CONTROL_ACK  << 8); }
+    static CommsFormat* generateNACK()  { return new CommsFormat(0, 0, COMMS_CONTROL_NACK << 8); }
+    static CommsFormat* generateALARM(Payload *pl);
+    static CommsFormat* generateCMD  (Payload *pl);
+    static CommsFormat* generateDATA (Payload *pl);
+    uint8_t  _data[CONST_MAX_SIZE_PACKET];
+    uint8_t  _packet_size;
+    uint8_t  _info_size;
+    uint16_t _crc;
+#endif // COMMSFORMAT_H
diff --git a/arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsConstants.h b/arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsConstants.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e387dcd4..00000000
--- a/arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsConstants.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-#include <Arduino.h>
-#define CONST_TIMEOUT_CMD   50
-#define COMMS_FRAME_ESCAPE   0x7D
-#define PACKET_TYPE  0xC0
-#define PACKET_ALARM 0xC0
-#define PACKET_CMD   0x80
-#define PACKET_DATA  0x40
-#define PACKET_SET   0x20 //set vs get ?
-enum command_codes {CMD_START = 1,
-                    CMD_STOP  = 2};
-// Taken from safety doc. Correct as of 1400 on 20200416
-enum alarm_codes {APNEA                          = 1,   // HP
-                  CHECK_VALVE_EXHALE             = 2,   // HP
-                  CHECK_P_PATIENT                = 3,   // HP
-                  EXPIRATION_SENSE_FAULT_OR_LEAK = 4,   //  MP
-                  EXPIRATION_VALVE_Leak          = 5,   //  MP
-                  HIGH_FIO2                      = 6,   //  MP
-                  HIGH_PRESSURE                  = 7,   // HP
-                  HIGH_RR                        = 8,   //  MP
-                  HIGH_VTE                       = 9,   //  MP
-                  LOW_VTE                        = 10,  //  MP
-                  HIGH_VTI                       = 11,  //  MP
-                  LOW_VTI                        = 12,  //  MP
-                  INTENTIONAL_STOP               = 13,  // HP
-                  LOW_BATTERY                    = 14,  // HP (LP) if AC power isn't (is) connected
-                  LOW_FIO2                       = 15,  // HP
-                  OCCLUSION                      = 16,  // HP
-                  HIGH_PEEP                      = 17,  // HP
-                  LOW_PEEP                       = 18,  // HP
-                  AC_POWER_DISCONNECTION         = 19,  //  MP
-                  BATTERY_FAULT_SRVC             = 20,  //  MP
-                  BATTERY_CHARGE                 = 21,  //  MP
-                  AIR_FAIL                       = 22,  // HP
-                  O2_FAIL                        = 23,  // HP
-                  PRESSURE_SENSOR_FAULT          = 24,  // HP
-                  ARDUINO_FAIL                   = 25}; // HP
-// struct for all data sent
-struct dataFormat {
-    uint8_t  version = HEV_FORMAT_VERSION; //
-    uint8_t  fsm_state = 0;
-    uint16_t pressure_air_supply = 0;
-    uint16_t pressure_air_regulated = 0;
-    uint16_t pressure_o2_supply = 0;
-    uint16_t pressure_o2_regulated = 0;
-    uint16_t pressure_buffer = 0;
-    uint16_t pressure_inhale = 0;
-    uint16_t pressure_patient = 0;
-    uint16_t temperature_buffer = 0;
-    uint16_t pressure_diff_patient = 0;
-    uint8_t  readback_valve_air_in = 0;
-    uint8_t  readback_valve_o2_in = 0;
-    uint8_t  readback_valve_inhale = 0;
-    uint8_t  readback_valve_exhale = 0;
-    uint8_t  readback_valve_purge = 0;
-    uint8_t  readback_mode = 0;
-struct cmdFormat {
-    uint8_t  version = HEV_FORMAT_VERSION; //
-    uint8_t  cmdCode = 0;
-    uint32_t  param   = 0;
-struct alarmFormat{
-    uint8_t  version = HEV_FORMAT_VERSION; //
-    uint8_t  alarmCode = 0;
-    uint32_t param   = 0;
-                    // do we do the same as dataFormat and put all alarms in one message?
-// enum of all transfer types
-enum payloadType {
-    payloadData,
-    payloadCmd,
-    payloadAlarm,
-    payloadUnset
-// payload consists of type and information
-// type is set as address in the protocol
-// information is set as information in the protocol
-class payload {
-    payload(payloadType type = payloadType::payloadUnset)  {type_ = type; } //data_ = nullptr; cmd_ = nullptr; alarm_ = nullptr; }
-    payload(const payload &other) {
-        type_ = other.type_;
-        memcpy(& data_, &other. data_, sizeof( dataFormat));
-        memcpy(&  cmd_, &other.  cmd_, sizeof(  cmdFormat));
-        memcpy(&alarm_, &other.alarm_, sizeof(alarmFormat));
-    }
-    payload& operator=(const payload& other) {
-        type_ = other.type_;
-        memcpy(& data_, &other. data_, sizeof( dataFormat));
-        memcpy(&  cmd_, &other.  cmd_, sizeof(  cmdFormat));
-        memcpy(&alarm_, &other.alarm_, sizeof(alarmFormat));
-        return *this;
-    }
-    ~payload() { unsetAll(); }
-    void setType(payloadType type) { type_ = type; }
-    payloadType getType() {return type_; }
-    // requires argument as new struct
-    void setData (dataFormat   *data) { type_ = payloadType::payloadData;  memcpy(& data_,  data, sizeof( dataFormat)); }
-    void setCmd  (cmdFormat     *cmd) { type_ = payloadType::payloadCmd;   memcpy(&  cmd_,   cmd, sizeof(  cmdFormat)); }
-    void setAlarm(alarmFormat *alarm) { type_ = payloadType::payloadAlarm; memcpy(&alarm_, alarm, sizeof(alarmFormat)); }
-    // get pointers to particular payload types
-    dataFormat  *getData () {return & data_; }
-    cmdFormat   *getCmd  () {return &  cmd_; }
-    alarmFormat *getAlarm() {return &alarm_; }
-    void unsetAll()   { unsetData(); unsetAlarm(); unsetCmd(); type_ = payloadType::payloadUnset; }
-    void unsetData()  { memset(& data_, 0, sizeof( dataFormat)); }
-    void unsetCmd()   { memset(&  cmd_, 0, sizeof(  cmdFormat)); }
-    void unsetAlarm() { memset(&alarm_, 0, sizeof(alarmFormat)); }
-    void setPayload(payloadType type, void* information) {
