Commit 9732b719 authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

makefilevsim: simplify.

parent 5cea63ad
......@@ -90,14 +90,6 @@ class MakefileVsim(MakefileSim):
The Makefile format is shared, but flags, dependencies, clean rules,
etc are defined by the specific tool.
def __create_copy_rule(name, src):
"""Get a Makefile rule named name, which depends on src,
copying it to the local directory."""
rule = """%s: %s
\t\t%s $< . 2>&1
""" % (name, src, shell.copy_command())
return rule
cwd = os.getcwd()
fileset = self.fileset
if self.manifest_dict.get("include_dirs") is None:
......@@ -122,7 +114,8 @@ class MakefileVsim(MakefileSim):
self.writeln("$(VHDL_OBJ): $(LIB_IND) " + ' '.join(self.additional_deps))
for filename, filesource in six.iteritems(self.copy_rules):
self.write(__create_copy_rule(filename, filesource))
self.writeln("{}: {}".format(filename, filesource))
self.writeln("\t\t{} $< . 2>&1".format(shell.copy_command()))
for lib in libs:
self.write(lib + shell.makefile_slash_char() + "." + lib + ":\n")
self.write("\t(vlib {0} && vmap $(VMAP_FLAGS) {0} && {1} {0}{2}.{0})".format(
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