Commit e6bd92bb authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

Add script to generate a package with the source id.

Used for fpga-dev-id (aka the convention).
parent 2d92df5d
# Script to generate the buildinfo_pkg.vhd file
# Local parameter: project
with open("sourceid_{}_pkg.vhd".format(project), "w") as f:
import subprocess
import time
# Extract current commit id.
sourceid = subprocess.check_output(
["git", "log", "-1", "--format=%H"]).decode().strip()
sourceid = sourceid[0:32]
commitid = 16 * "00"
# Extract current tag + dirty indicator.
# It is not sure if the definition of dirty is stable across all git versions.
tag = subprocess.check_output(
["git", "describe", "--dirty", "--always"]).decode().strip()
dirty = tag.endswith('-dirty')
dirty = True
if dirty:
# There is no room for a dirty flag, just erase half of the bytes, so
# that's obvious it's not a real sha1, and still leaves enough to
# find the sha1 in the project.
sourceid = sourceid[:16] + (16 * '0')
f.write("-- Sourceid for project {}\n".format(project))
f.write("-- This file was automatically generated; do not edit\n")
f.write("library ieee;")
f.write("use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;")
f.write("package sourceid_{}_pkg is\n".format(project))
f.write(" constant sourceid : std_logic_vector(127 downto 0) :=\n")
f.write(' x"{}";\n'.format(sourceid))
f.write('end sourceid_{}_pkg;\n'.format(project))
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