-        setType(type);
-        setInformation(information);
-    }
-    void setInformation(void* information) {
-        switch (type_) {
-            case payloadType::payloadData:
-                setData (reinterpret_cast< dataFormat*>(information));
-                break;
-            case payloadType::payloadCmd:
-                setCmd  (reinterpret_cast<  cmdFormat*>(information));
-                break;
-            case payloadType::payloadAlarm:
-                setAlarm(reinterpret_cast<alarmFormat*>(information));
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    // returns void pointer, in case you know what to do with data or dont care what the format is
-    void *getInformation() {
-        switch (type_) {
-            case payloadType::payloadData:
-                return reinterpret_cast<void*>(getData ());
-            case payloadType::payloadCmd:
-                return reinterpret_cast<void*>(getCmd  ());
-            case payloadType::payloadAlarm:
-                return reinterpret_cast<void*>(getAlarm());
-            default:
-                return nullptr;
-        }
-    }
-    // returns payload information size
-    uint8_t getSize()  {
-        switch (type_) {
-            case payloadType::payloadData:
-                return static_cast<uint8_t>(sizeof( dataFormat));
-            case payloadType::payloadCmd:
-                return static_cast<uint8_t>(sizeof(  cmdFormat));
-            case payloadType::payloadAlarm:
-                return static_cast<uint8_t>(sizeof(alarmFormat));
-            default:
-                return 0;
-        }
-    }
-    payloadType type_;
-    dataFormat   data_;
-    cmdFormat     cmd_;
-    alarmFormat alarm_;
diff --git a/arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsControl.cpp b/arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsControl.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 091f93a8..00000000
--- a/arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsControl.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-#include "commsControl.h"
-commsControl::commsControl(uint32_t baudrate) {
-    baudrate_ = baudrate;
-    lastTransTime_ = millis();
-    startTransIndex_   = 0xFF;
-    lastTransIndex_    = 0;
-    commsReceivedSize_ = 0;
-    commsSendSize_     = 0;
-    foundStart_ = false;
-    memset(lastTrans_    , 0, sizeof(lastTrans_    ));
-    memset(commsReceived_, 0, sizeof(commsReceived_));
-    memset(commsSend_    , 0, sizeof(commsSend_    ));
-    queueAlarm_ = new RingBuf<commsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING>();
-    queueData_  = new RingBuf<commsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING>();
-    queueCmd_   = new RingBuf<commsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING>();
-    queueReceived_ = new RingBuf<payload, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_RECEIVING>();
-    commsTmp_   = commsFormat(CONST_MAX_SIZE_PACKET - CONST_MIN_SIZE_PACKET );
-    commsAck_ = commsFormat::generateACK();
-    commsNck_ = commsFormat::generateNACK();
-    sequenceSend_    = 0;
-    sequenceReceive_ = 0;
-// WIP
-commsControl::~commsControl() {
-    ;
-void commsControl::beginSerial() {
-    Serial.begin(baudrate_);
-// main function to always call and try and send data
-// TODO: needs switch on data type with global timeouts on data pushing
-void commsControl::sender() {
-    if (millis() > lastTransTime_ + CONST_TIMEOUT_ALARM ) {
-        sendQueue(queueAlarm_);
-    }
-    if (millis() > lastTransTime_ + CONST_TIMEOUT_CMD ) {
-        sendQueue(queueCmd_);
-    }
-    if (millis() > lastTransTime_ + CONST_TIMEOUT_DATA ) {
-        sendQueue(queueData_);
-    }
-// main function to always try to receive data
-// TODO: needs switch on data type with global timeouts on data pushing
-void commsControl::receiver() {
-    uint8_t currentTransIndex;
-    // check if any data in waiting
-    if (Serial.available()) {
-        // while able to read data (unable == -1)
-        while (Serial.peek() >= 0) {
-            // read byte by byte, just in case the transmission is somehow blocked
-            // WARNING: for mkrvidor4000, readbytes takes char* not uchar*
-            lastTransIndex_ += Serial.readBytes(lastTrans_ + lastTransIndex_, 1);
-            // if managed to read at least 1 byte
-            if (lastTransIndex_ > 0 && lastTransIndex_ < CONST_MAX_SIZE_BUFFER) {
-                currentTransIndex = lastTransIndex_ - 1;
-                // find the boundary of frames
-                if (lastTrans_[currentTransIndex] == COMMS_FRAME_BOUNDARY) {
-                    // if not found start or if read the same byte as last time
-                    if (!foundStart_ || startTransIndex_ == currentTransIndex) {
-                        foundStart_ = true;
-                        startTransIndex_ = currentTransIndex;
-                    } else {
-                        // if managed to decode and compare CRC
-                        if (decoder(lastTrans_, startTransIndex_, lastTransIndex_)) {
-                            sequenceReceive_ = (*(commsTmp_.getControl()) >> 1 ) & 0x7F;
-                            // to decide ACK/NACK/other; for other gain sequenceReceive
-                            uint8_t control = *(commsTmp_.getControl() + 1);
-                            // to decide what kind of packets received
-                            payloadType type = getInfoType(commsTmp_.getAddress());
-                            // switch on received data to know what to do - received ACK/NACK or other
-                            switch(control & COMMS_CONTROL_TYPES) {
-                                case COMMS_CONTROL_NACK:
-                                    // received NACK
-                                    // TODO: modify timeout for next sent frame?
