Move the altera-related stuff at to a new class

parent 28ecb151
......@@ -30,9 +30,10 @@ from .util import path as path_mod
from . import fetch
from .module_synthesis import ModuleSynthesis
from .module_simulation import ModuleSimulation
from .module_altera import ModuleAltera
class Module(ModuleSynthesis, ModuleSimulation):
class Module(ModuleSynthesis, ModuleSimulation, ModuleAltera):
def source(self):
return self._source
......@@ -90,12 +91,6 @@ class Module(ModuleSynthesis, ModuleSimulation):
self.svn = []
self.git_submodules = []
# Manifest Altera Properties
self.quartus_preflow = None
self.quartus_postmodule = None
self.quartus_postflow = None
self.hw_tcl_filename = None
# Manifest Included Makefiles
self.incl_makefiles = []
......@@ -371,35 +366,6 @@ class Module(ModuleSynthesis, ModuleSimulation):
# source=fetch.GITSUBMODULE))
def _process_manifest_altera(self):
if self.manifest_dict["quartus_preflow"] != None:
path = path_mod.rel2abs(self.manifest_dict["quartus_preflow"], self.path);
if not os.path.exists(path):
p.error("quartus_preflow file listed in " + self.manifest.path + " doesn't exist: "
+ path + ".\nExiting.")
self.quartus_preflow = TCLFile(path)
if self.manifest_dict["quartus_postmodule"] != None:
path = path_mod.rel2abs(self.manifest_dict["quartus_postmodule"], self.path);
if not os.path.exists(path):
p.error("quartus_postmodule file listed in " + self.manifest.path + " doesn't exist: "
+ path + ".\nExiting.")
self.quartus_postmodule = TCLFile(path)
if self.manifest_dict["quartus_postflow"] != None:
path = path_mod.rel2abs(self.manifest_dict["quartus_postflow"], self.path);
if not os.path.exists(path):
p.error("quartus_postflow file listed in " + self.manifest.path + " doesn't exist: "
+ path + ".\nExiting.")
self.quartus_postflow = TCLFile(path)
if "hw_tcl_filename" in self.manifest_dict:
self.hw_tcl_filename = self.manifest_dict["hw_tcl_filename"]
def _process_manifest_force_tool(self):
if self.manifest_dict["force_tool"]:
ft = self.manifest_dict["force_tool"]
import os
from .util import path as path_mod
class ModuleAltera(object):
def __init__(self):
super(ModuleAltera, self).__init__()
# Manifest Altera Properties
self.quartus_preflow = None
self.quartus_postmodule = None
self.quartus_postflow = None
self.hw_tcl_filename = None
def _process_manifest_altera(self):
from .srcfile import TCLFile
if self.manifest_dict["quartus_preflow"] != None:
path = path_mod.rel2abs(self.manifest_dict["quartus_preflow"], self.path);
if not os.path.exists(path):
p.error("quartus_preflow file listed in " + self.manifest.path + " doesn't exist: "
+ path + ".\nExiting.")
self.quartus_preflow = TCLFile(path)
if self.manifest_dict["quartus_postmodule"] != None:
path = path_mod.rel2abs(self.manifest_dict["quartus_postmodule"], self.path);
if not os.path.exists(path):
p.error("quartus_postmodule file listed in " + self.manifest.path + " doesn't exist: "
+ path + ".\nExiting.")
self.quartus_postmodule = TCLFile(path)
if self.manifest_dict["quartus_postflow"] != None:
path = path_mod.rel2abs(self.manifest_dict["quartus_postflow"], self.path);
if not os.path.exists(path):
p.error("quartus_postflow file listed in " + self.manifest.path + " doesn't exist: "
+ path + ".\nExiting.")
self.quartus_postflow = TCLFile(path)
if "hw_tcl_filename" in self.manifest_dict:
self.hw_tcl_filename = self.manifest_dict["hw_tcl_filename"]
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