Commit 07087474 authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold minor refactoring (add comments, move code).

parent fa8d0961
......@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ class Module(object):
This is the class providing the HDLMake module, the basic element
providing the modular behavior allowing for structured designs.
Note: a module is identified by its URL.
def __init__(self, module_args, action):
......@@ -75,26 +77,26 @@ class Module(object):
self.incl_makefiles = []
self.library = "work"
self.action = None
self.top_manifest = None
self.top_manifest = action.get_top_manifest()
self.manifest_dict = {}
self.source = None
self.parent = None
self.source = module_args.source # The fetcher (module, git, ...)
self.parent = module_args.parent
self.url = None
self.branch = None
self.revision = None
self.path = None
self.isfetched = False
self.path = None # Relative path to the module.
self.isfetched = False # True if the module exists on the file system.
self.action = action
self.top_manifest = action.get_top_manifest()
self.module_args = module_args
def __str__(self):
return self.module_args.url
def init_config(self, module_args):
"""This initializes the module configuration.
The function is executed by Module constructor"""
self.parent = module_args.parent
url = module_args.url
self.source = module_args.source
fetchto = module_args.fetchto
if self.source == 'local':
......@@ -107,6 +109,7 @@ class Module(object):
self.path = path_mod.relpath(url)
self.isfetched = True
# Split URL (extract basename, revision, branch...)
if self.source == 'svn':
self.url, self.revision = path_mod.svn_parse(url)
basename = path_mod.svn_basename(self.url)
......@@ -147,14 +150,6 @@ class Module(object):
self.path, filepath)
return True
def _make_list_of_paths(self, list_of_paths):
"""Get a list with only the valid absolute paths from the provided"""
paths = []
for filepath in list_of_paths:
if self._check_filepath(filepath):
paths.append(path_mod.rel2abs(filepath, self.path))
return paths
def process_manifest(self):
"""Process the content section of the manifest_dict"""
logging.debug("Process manifest at: " + os.path.dirname(self.path))
......@@ -166,13 +161,21 @@ class Module(object):
def _process_manifest_universal(self):
"""Method processing the universal manifest directives;
set library (inherited if not set) and action"""
set library (inherited if not set)."""
# Libraries
if "library" in self.manifest_dict:
self.library = self.manifest_dict["library"]
elif self.parent:
self.library = self.parent.library
def _make_list_of_paths(self, list_of_paths):
"""Get a list with only the valid absolute paths from the provided"""
paths = []
for filepath in list_of_paths:
if self._check_filepath(filepath):
paths.append(path_mod.rel2abs(filepath, self.path))
return paths
def _create_file_list_from_paths(self, paths):
Build a Source File Set containing the files indicated by the
......@@ -268,7 +271,8 @@ class Module(object):
path = git_submodule_dict[submodule_key]["path"]
path = os.path.join(git_toplevel, path)
fetchto = os.path.sep.join(path.split(os.path.sep)[:-1])
......@@ -287,9 +291,6 @@ class Module(object):
makefiles_paths = self._make_list_of_paths(included_makefiles_aux)
def __str__(self):
return self.module_args.url
def submodules(self):
"""Get a list with all the submodules this module instance requires"""
return self.modules['local'] + self.modules['git'] \
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