-                                    // resendPacket(&address);
-                                    break;
-                                case COMMS_CONTROL_ACK:
-                                    // received ACK
-                                    finishPacket(type);
-                                    break;
-                                default:
-                                    uint8_t tmpSequenceReceive = (control >> 1 ) & 0x7F;
-                                    tmpSequenceReceive += 1;
-                                    // received DATA
-                                    if (receivePacket(type)) {
-                                        commsAck_->setAddress(commsTmp_.getAddress());
-                                        commsAck_->setSequenceReceive(tmpSequenceReceive);
-                                        sendPacket(commsAck_);
-                                    } else {
-                                        commsNck_->setAddress(commsTmp_.getAddress());
-                                        commsNck_->setSequenceReceive(tmpSequenceReceive);
-                                        sendPacket(commsNck_);
-                                    }
-                                    break;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        // reset the frame
-                        foundStart_ = false;
-                        lastTransIndex_ = 0;
-                        startTransIndex_ = 0xFF;
-                        // break the loop, even if more data waiting in the bus - this frame is finished
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            } else if (lastTransIndex_ >= CONST_MAX_SIZE_BUFFER) {
-                lastTransIndex_ = 0;
-            }
-        }
-    } 
-bool commsControl::writePayload(payload &pl) {
-    commsFormat* tmpComms;
-    payloadType type = pl.getType();
-    // switch on different received payload types
-    // TODO simplify the static functions
-    switch(type) {
-        case payloadAlarm:
-            tmpComms = commsFormat::generateALARM(&pl);
-            break;
-        case payloadData:
-            tmpComms = commsFormat::generateDATA(&pl);
-            break;
-        case payloadCmd:
-            tmpComms = commsFormat::generateCMD(&pl);
-            break;
-        default:
-            return false;
-    }
-    RingBuf<commsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING> *queue = getQueue(type);
-    // add new entry to the queue
-    if (queue->isFull()) {
-        commsFormat *tmpCommsRm;
-        if (queue->pop(tmpCommsRm)) {
-            delete tmpCommsRm;
-        }
-    }
-    if (queue->push(tmpComms) ) {
-        return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-bool commsControl::readPayload( payload &pl) {
-    if ( !queueReceived_->isEmpty()) {
-        if (queueReceived_->pop(pl)) {
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
-// general encoder of any transmission
-bool commsControl::encoder(uint8_t *data, uint8_t dataSize) {
-    if (dataSize > 0) {
-        commsSendSize_ = 0;
-        uint8_t tmpVal = 0;
-        commsSend_[commsSendSize_++] = data[0];
-        for (uint8_t idx = 1; idx < dataSize - 1; idx++) {
-            tmpVal = data[idx];
-            if (tmpVal == COMMS_FRAME_ESCAPE || tmpVal == COMMS_FRAME_BOUNDARY) {
-                commsSend_[commsSendSize_++] = COMMS_FRAME_ESCAPE;
-                tmpVal ^= (1 << COMMS_ESCAPE_BIT_SWAP);
-            }
-            commsSend_[commsSendSize_++] = tmpVal;
-        }
-        commsSend_[commsSendSize_++] = data[dataSize-1];
-        return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-// general decoder of any transmission
-bool commsControl::decoder(uint8_t* data, uint8_t dataStart, uint8_t dataStop) {
-    // need to have more than 1 byte transferred
-    if (dataStop > (dataStart + 1)) {
-        commsReceivedSize_ = 0;
-        uint8_t tmpVal = 0;
-        bool escaped = false;
-        for (uint8_t idx = dataStart; idx < dataStop; idx++) {
-            tmpVal = data[idx];
-            if (tmpVal == COMMS_FRAME_ESCAPE) {
-                escaped = true;
-            } else {
-                if (escaped) {
-                    tmpVal ^= (1 << COMMS_ESCAPE_BIT_SWAP);
-                    escaped = false;
-                }
-                commsReceived_[commsReceivedSize_++] = tmpVal;
-            }
-        }
-        commsTmp_.copyData(commsReceived_, commsReceivedSize_);
-        return commsTmp_.compareCrc();
-    }
-    return false;
-// sending anything of commsDATA format
-void commsControl::sendQueue(RingBuf<commsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING> *queue) {
-    // if have data to send
-    if (!queue->isEmpty()) {
-        // reset sending counter
-        lastTransTime_ = millis();
-        queue->operator [](0)->setSequenceSend(sequenceSend_);
-        sendPacket(queue->operator [](0));
-    }
-void commsControl::sendPacket(commsFormat *packet) {
-    // if encoded and able to write data
-    if (encoder(packet->getData(), packet->getSize()) ) {
-        if (Serial.availableForWrite() >= commsSendSize_) {
-            Serial.write(commsSend_, commsSendSize_);
-        } 
-    }
-// resending the packet, can lower the timeout since either NACK or wrong FCS already checked
-void commsControl::resendPacket(RingBuf<commsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING> *queue) {
-    ;
-// receiving anything of commsFormat
-bool commsControl::receivePacket(payloadType &type) {
-    payloadTmp_.unsetAll();
-    payloadTmp_.setType(type);
-    void *tmpInformation = payloadTmp_.getInformation();
-    // if type is definet, copy information from comms to payload
-    if (tmpInformation != nullptr) {
-        memcpy(tmpInformation, commsTmp_.getInformation(), commsTmp_.getInfoSize());
-        // remove first entry if queue is full
-        if (queueReceived_->isFull()) {
-            payload tmpPlRm;
-            if (queueReceived_->pop(tmpPlRm)) {
-                ;
-            }
-        }
-        return queueReceived_->push(payloadTmp_);
-    }
-    return false;
-// if FCS is ok, remove from queue
-void commsControl::finishPacket(payloadType &type) {
-    RingBuf<commsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING> *tmpQueue = getQueue(type);
-    if (tmpQueue != nullptr && !tmpQueue->isEmpty()) {
-        // get the sequence send from first entry in the queue, add one as that should be return
