Commit 5fa5eef5 authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold add altera

parent a1be3222
......@@ -49,9 +49,24 @@ def build_xilinx():
add_entity(res, n)
return res
def build_altera():
res = []
for n in ['altsyncram',
'cyclone_asmiblock', 'cycloneii_asmiblock', 'cyclonev_asmiblock',
'stratixii_asmiblock', 'stratixiii_asmiblock', 'stratixiv_asmiblock',
'arria2_pcie_reconf', 'arria5_pcie_reconf',
'arria2_pcie_hip', 'arria5_pcie_hip',
'arria5_phy8', 'arria5_phy16', 'arria5_phy_reconf',
'scfifo', 'dcfifo',
add_entity(res, n)
return res
def build_vhdl():
res = []
# TODO: dependency for any package of the library.
# TODO: dependency for any package of a library.
for p in ['textio', 'env']:
add_package(res, "std", p)
for p in ['std_logic_1164', 'numeric_std',
......@@ -62,5 +77,6 @@ def build_vhdl():
all_system_libs = {
'xilinx': build_xilinx,
'vhdl': build_vhdl
'vhdl': build_vhdl,
'altera': build_altera
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