-        // 0x7F to deal with possible overflows (0 should follow after 127)
-        if (((tmpQueue->operator [](0)->getSequenceSend() + 1) & 0x7F) ==  sequenceReceive_) {
-            sequenceSend_ = (sequenceSend_ + 1) % 128;
-            commsFormat * tmpComms;
-            if (tmpQueue->pop(tmpComms)) {
-                delete tmpComms;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-payloadType commsControl::getInfoType(uint8_t *address) {
-    switch (*address & PACKET_TYPE) {
-        case PACKET_ALARM:
-            return payloadType::payloadAlarm;
-        case PACKET_CMD:
-            return payloadType::payloadCmd;
-        case PACKET_DATA:
-            return payloadType::payloadData;
-        default:
-            return payloadType::payloadUnset;
-    }
-// get link to queue according to packet format
-RingBuf<commsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING> *commsControl::getQueue(payloadType &type) {
-    switch (type) {
-        case payloadType::payloadAlarm:
-            return queueAlarm_;
-        case payloadType::payloadCmd:
-            return queueCmd_;
-        case payloadType::payloadData:
-            return queueData_;
-        default:
-            return nullptr;
-    }
diff --git a/arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsControl.h b/arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsControl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 21dc3d55..00000000
--- a/arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsControl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-// Communication protocol between rasp and arduino based on HDLC format
-// author Peter Svihra <>
-#include <Arduino.h>
-#include "RingBuf.h"
-#include "commsConstants.h"
-#include "commsFormat.h"
-// class to provide simple communication protocol based on the data format
-class commsControl {
-    commsControl(uint32_t baudrate = 115200);
-    ~commsControl();
-    void beginSerial();
-    bool writePayload(payload &pl);
-    bool readPayload (payload &pl);
-    void sender();
-    void receiver();
-    RingBuf<commsFormat *,CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING> *getQueue(payloadType &type);
-    payloadType getInfoType(uint8_t *address);
-    void sendQueue    (RingBuf<commsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING> *queue);
-    void resendPacket (RingBuf<commsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING> *queue);
-    bool receivePacket(payloadType &type);
-    void finishPacket (payloadType &type);
-    bool encoder(uint8_t* payload, uint8_t dataSize);
-    bool decoder(uint8_t* payload, uint8_t dataStart, uint8_t dataStop);
-    void sendPacket(commsFormat* packet);
-    uint8_t sequenceSend_;
-    uint8_t sequenceReceive_;
-    commsFormat* commsAck_;
-    commsFormat* commsNck_;
-    RingBuf<commsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING> *queueAlarm_;
-    RingBuf<commsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING> *queueData_;
-    RingBuf<commsFormat *, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_SENDING> *queueCmd_;
-    RingBuf<payload, CONST_MAX_SIZE_RB_RECEIVING> *queueReceived_;
-    payload     payloadTmp_;
-    commsFormat commsTmp_;
-    uint32_t baudrate_;
-    uint64_t lastTransTime_;
-    uint8_t commsReceived_[CONST_MAX_SIZE_BUFFER];
-    uint8_t commsReceivedSize_;
-    uint8_t commsSend_    [CONST_MAX_SIZE_BUFFER];
-    uint8_t commsSendSize_;
-    uint8_t lastTrans_[CONST_MAX_SIZE_BUFFER];
-    uint8_t startTransIndex_;
-    uint8_t lastTransIndex_;
-    bool foundStart_;
diff --git a/arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsFormat.cpp b/arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsFormat.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 22bde48b..00000000
--- a/arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsFormat.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-#include "commsFormat.h"
-// constructor to init variables
-commsFormat::commsFormat(uint8_t infoSize, uint8_t address, uint16_t control) {
-    memset(data_, 0, sizeof(data_));
-    infoSize_   = infoSize;
-    packetSize_ = infoSize + CONST_MIN_SIZE_PACKET ; // minimum size (start,address,control,fcs,stop)
-    if (packetSize_ > CONST_MAX_SIZE_PACKET) {
-        return;
-    }
-    assignBytes(getAddress(), &address, 1, false);
-    assignBytes(getControl(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&control), 2, false);
-    // hardcoded defaults
-    *getStart()   = COMMS_FRAME_BOUNDARY; // fixed start flag
-    *getStop()    = COMMS_FRAME_BOUNDARY; // fixed stop flag
-    generateCrc();
-void commsFormat::assignBytes(uint8_t* target, uint8_t* source, uint8_t size, bool calcCrc) {
-    memcpy(target, source, size);
-    if (calcCrc) {
-        generateCrc();
-    }
-void commsFormat::setSequenceSend(uint8_t counter) {
-    // sequence send valid only for info frames (not supervisory ACK/NACK)
-    if ((*(getControl() + 1) & COMMS_CONTROL_SUPERVISORY) == 0) {
-        counter = (counter << 1) & 0xFE;
-        assignBytes(getControl() + 1, &counter, 1);
-    }
-uint8_t commsFormat::getSequenceSend() {
-    // sequence send valid only for info frames (not supervisory ACK/NACK)
-    if ((*(getControl() + 1) & COMMS_CONTROL_SUPERVISORY) == 0) {
-        return (*(getControl() + 1) >> 1) & 0x7F;
-    } else {
-        return 0xFF;
-    }
-void commsFormat::setSequenceReceive(uint8_t counter) {
-    counter = (counter << 1) & 0xFE;
-    assignBytes(getControl()    , &counter, 1);
-uint8_t commsFormat::getSequenceReceive() {
-    return (*(getControl()) >> 1) & 0x7F;
-// compare calculated and received CRC value
-bool commsFormat::compareCrc() {
-    // generate data crc
-    generateCrc(false);
-    // get crc from fcs
-    uint16_t tmpFcs;
-    assignBytes(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&tmpFcs), getFcs(), 2, false);
-    // return comparison
-    return tmpFcs == crc_;
-// calculate CRC value
-void commsFormat::generateCrc(bool assign) {
-    // calculate crc
-    crc_ = uCRC16Lib::calculate(reinterpret_cast<char*>(getAddress()), static_cast<uint16_t>(infoSize_ + 3));
-    // assign crc to fcs
-    if (assign) {
-        assignBytes(getFcs(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&crc_), 2, false);
-    }
-// assign received information to packet
-void commsFormat::setInformation(payload *pl) {
-    assignBytes(getInformation(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(pl->getInformation()), getInfoSize());
-void commsFormat::copyData(uint8_t* data, uint8_t dataSize) {
-    packetSize_ = dataSize;
-    infoSize_ = dataSize - CONST_MIN_SIZE_PACKET;
-    memset(getData(),    0, sizeof(data_));
-    assignBytes(getData(), data, dataSize);
-// TODO rewrite in a slightly better way using the enum
-commsFormat* commsFormat::generateALARM(payload *pl) {
-    commsFormat *tmpComms = new commsFormat(pl->getSize(), PACKET_ALARM);
-    tmpComms->setInformation(pl);
-    return tmpComms;
-commsFormat* commsFormat::generateCMD  (payload *pl) {
-    commsFormat *tmpComms = new commsFormat(pl->getSize(), PACKET_CMD  );
-    tmpComms->setInformation(pl);
-    return tmpComms;
-commsFormat* commsFormat::generateDATA (payload *pl) {
-    commsFormat *tmpComms = new commsFormat(pl->getSize(), PACKET_DATA );
-    tmpComms->setInformation(pl);
-    return tmpComms;
diff --git a/arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsFormat.h b/arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsFormat.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 81b2ca47..00000000
--- a/arduino/common/lib/commsControl/commsFormat.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Communication protocol based on HDLC format
-// author Peter Svihra <>
-#include <Arduino.h>
-#include <uCRC16Lib.h>
-#include "commsConstants.h"
-// class to provide all needed control in data format
-class commsFormat {
-    commsFormat(uint8_t infoSize = 0, uint8_t address = 0x00, uint16_t control = 0x0000);
-    commsFormat(const commsFormat& other) {
-        crc_        = other.crc_;
-        packetSize_ = other.packetSize_;
-        infoSize_   = other.infoSize_;
-        memcpy(data_, other.data_, CONST_MAX_SIZE_PACKET);
-    }
-    commsFormat& operator=(const commsFormat& other) {
-        crc_        = other.crc_;
-        packetSize_ = other.packetSize_;
-        infoSize_   = other.infoSize_;
-        memcpy(data_, other.data_, CONST_MAX_SIZE_PACKET);
-        return *this;
-    }
-    uint8_t* getData()    { return data_; }
-    uint8_t  getSize()    { return packetSize_; }
-    void setAddress(uint8_t* address) {assignBytes(getAddress(), address, 1); }
-    void setControl(uint8_t* control) {assignBytes(getControl(), control, 2); }
-    void setInformation(payload *pl);
-    void assignBytes(uint8_t* target, uint8_t* source, uint8_t size, bool calcCrc = true);
-    void generateCrc(bool assign = true);
-    bool compareCrc();
-    // get data pointer of different parts
-    uint8_t* getStart()       {return data_ + 0;}                         // starting flag of the chain
-    uint8_t* getAddress()     {return data_ + 1;}                         // address where to send data, last bit is 8bit extension enable(0)/disable(1)
-    uint8_t* getControl()     {return data_ + 2;}                         // frame control commands
-    uint8_t* getInformation() {return data_ + 4;}                         // user information
-    uint8_t* getFcs()         {return data_ + 4 + infoSize_;}             // checksum
-    uint8_t* getStop()        {return data_ + 4 + infoSize_ + 2;}         // ending flag of the chain
-    uint8_t getInfoSize() { return infoSize_; }
-    void setSequenceSend   (uint8_t counter);
-    void setSequenceReceive(uint8_t counter);
-    uint8_t getSequenceSend   ();
-    uint8_t getSequenceReceive();
-    void copyData(uint8_t* payload, uint8_t dataSize);
-    static commsFormat* generateACK()   { return new commsFormat(0, 0, COMMS_CONTROL_ACK  << 8); }
-    static commsFormat* generateNACK()  { return new commsFormat(0, 0, COMMS_CONTROL_NACK << 8); }
-    static commsFormat* generateALARM(payload *pl);
-    static commsFormat* generateCMD  (payload *pl);
-    static commsFormat* generateDATA (payload *pl);
-    uint8_t  data_[CONST_MAX_SIZE_PACKET];
-    uint8_t  packetSize_;
-    uint8_t  infoSize_;
-    uint16_t crc_;
-#endif // COMMSFORMAT_H
diff --git a/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/platformio.ini b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/platformio.ini
index c369a0e6..9c1c4d63 100644
--- a/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/platformio.ini
+++ b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/platformio.ini
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ default_envs = nodemcu-32s
 lib_deps =
-    commsControl
+    CommsControl
     5574 ; INA2xx
      820 ; Adafruit MCP9808 
     5390 ; uCRC16Lib
diff --git a/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/ b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5af1a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+win32 {
+else {
+    HOMEDIR += $$(HOME)
+INCLUDEPATH += "$${_PRO_FILE_PWD_}/include"
+INCLUDEPATH += "$${_PRO_FILE_PWD_}/../common/lib/CommsControl"
+INCLUDEPATH += "$${_PRO_FILE_PWD_}/.pio/libdeps/nodemcu-32s/uCRC16Lib_ID5390/src"
+INCLUDEPATH += "$${_PRO_FILE_PWD_}/.pio/libdeps/nodemcu-32s/RingBuffer_ID5418/src"
+INCLUDEPATH += "$${_PRO_FILE_PWD_}/../common/include"
+INCLUDEPATH += "$${HOMEDIR}/.platformio/packages/framework-arduino-avr/cores/arduino"
+INCLUDEPATH += "$${HOMEDIR}/.platformio/packages/framework-arduino-avr/variants/standard"
+INCLUDEPATH += "$${HOMEDIR}/.platformio/packages/framework-arduino-avr/libraries/EEPROM/src"
+INCLUDEPATH += "$${HOMEDIR}/.platformio/packages/framework-arduino-avr/libraries/HID/src"
+INCLUDEPATH += "$${HOMEDIR}/.platformio/packages/framework-arduino-avr/libraries/SPI/src"
+INCLUDEPATH += "$${HOMEDIR}/.platformio/packages/framework-arduino-avr/libraries/SoftwareSerial/src"
+INCLUDEPATH += "$${HOMEDIR}/.platformio/packages/framework-arduino-avr/libraries/Wire/src"
+INCLUDEPATH += "$${HOMEDIR}/.platformio/packages/toolchain-atmelavr/avr/include"
+INCLUDEPATH += "$${HOMEDIR}/.platformio/packages/toolchain-atmelavr/lib/gcc/avr/5.4.0/include"
+INCLUDEPATH += "$${HOMEDIR}/.platformio/packages/toolchain-atmelavr/lib/gcc/avr/5.4.0/include-fixed"
+INCLUDEPATH += "$${HOMEDIR}/.platformio/packages/tool-unity"
+DEFINES += "F_CPU=16000000L"
+DEFINES += "__AVR_ATmega328P__"
+OTHER_FILES += platformio.ini
+HEADERS += src/common.h \
+            src/MemoryFree.h \
+            src/BreathingLoop.h \
+            src/UILoop.h \
+            ../common/lib/CommsControl/CommsCommon.h \
+            ../common/lib/CommsControl/CommsControl.h \
+            ../common/lib/CommsControl/CommsFormat.h
+SOURCES += src/main.cpp \
+            src/MemoryFree.cpp \
+            src/BreathingLoop.cpp \
+            src/common.cpp \
+            src/UILoop.cpp \
+            ../common/lib/commsControl/CommsControl.cpp \
+            ../common/lib/commsControl/CommsFormat.cpp
diff --git a/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/BreathingLoop.cpp b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/BreathingLoop.cpp
index d3c63fb2..2d280410 100644
--- a/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/BreathingLoop.cpp
+++ b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/BreathingLoop.cpp
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ BreathingLoop::~BreathingLoop()
-byte BreathingLoop::getLabCycleMode()
+uint8_t BreathingLoop::getLabCycleMode()
     return _ventilation_mode;
-byte BreathingLoop::getFsmState()
+uint8_t BreathingLoop::getFsmState()
     return _bs_state;
@@ -138,27 +138,26 @@ void BreathingLoop::FSM_breath_cycle()
             // TODO
             // do calib - measure P_regulated for 10 s and calc mean
             // P_patient, P_buffer and P_inhale shoudl be equal
-            _timeout = 10000;
+            _timeout = fsm_timeout.calibration;
         case BL_STATES::BUFF_PREFILL:
-            // TODO - exhale settable; timeout expert settable
+            // TODO - exhale settable
             setValves(V_CLOSED, V_CLOSED, 0.0, 0.8, V_CLOSED, V_CLOSED);
-            _timeout = 100;
+            _timeout = fsm_timeout.buff_prefill;
         case BL_STATES::BUFF_FILL:
-            // TODO - exhale settable; timeout settable
+            // TODO - exhale settable
             setValves(V_OPEN, V_OPEN, 0.0, 0.8, V_CLOSED, V_CLOSED);
-            _timeout = 600;
+            _timeout = fsm_timeout.buff_fill;
         case BL_STATES::BUFF_LOADED:
-            // TODO - exhale settable; timeout expert settable
+            // TODO - exhale settable
             // Calc pressure and stay in loaded if not ok
             // pressure settable by expert
             setValves(V_CLOSED, V_CLOSED, 0.0, 0.8, V_CLOSED, V_CLOSED);
-            _timeout = 100;
+            _timeout = fsm_timeout.buff_loaded;
-            // TODO - timeout settable
-            // spontaneous trigger can be enabled
+            // TODO spontaneous trigger can be enabled
             // - can be triggered by : 
                 // P_inhale ; 
                 // P_diff_patient //=flow
@@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ void BreathingLoop::FSM_breath_cycle()
-                    _timeout = 100;
+                    _timeout = fsm_timeout.buff_pre_inhale;
@@ -189,35 +188,34 @@ void BreathingLoop::FSM_breath_cycle()
             // if p_inhale > max thresh pressure(def: 50?)
             // go to exhale fill
             setValves(V_CLOSED, V_CLOSED, 0.8, 0.0, V_CLOSED, V_CLOSED);
-            _timeout =1000;
+            _timeout = fsm_timeout.inhale;
         case BL_STATES::PAUSE:
-            // TODO: timeout setting
             setValves(V_CLOSED, V_CLOSED, 0.0, 0.0, V_CLOSED, V_CLOSED);
-            _timeout = 500;
+            _timeout = fsm_timeout.pause;
         case BL_STATES::EXHALE_FILL:
-            // TODO: timeout setting
             setValves(V_OPEN, V_OPEN, 0.0, 0.9, V_CLOSED, V_CLOSED);
-            _timeout = 600;
+            _timeout = fsm_timeout.exhale_fill;
         case BL_STATES::EXHALE:
             // TODO: exhale timeout based on 
             // (inhale_time* (Exhale/Inhale ratio))  -  fill time
+            fsm_timeout.exhale = getTimeoutExhale();
             setValves(V_CLOSED, V_CLOSED, 0.0, 0.9, V_CLOSED, V_CLOSED);
-            _timeout = 400;
+            _timeout = fsm_timeout.exhale;
         case BL_STATES::BUFF_PURGE:
             setValves(V_CLOSED, V_CLOSED, 0.0, 0.9, V_OPEN, V_CLOSED);
-            _timeout =1000;
+            _timeout = fsm_timeout.buff_purge;
         case BL_STATES::BUFF_FLUSH:
             setValves(V_CLOSED, V_CLOSED, 0.9, 0.9, V_CLOSED, V_CLOSED);
-            _timeout =1000;
+            _timeout = fsm_timeout.buff_flush;
         case BL_STATES::STOP: 
             // TODO : require a reset command to go back to idle
diff --git a/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/BreathingLoop.h b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/BreathingLoop.h
index 89c1ba17..dbac2f93 100644
--- a/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/BreathingLoop.h
+++ b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/BreathingLoop.h
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ class BreathingLoop
-    byte getLabCycleMode();
-    byte getFsmState();
+    uint8_t getLabCycleMode();
+    uint8_t getFsmState();
     void FSM_assignment();
     void FSM_breath_cycle();
     void doStart();
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public:
     void updatePressures();
     // states
-    enum BL_STATES : byte
+    enum BL_STATES : uint8_t
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public:
 //TODO: this should probably be common
-    enum VENTILATION_MODES : byte
+    enum VENTILATION_MODES : uint8_t
         LAB_MODE_BREATHE = 0,
         LAB_MODE_PURGE = 1,
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ public:
     uint64_t _fsm_time ;
-    int      _timeout;
-    byte     _ventilation_mode;
-    byte     _bs_state;
+    uint32_t _timeout;
+    uint8_t  _ventilation_mode;
+    uint8_t  _bs_state;
     bool     _running;
     bool     _reset;
     int      _next_state;
@@ -62,4 +62,4 @@ private:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/UILoop.cpp b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/UILoop.cpp
index 6d1dcdfa..66bb2a40 100644
--- a/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/UILoop.cpp
+++ b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/UILoop.cpp
@@ -9,16 +9,55 @@ UILoop::UILoop(BreathingLoop *bl)
-int UILoop::doCommand(cmdFormat *cf)
+int UILoop::doCommand(cmd_format *cf)
-    switch(cf->cmdCode){
-        case 0x1 : _breathing_loop->doStart(); 
-        break;
-        case 0x2 : _breathing_loop->doStop(); 
-        break;
+    switch(cf->cmd_type) {
+        case CMD_TYPE::GENERAL:
+            cmdGeneral(cf);
+            break;
+        case CMD_TYPE::SET_TIMEOUT:
+            cmdSetTimeout(cf);
+            break;
+        case CMD_TYPE::SET_MODE:
+            cmdSetMode(cf);
+            break;
+            cmdSetThresholdMin(cf);
+            break;
+            cmdSetThresholdMax(cf);
+            break;
-        break;
+            break;
     return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
+void UILoop::cmdGeneral(cmd_format *cf) {
+    switch (cf->cmd_code) {
+        case 0x1 : _breathing_loop->doStart();
+            break;
+        case 0x2 : _breathing_loop->doStop();
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+void UILoop::cmdSetTimeout(cmd_format *cf) {
+    setTimeout(static_cast<CMD_SET_TIMEOUT>(cf->cmd_code), fsm_timeout, cf->param);
+void UILoop::cmdSetMode(cmd_format *cf) {
+    ;
+void UILoop::cmdSetThresholdMin(cmd_format *cf) {
+    setThreshold(static_cast<ALARM_CODES>(cf->cmd_code), alarm_threshold_min, cf->param);
+void UILoop::cmdSetThresholdMax(cmd_format *cf) {
+    setThreshold(static_cast<ALARM_CODES>(cf->cmd_code), alarm_threshold_max, cf->param);
diff --git a/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/UILoop.h b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/UILoop.h
index 949a1ac4..957e8dea 100644
--- a/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/UILoop.h
+++ b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/UILoop.h
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #include <Arduino.h>
-#include "commsFormat.h"
+#include "CommsFormat.h"
 #include "BreathingLoop.h"
+#include "common.h"
 class UILoop
@@ -8,7 +9,13 @@ class UILoop
     UILoop(BreathingLoop *bl);
-    int doCommand(cmdFormat *cf);
+    int doCommand(cmd_format *cf);
+    void cmdGeneral(cmd_format *cf);
+    void cmdSetTimeout(cmd_format *cf);
+    void cmdSetMode(cmd_format *cf);
+    void cmdSetThresholdMin(cmd_format *cf);
+    void cmdSetThresholdMax(cmd_format *cf);
     BreathingLoop *_breathing_loop;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/common.cpp b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/common.cpp
index 835e310d..7e989473 100644
--- a/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/common.cpp
+++ b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/common.cpp
@@ -44,4 +44,131 @@ void getValves(bool &vin_air, bool &vin_o2, float &vinhale,
     vexhale = valve_port_states.exhale;
     vpurge  = valve_port_states.purge ;
     vatmos  = valve_port_states.atmos;
\ No newline at end of file
+void setThreshold(ALARM_CODES alarm, alarm_thresholds &thresholds, uint32_t value) {
+    switch (alarm) {
+        case ALARM_CODES::APNEA                         :
+            thresholds.apnea = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::CHECK_VALVE_EXHALE            :
+            thresholds.check_valve_exhale = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::CHECK_P_PATIENT               :
+            thresholds.check_p_patient = value;
+            break;
+            thresholds.expiration_sense_fault_or_leak = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::EXPIRATION_VALVE_Leak         :
+            thresholds.expiration_valve_leak = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::HIGH_FIO2                     :
+            thresholds.high_fio2 = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::HIGH_PRESSURE                 :
+            thresholds.high_pressure = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::HIGH_RR                       :
+            thresholds.high_rr = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::HIGH_VTE                      :
+            thresholds.high_vte = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::LOW_VTE                       :
+            thresholds.low_vte = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::HIGH_VTI                      :
+            thresholds.high_vti = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::LOW_VTI                       :
+            thresholds.low_vti = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::INTENTIONAL_STOP              :
+            thresholds.intentional_stop = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::LOW_BATTERY                   :
+            thresholds.low_battery = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::LOW_FIO2                      :
+            thresholds.low_fio2 = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::OCCLUSION                     :
+            thresholds.occlusion = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::HIGH_PEEP                     :
+            thresholds.high_peep = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::LOW_PEEP                      :
+            thresholds.low_peep = value;
+            break;
+            thresholds.ac_power_disconnection = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::BATTERY_FAULT_SRVC            :
+            thresholds.battery_fault_srvc = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::BATTERY_CHARGE                :
+            thresholds.battery_charge = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::AIR_FAIL                      :
+            thresholds.air_fail = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::O2_FAIL                       :
+            thresholds.o2_fail = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::PRESSURE_SENSOR_FAULT         :
+            thresholds.pressure_sensor_fault = value;
+            break;
+        case ALARM_CODES::ARDUINO_FAIL                  :
+            thresholds.arduino_fail = value;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+void setTimeout(CMD_SET_TIMEOUT cmd, fsm_timeouts &timeouts, uint32_t value) {
+    switch (cmd) {
+            timeouts.calibration     = value;
+            break;
+            timeouts.buff_purge      = value;
+            break;
+            timeouts.buff_flush      = value;
+            break;
+            timeouts.buff_prefill    = value;
+            break;
+            timeouts.buff_fill       = value;
+            break;
+            timeouts.buff_loaded     = value;
+            break;
+            timeouts.buff_pre_inhale = value;
+            break;
+        case CMD_SET_TIMEOUT::INHALE:
+            timeouts.inhale          = value;
+            break;
+        case CMD_SET_TIMEOUT::PAUSE:
+            timeouts.pause           = value;
+            break;
+            timeouts.exhale_fill     = value;
+            break;
+        case CMD_SET_TIMEOUT::EXHALE:
+            timeouts.exhale          = value;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+uint32_t getTimeoutExhale() {
+    // FIXME 1/1 has to be replaced using exhale/inhale ratio
+    return static_cast<uint32_t>(fsm_timeout.inhale * ( 1/ 1) ) - fsm_timeout.buff_fill;
diff --git a/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/common.h b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/common.h
index c2ac7b55..3eecb47f 100644
--- a/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/common.h
+++ b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/common.h
@@ -27,29 +27,137 @@
 // input params
-enum hev_modes : byte
+enum CMD_TYPE  : uint8_t {
+    GENERAL           =  1,
+    SET_TIMEOUT       =  2,
+    SET_MODE          =  3,
+enum CMD_GENERAL : uint8_t {
+    START =  1,
+    STOP  =  2,
+    PURGE =  3,
+    FLUSH =  4
+// Taken from the FSM doc. Correct as of 1400 on 20200417
+enum CMD_SET_TIMEOUT : uint8_t {
+    CALIBRATION     =  1,
+    BUFF_PURGE      =  2,
+    BUFF_FLUSH      =  3,
+    BUFF_PREFILL    =  4,
+    BUFF_FILL       =  5,
+    BUFF_LOADED     =  6,
+    BUFF_PRE_INHALE =  7,
+    INHALE          =  8,
+    PAUSE           =  9,
+    EXHALE_FILL     = 10,
+    EXHALE          = 11
+enum CMD_SET_MODE : uint8_t {
-enum valve_states : bool
+enum ALARM_TYPE: uint8_t {
+    LP   = 1,
+    MP   = 2,
+    HP   = 3
+enum ALARM_CODES: uint8_t {
+    APNEA                          =  1,  // HP
+    CHECK_VALVE_EXHALE             =  2,  // HP
+    CHECK_P_PATIENT                =  3,  // HP
+    EXPIRATION_VALVE_Leak          =  5,  //   MP
+    HIGH_FIO2                      =  6,  //   MP
+    HIGH_PRESSURE                  =  7,  // HP
+    HIGH_RR                        =  8,  //   MP
+    HIGH_VTE                       =  9,  //   MP
+    LOW_VTE                        = 10,  //   MP
+    HIGH_VTI                       = 11,  //   MP
+    LOW_VTI                        = 12,  //   MP
+    INTENTIONAL_STOP               = 13,  // HP
+    LOW_BATTERY                    = 14,  // HP (LP) if AC power isn't (is) connected
+    LOW_FIO2                       = 15,  // HP
+    OCCLUSION                      = 16,  // HP
+    HIGH_PEEP                      = 17,  // HP
+    LOW_PEEP                       = 18,  // HP
+    AC_POWER_DISCONNECTION         = 19,  //   MP
+    BATTERY_FAULT_SRVC             = 20,  //   MP
+    BATTERY_CHARGE                 = 21,  //   MP
+    AIR_FAIL                       = 22,  // HP
+    O2_FAIL                        = 23,  // HP
+    PRESSURE_SENSOR_FAULT          = 24,  // HP
+    ARDUINO_FAIL                   = 25   // HP
+enum VALVE_STATES : bool {
     V_OPEN = HIGH,
-static struct struct_valve_port_states 
+struct fsm_timeouts {
+    uint32_t calibration;
+    uint32_t buff_purge;
+    uint32_t buff_flush;
+    uint32_t buff_prefill;
+    uint32_t buff_fill;
+    uint32_t buff_loaded;
+    uint32_t buff_pre_inhale;
+    uint32_t inhale;
+    uint32_t pause;
+    uint32_t exhale_fill;
+    uint32_t exhale; // has to be calculated using function getTimeoutExhale()
+struct alarm_thresholds {
+    uint32_t apnea;
+    uint32_t check_valve_exhale;
+    uint32_t check_p_patient;
+    uint32_t expiration_sense_fault_or_leak;
+    uint32_t expiration_valve_leak;
+    uint32_t high_fio2;
+    uint32_t high_pressure;
+    uint32_t high_rr;
+    uint32_t high_vte;
+    uint32_t low_vte;
+    uint32_t high_vti;
+    uint32_t low_vti;
+    uint32_t intentional_stop;
+    uint32_t low_battery;
+    uint32_t low_fio2;
+    uint32_t occlusion;
+    uint32_t high_peep;
+    uint32_t low_peep;
+    uint32_t ac_power_disconnection;
+    uint32_t battery_fault_srvc;
+    uint32_t battery_charge;
+    uint32_t air_fail;
+    uint32_t o2_fail;
+    uint32_t pressure_sensor_fault;
+    uint32_t arduino_fail;
+// default values definitions
+static fsm_timeouts     fsm_timeout = {10000, 600, 600, 100, 600, 100, 100, 1000, 500, 600, 400};
+static alarm_thresholds alarm_threshold_min;
+static alarm_thresholds alarm_threshold_max;
+static struct struct_valve_port_states {
     // bools are used for valves that are digitally controlled - i.e. only on or off.
-    bool air_in;  
+    bool air_in;
     bool o2_in;
-    float inhale; 
+    float inhale;
     float exhale;
     bool purge;
-    bool atmos;    
+    bool atmos;
 } valve_port_states;
 // static uint32_t valve_port_states = 0x0; 
@@ -61,4 +169,8 @@ void setValves(bool vin_air, bool vin_o2, float vinhale,
 void getValves(bool &vin_air, bool &vin_o2, float &vinhale,  
                float &vexhale, bool &vpurge, bool &vatmos);
\ No newline at end of file
+void setThreshold(ALARM_CODES alarm, alarm_thresholds &thresholds, uint32_t value);
+void setTimeout(CMD_SET_TIMEOUT cmd, fsm_timeouts &timeouts, uint32_t value);
+uint32_t getTimeoutExhale();
diff --git a/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/main.cpp b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/main.cpp
index d366b661..62fda8c2 100644
--- a/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/main.cpp
+++ b/arduino/hev_prototype_v1/src/main.cpp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 #include <Wire.h>
 #include "Adafruit_MCP9808.h"
 #include <INA.h>
-#include "commsControl.h"
+#include "CommsControl.h"
 #include "BreathingLoop.h"
 #include "UILoop.h"
 #include "common.h"
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ float expiratory_minute_volume; // calc?? same as inspiratory_minute_volume?
 float trigger_sensitivity;
 // comms
-dataFormat data;
-commsControl comms;
-payload plReceive;
-payload plSend;
+data_format data;
+CommsControl comms;
+Payload plReceive;
+Payload plSend;
 // loops
 BreathingLoop breathing_loop;
@@ -39,19 +39,19 @@ UILoop        ui_loop(&breathing_loop);
 bool start_fsm = false;
 // calculations
-float calc_tidal_volume()
+float calcTidalVolume()
     return inspiratory_minute_volume / respiratory_rate;
-float calc_expiration_time()
+float calcExpirationTime()
     float total_respiratory_time = 60.0 / respiratory_rate;
     // total = expire + inspire + pause
     return (total_respiratory_time - inspiratory_time - pause_time);
-float calc_expiratory_minute_volume()
+float calcExpiratoryMinuteVolume()
     // probably need to calculate this from readings
     return 0;
@@ -132,22 +132,20 @@ void loop()
     if(report_cnt % (update_freq/report_freq) == 0)
-        plSend.setType(payloadType::payloadData);
+        plSend.setType(PAYLOAD_TYPE::DATA);
     // per cycle sender
     // per cycle receiver
     uint8_t cmdCode = 0;
-      if (plReceive.getType() == payloadType::payloadCmd) {
-        //   cmdCode = (plReceive.getCmd()->cmdCode);
+      if (plReceive.getType() == PAYLOAD_TYPE::CMD) {
-          plReceive.setType(payloadType::payloadUnset);
+          plReceive.setType(PAYLOAD_TYPE::UNSET);